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one of the hardest most grueling games of all fucking time like i played this game terribly these islands will fuckgin kick your ass but god was this a good game i loved cryptid island and the one w the rabbit

i thought i was much younger than i was when i first played this and so admitting that i played like shit feels worse. really cute game great sound effects but god is this an absolute kick in the balls to play

out of all the modern persona games (3, 4, 5), 3 is the most polarizing. 3's gameplay was bashed for a lack of player input and repetitive layouts but to me that felt like an integral part of the experience, which probably says more about me than it does the game. the story was bashed for being too one-note and at times, a little too depressing, however, out of all modern persona games this ones story might be the best purely on the basis of its treatment of mental illness and the way it discusses suicide. the treatment of mental illness in persona 3 feels almost therapeutic to go through and persona 3 isn't afraid to talk about inequality and stigma that the player themselves can help change in real life.
this game deserves to be remade without a doubt.