better than fn, just still pretty mid. dont really like battle royales all too much (even though i have 3000 hrs in fortnite) but this games alright its nothing special

pretty fun game but its pretty glitchy and the driving/shooting mechanics could be better. gets repetitive but its pretty good

love this game so much, so much variety unlike a lot of other rhythm games. stuff like osu, dance of fire and ice, etc. you cant be very creative but this game brings a lot of variety/creativity to the rhythm genre. i really think depending on the level you play this is one of if not the hardest game in the world, judging by the fact people will spend years on one level and have 50k+ attempts. love this game tho def my favorite rhythm game

decently fun game, gets really repetitive and boring after a bit

fun game, really glitchy and a bit repetitive. just about every other person is either dui or committing some crime so id like the crimes and the dui to be a little bit rarer. i think if they updated this game a bit to make it less glitchy itd be a lot better

love this game so much, probably one of the biggest learning curves in gaming and i honestly love it. love being toxic, love hitting good plays in 2v2s, love everything about it

pretty fun game but i cant really understand all the abilities and maps just yet since i just started playing it recently. its decently fun tho, not the best shooter ive played

super repetitive but its alright with friends

relaxing but gets boring after about one run

this game is so heavy on your pc for no reason at all but its pretty good, usually when i play it i just zone out and slam into trees repeatedly but it is pretty fun and relaxing

repetitive, but good gore and pretty fun. prob the best gory shooter in vr but imo all vr games get old pretty quick

decently fun and satisfying but short story

its not really fun but its satisfying to the point i wanna keep playing it. havent played it in a long time tho it gets repetitive