Galaga is already good but this just hits different. It takes the arcade classic and makes it a proper shmup with level progressions and even a final boss. This is the definitive Galaga experience for me.

RRRRIPPED by Roar of Time!
TORN A PART by SPAcial REnd!
COM-plete deSTRUCtion by ~ShAdOw FoRcE~!

When Uncle Mario said "It's a-me, Mario!" I screamed

why did we ever stop using vector displays?

After beating this game, I glanced at the trophy list only to find that I missed entire areas and side missions all throughout the game despite my pretty thorough investigation of each hub. I love a game that has the confidence to let players naturally discover (or not discover) huge chunks of the game at their own pace, and that innate freedom and player respect shines through at every level of this game's design. One of the best modern cyberpunk classics.

Other than how it abruptly ends in a manner suspiciously reminiscent of a full game chopped into thirds for optimal franchise milking, this is an amazing follow up to Human Revolution. Just wish it was, ya know, finished.

High octane free roam multiplayer racing with impeccable high speed crashing mechanics set to the sweet dadrock of Guns N Roses

This is the greatest Spider-Man movie ever made.

I never played the original before (or any Monkey Ball games for that matter), so I found this perfectly fun and enjoyable.

I did permanently rage quit at one of the post-game challenge levels though

I wish more games had the guts to release completely unfitting spinoff entries with bizarre fantasy theming. This is literally Infamous with vampires and it's great! Give me more of that! Where's Ratchet and Clank with vampires? Uncharted with giant robots? Deus Ex with ghosts? Make more weird shit!

Outside of those awful Imprisoned boss fights (yes, fights with an 's'), this is a perfectly wonderful Zelda game that gets unfairly trashed on. Here's hoping the HD remaster with traditional control options and other QoL updates helps change this game's reputation.

A cool little AR experience that's basically just for getting access to rare exclusive legendary Pokémon. It gets stars docked for starting a trend of The Pokémon Company setting bad precedents.

This is a fun, totally serviceable little game. Unfortunately though, as a follow-up to the original Luigi's Mansion, it trades in the incredible atmosphere and horror elements for a more New Super Mario Bros.-ified experience. This really harms the game in my opinion, since it no longer stands out as something interesting and experimental and instead now neatly folds itself into the Super Mario series portfolio.

Polterpup is great tho don't get it twisted