7 Reviews liked by zorranokiseki

this game is like 5% The Best Stuff You Will See In This Series and 95% just bad generic light novel anime power-up fantasy magic deus ex machina friendship determination resolve blah blah blah your mother. if nothing else i can say i loathed alfin until this game.

las increíbles aventuras de caim y su dragón mariángeles junto a sus amigos la caníbal el monje con demencia un señor ciego que no me ha quedado muy claro quién es y el gemelo de los rugrats

como juego cómico es increíble, como juego que te tienes que tomar en serio es lo peor que he visto en mi vida

zero: boy, fighting those soldiers sure was boring! good thing i have my gang of drag-on draGOONERS on my side!

decadus: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BYq5m1RCcAACLN3.jpg


xeno bros when u tell them u want to play xenoblade chronicles X 2 and not a 100 hour turn-based and multimedia JRPG series from 2002-2006 about nietzsche, jung and the bible in the context of a space adventure and how KOS-MOS' tit window and garter belts relate to that in terms of surface level understandings of quantum physics shown through the eyes of a menally ill engineer lesbian

xenosaga episode 1: no metan el pito en el monolito

This is probably the most "nothing" fromsoft game. the game's sole defining aspect: it's open world, is its biggest flaw as it doesn't justify having it or benefit from it. also regardless of what you feel, this is easily the worst Fromsoft score