5 reviews liked by zerooverride

My expectations for you were low, but holy fuck!

"Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are you?"
"How tough am I!? I beat Rayman 1!"
"Yeah, so?"
"Four times. On four different consoles including the weird Game Boy Advance port with the small screen and that one Game Boy Color version no one remembers that actually has a Mr. Dark boss battle."
"R-Right this way!"

As a videogame, it's not particularly good, the platforming is fine but the combat can get relatively lame, it's also a bit on the bad side performance wise
It is a very charming work of macabre art though, which is most likely the reason why you would be playing this game: the artstyle, characters, setting and music is all very memorable with quirky weird characters and a depressive story sprinkled on top

I had this when I was a kid and couldn't get past the second level.

Imagine the worst possible Duke Nukem game. Now make it even more sexist and retrograde. Now make it an unintentional journey through the most obnoxious design trends of '00s era shooters. Congratulations, you've arrived at Duke Nukem Forever. I wish I could make a "Did Not Finish" joke here, but I forced myself to see it through to the end, just to say I could. It emphatically was not worth it.