Before playing it i was creeped off by this games metascore but when i started playing... damn this game is a masterpiece.
Constant mystery and interesting characters , insane art style and amazing visuals and pretty decent story. With his out of ordinary visuals this game is one of a kind.

i think everyone should try this masterpiece

i forgot this game existed

i played it on arcade for like 2 hours


this is art movie but for games. Incredible soundtrack and the meaning of the game is very touching and beatiful

i played this game when i was a kid and it was fucking amazing

story isnt that strong but gameplay is what defines this game

idk i didnt like it that much

what do people except from mario party is fun asf

for 1993 this game is probably the most diverse and its still playable in 2020s. i had fun while playing it


far cry game without a proper villain and grinding ruins the game but i think its overhated

unpopular opinion. i think fc4 is better