a weird one to try and rate over 20 years later. is it a timeless video game? ...maybe? being completely honest, there was a solid decade or so where i felt this had aged poorly, and that other games were becoming more refined with their controls, had greater scope, better ideas, etc. none of that really matters to me now—it no longer needs to be all the things that i feel were eventually surpassed by other games—and in a full circle kinda way i love this one now almost as much as i did in 1998. almost.

Reviewed on Sep 13, 2020


1 year ago

looking at some other reviews of this iconic game, thinking about how i turned 18 just a few months before its release (uh, sort of poetically, i suppose, considering its theme of age). now, i do try and always bear in mind that nostalgia can be toxic, but 1998 was a fantastic year, both in video games and in my own life. high school was hell and i was free. years ahead would be fraught with mental illness and various failures and... well, one of the things that keeps me going is the warmth and comfort of video games. i don't have some meaningful closing sentence about growing up, here - i really just wanted to reflect for a moment. sometimes dwelling in comforting memory is the best i can do to move forward. life is hard.

1 year ago

Nah its not nostalgia, Ocarina of Time really does just go hard

1 year ago

well, i don't question that, but i'm kinda talking about life more than this or any other game. i mean, this particular game arrived at the peak of my youth and completely resonated... i also just wanted to address the matter of myself spending time inhabiting the past. this isn't all detrimental, as there's so much art to be preserved and appreciated, and i love to fill my days with games, music, film, etc. i guess i'm just weighing the balance. caring for my own future is... difficult.

1 year ago

Im really proud of you!!! It takes a lot of effort to introspect and reflect on your past and also recognize how often you reflect on it and how that makes you feel. I know it's hard to care about tomorrow, but I believe in you.