Excellent game with a unique world and plenty of interesting mechanics... but it took me almost 5 years to beat. Not because it's difficult but because if you're not in the right mood, this game can DRAG. Overall though, a solid experience.

When it comes to wrestling games, this release has major upsides... and major downsides as well. It has the best creation suite to ever grace a wrestling game, upgrading the amount of Caws you can have to 100, and it has one of the most stacked rosters ever. While the lack of a proper season mode is disappointing, 30 Years Of Wrestlemania Mode and the Story Editor Mode are both present in this release, combined with what is probably the 2nd or 3rd best version of universe mode, this is more than made up for. It is missing some additional match types that would be nice to have, such as buried alive matches, but the selection is varied enough. The AI in this entry can be super unpredictable, and while I can't confirm this to be true, it has been noticed by myself and others that the AI seems to adapt to its move set and character gradually. Again, this isn't proven, but it's certainly a feeling of its existence, keeping the fights fresh. Due to the out right insane customization, this stays the peak overall package game to me, although SvR07 and Smackdown HCTP can come pretty close/

This game is a bit of a complex beast. While I think it is one of if not the best Star Wars Games, it has some flaws and shows some age. I also played on the somewhat rushed, lightly inferior PC port available on Steam, not through the classic collection, so there are some GUI issues and some jank not present in the improved console versions. Overall though, this is one of the best shooters I've played with big army combat, and one of the best star wars games ever.

Hey it's that game with a solid concept but awful gameplay! Neat.

Played this on a friend's account a few times. It's cool and all but, idk man I just found myself going 'eh'. Guess it's just not for me.

Zombies Carries this game, the campaign is mid, and multiplayer has been done better but is serviceable. Get it on steam for the workshop support.

Pretty Fun game, still grinding it out for 100% rn but the campaign is super fun, more so with friends.

V0.2.1 is the last version i have played. The game is still actively in dev. It's jank and kinda shit, but pretty fun, get it on sale and join the discord, I'm sure you'll have a good enough time

The current version on steam is an absolute banger, a lot of improvement from when I first started playing in 2018. Give it a try, just know it takes a while when you're learning how to best deal with situations. Pro-tip, make you and your friends with good abilities, then watch your friends die because you suck at the game.

Just a fun little time waster I come back to every now and then. When I get the final five achievements I need I think ill be done for good.

Good game, but I just prefer some of the earlier titles

40 dollars for 5 of the best shooters of all time and Halo 4? Buy it right now. Finish the fight.

This game is a huge no for me to be honest. But TimeSplitters 2 is cool. Get it on sale on steam for like 2 dollars so you can have Time Splitters 2.