
Games influenced by the 2011 Touhoku Earthquake, Tsunami and Meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Japanese disaster fiction post-March 2011. Wild, rural and ex(-)urban spaces. Memory. Loss. Longing. Grief. Community. (Re-)Building. Resistance to Authority. Inevitable Disasters. (No) Hope after the End.

Not wholly a work of Fukushima fiction but I think the depiction of the reactor bombings but especially the aftermath of the Sector 7 plate drop is influenced by 3/11.
pre-3/11, thematically resonant
Released two years before Fukushima, but possibly the most Fukushima-core game ever made???
Escha and Logy/Shallie move in the direction of cli-fi rather than Fukushima fiction, but this is a trend you see in Japanese cinema and junbungku literature after the initial wave of 3/11 responses too.
post-3/11 release but pre-3/11 development so hmm


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