I completed the Yuffie DLC - I think it was a fun short romp that connected a lot more dots than it disconnected. It was cool seeing what happened during events of the main game as well.

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Despite the internets complaints on this game - I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. I think the ending was quite the twist and while I didn't see it coming, I thought it was a great way to end the game. Here's to hoping they put out some DLC to continue the story as I very much wish to see more in this region. Now to complete the Pokédex .....somehow.

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So, I originally played this game back on the PSP when it came out. I enjoyed it for what is was at the time but it didn't really hook me as hard as it did this time for some reason. This time around however, it pulled me in relentlessly and never let me go.

From the beginning of the game, we are shown the 2nd class SOLDIER Zack Fair's adventure as he attempts to figure out what happened to his comrades Genesis and Angeal who seemed to have deserted SOLDIER for their own machinations. However, as you play the game you realize that the truth isn't in black and white and has various shades of grey. While playing this game, I was remembering all the minor details of FFVII that seemed non-consequential at the time however those details have huge impacts on this story. Things like the Wutai war that kicks the game off and even the Nibelheim disaster are shown through a totally different lens than the unreliable narrator that is Cloud Strife in FFVII. It appears that Cloud not only took Zack's identity but also all of his memories and tried to change the narrative to fit his "SOLDIER credentials". One thing that really impacted me during this game versus my first playthrough was his relationship with Aerith.
Zack's relationship with Aerith felt realer than Clouds in FFVII. I feel like after playing this and FFVII it almost feels like Cloud exploited Aerith in a way that makes it a bit grosser now. However, on the other side of the coin it also reveals that maybe Tifa is Cloud's real "love" as during the Nibelheim incident she incessantly asks about him. Cloud being too ashamed to admit that he didn't hit SOLDIER during this time goes to show that he clearly felt like he let his hometown down.
Another thing that kinda hit me - was the hope that after beating Final Fantasy VII Remake some time ago - I hope they rewrite Zack's ending. I know a lot of people want his ending to stay this way as it's a real heroes ending but in my opinion I think they did Zack wrong. I think he had more story to tell and I'd be really interested if he becomes a bigger part of the FFVII Remake sequel.
Also, we gotta talk about Sephiroth. Talk about going from one side of the coin to another faster than you can flip it. Like - he seemed honorable and like a true hero you keep hearing about as the game progresses, however once he learns the truth about his creation he completely snaps in a way that I'm trying to decide is completely realistic or not. To go from honorable hero to insane villain in a pretty short span is something else.
This is getting a bit long, so I'll wrap it up by saying - the ending was incredibly satisfying. It still left a lot of things to be answered and some things have still remained unanswered to this day. I just hope that they continue to make more FFVII media as it's an incredibly fascinating world and this game is a great prequel to everything that comes before in my opinion.

I think this was a pretty awesome love letter to the Streets of Rage (Bare Knuckle in JP) series as a whole. It was pretty well paced and the secret unlocks were pretty awesome. I'll probably play through this one again to see what else this game has to offer.