Unfortunately not as good as the first one. Still great tho

The only Souls-like game that managed to reach the level of quality seen in titles from From Software.
However, my biggest complaint would be the easy difficulty. Version 1.5 of the game seems to have been significantly toned down, rendering many of its systems seemingly pointless. While I understand the developers' motivation to make the game more accessible to a wider range of gamers, I can't help but wish we could experience the original vision around which most of the mechanics were designed, especially regarding shortcuts and the additional combat systems (Legion, Fabel, Spec. Grindstone, Cube).

Many of the side abilities serve as nothing more than a get-out-of-jail card for dealing with a single tough enemy while traveling between bonfires. Unfortunately, most of these side weapon systems lack good synergy and are not useful in other ways. In boss fights, these systems become a tedious checklist, which quickly becomes annoying.

Another issue I have is the overuse and odd placement of shortcuts. Most of them become redundant after unlocking them, possibly due to the reduced difficulty. While shortcuts in Dark Souls are usually satisfying to unlock after a challenging push and are often unexpected, LoP overuses them and reveals them too early, removing the sense of discovery. The linearity of the levels only adds to this issue.

Still, LoP is a very enjoyable game with a fantastic atmosphere, story and satisfying combat. Despited being called just another souls clone, the game has enough of identity to stand on its own, in terms of both gameplay and story.