Excellent game with a unique world and plenty of interesting mechanics... but it took me almost 5 years to beat. Not because it's difficult but because if you're not in the right mood, this game can DRAG. Overall though, a solid experience.

40 dollars for 5 of the best shooters of all time and Halo 4? Buy it right now. Finish the fight.

Good, but not complete saga good.

My personal favorite Netherealm fighter, it's a bit jank and unbalanced, but it's super fun, with an awesome roster. The story... sucks but it is good for Netherealm. The PS3 version is kinda goated.

Zombies Carries this game, the campaign is mid, and multiplayer has been done better but is serviceable. Get it on steam for the workshop support.

Pretty Fun game, still grinding it out for 100% rn but the campaign is super fun, more so with friends.

V0.2.1 is the last version i have played. The game is still actively in dev. It's jank and kinda shit, but pretty fun, get it on sale and join the discord, I'm sure you'll have a good enough time

The current version on steam is an absolute banger, a lot of improvement from when I first started playing in 2018. Give it a try, just know it takes a while when you're learning how to best deal with situations. Pro-tip, make you and your friends with good abilities, then watch your friends die because you suck at the game.

Just a fun little time waster I come back to every now and then. When I get the final five achievements I need I think ill be done for good.

Good game, but I just prefer some of the earlier titles

This game is an awful, janky mess. That's exactly what makes it so fun! Complete freedom with janky gameplay just... works! Also, you can straight-up kill people.

This game is a huge no for me to be honest. But TimeSplitters 2 is cool. Get it on sale on steam for like 2 dollars so you can have Time Splitters 2.