Easy DS otome/rhythm game with beautiful and awesome renditions of classical music in different styles such as samba, and very nice dancing scenes, though if you look at them too much you'll fail the rhythm game.

"We have WarioWare at home"

By the way, the picture is wrong.

The battle theme from this game will be engraved on your mind forever. As a kid playing this game, it was awesome to be able to change the story from the show, depending on your actions. Overall, this game is very simple and even lacking as far as maps and overworld design go, but none of that really matters when your game manages to catch the energy of the show. You can't help but love this game. The small cutscenes during the battles are just fucking awesome.

I am mind-blown by this chapter.

Don't get me wrong, this is a beloved game and I'm happy for those who really enjoy it, however, my experience was as it follows: while they nailed it regarding plot and characters, in this game you're a superpowered maniac that annihilates anything on your path. There's not much need to backtrack except in obvious places so you'll never stop from going a straight line through the castle exterminating anything that moves. Items you get from exploring rarely are better than the ones you can buy, so most of the times I just sold them to buy High Potions, which makes the bosses a matter of button mashing fast enough. I believe that if this game was more challenging/interesting (regarding bosses AND exploration) like Circle of the Moon it could have been a masterpiece.