This game is a bit of a complex beast. While I think it is one of if not the best Star Wars Games, it has some flaws and shows some age. I also played on the somewhat rushed, lightly inferior PC port available on Steam, not through the classic collection, so there are some GUI issues and some jank not present in the improved console versions. Overall though, this is one of the best shooters I've played with big army combat, and one of the best star wars games ever.

Solid little free fighter. Cant wait for 2 to come out this year!

"The Jackbox party pack 7 will jingle your bells" - Jackbox voiceover guy

Hey it's that game with a solid concept but awful gameplay! Neat.

Is this rating solely on nostalgia? Who cares! I've 100% this thing on 2 consoles and am on the grind on PC!

Decent game mechanically, bogged down mainly by a questionable roster. For example, WHY IS THERE ONE MORE MARVEL CHARACTER THAN CAPCOM CHARACTERS??? BUCKY JUST SITS THERE ON THE CAPCOM SIDE, STANDING OUT LIKE EXCEPT NO MERCY ON EVO MAINSTAGE!!! but I do like the style and the story's alright... that roster just sucks enough to drag this to a 2.5.

40 dollars for 5 of the best shooters of all time and Halo 4? Buy it right now. Finish the fight.

Excellent game with a unique world and plenty of interesting mechanics... but it took me almost 5 years to beat. Not because it's difficult but because if you're not in the right mood, this game can DRAG. Overall though, a solid experience.

Good, but not complete saga good.

My personal favorite Netherealm fighter, it's a bit jank and unbalanced, but it's super fun, with an awesome roster. The story... sucks but it is good for Netherealm. The PS3 version is kinda goated.