Air Twister

Air Twister

released on Jun 24, 2022
by Ys Net

Air Twister

released on Jun 24, 2022
by Ys Net

Soar through the sky battling against invaders in this all-new fantasy endless shooter from legendary game creator, Yu Suzuki. Players will assume the role of Princess Arch fighting back against bizarre invaders to save their planet from destruction. They’ll rain down their homing arrows to trace graceful arcs of light across beautiful, artfully crafted stages, before they pierce their foes. With a fun and easy touchscreen swipe-shooting gameplay mechanic, the destiny of the planet is in the player’s hands.

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Freddy Merkury on vocals

While I appreciate Air Twister as a homage to Space Harrier, I also can't help but feel that the rail shooter has come a long way since the latter. The gameplay overall feels floaty and undercooked. The best way I can put it is, Princess Arch and her foes lack on-screen presence, making it difficult to avoid attacks unless you constantly buffer your movement through a stage. The art direction and animation is solid. The environments in here are the star of the show, and a treat to fly through. I also enjoyed the soundtrack, though I can see it being divisive for some.

I personally like minimalist experiences, so I didn't mind Air Twister's short, forty-minute runtime, but if you like to get the most out of your gaming purchases, you're really going to be squeezing this one for post-game content. Not a terrible game by any means, though I just think its a game stubbornly rooted in the past. In the near-forty years since Space Harrier, we've gotten games like Panzer Dragoon, and Sin and Punishment. Though if it's on sale for cheap, and you like psychedelic visuals and rock opera, it might be worth your time.

Up there with the most bizarre games I've ever played. Everything from the seemingly random assets thrown together to the rock opera (with vocals) soundtrack to even the progression feel so strange when mixed together. It hearkens back to the days of "PlayStation weird," where some random low budget game could be a complete fever dream, and for that I actually love this. As far as a game, the biggest knock is that it's pretty basic. It has not evolved on the Space Harrier formula aside from adding some progression, which comes in the form of purchasing upgrades after a failed run through the game. It took me two attempts to clear the game and I think many more than that would degrade this experience by making it repetitive, but it's really worth a look just to experience the bizarre creativity.

Un grand divertissement.
Tels sont les mots qui me viennent à l'esprit quand j'entreprends de résumer l'expérience Air Twister.
Lancer une partie, c'est entreprendre un voyage fantastique dans un univers coloré, un rien surréaliste, parfois un peu kitsch avec son esthétique aux relents de SF des années 60.

Autant le dire sans ambages, les choix artistiques ne feront pas l'unanimité. En ce qui me concerne, je serai bien en peine d'en dire du mal tant la direction artistique visuelle et musicale m'a plu ; cette association inhabituelle et de qualité donne une identité forte au jeu.
En terme de contenu, qu'il soit de base ou à débloquer, ce dernier est plus que généreux (bien que pas toujours nécessaire certes) : différent modes de jeu, jeu bonus, armes, tenues et coiffures pour l'héroïne, cinématiques, musiques, etc. Je n'ai pas chercher à tout débloquer mais les parties se succédant, j'y suis parvenu non sans une certaine satisfaction.
La mise en scène des boss m'a conquis ; les créatures venant en renfort lors de ces affrontements sont complètement superfétatoire mais, je dois le reconnaître, cela en jette un max lors des intros.
Le gameplay est classique et solide : c'est du Space Harrier mâtiné d'un soupçon de Panzer Dragon.

Au final, Air Twister est un jeu d'arcade somme toute classique bien qu'un peu particulier. Certains choix peuvent dérouter les moins ouverts. Il y a aussi un peu l'impression de remonter le temps vers les années 80 et l'esprit des jeux d'arcade de l'époque.

J'ai beaucoup d'affection pour ces jeux décomplexés où les développeurs vont au bout de leurs idées, aussi farfelues soient-elles ! Le résultat n'est certes pas parfait dans le détail quand l'on dissèque l'objet, mais pris tel quel dans sa globalité, que de bons moments n'offre-t-il pas ! Air Twister c'est un rail shooter sans stress pour s'évader vers un autre monde, dans un autre temps sur fond de rock opéra. C'est indubitablement un jeu plein de passion et d'amour dont il est facile de tomber sous le charme. Merci Mr Suzuki.

What a bizarre thing.

Being reductive, it's weirdo Space Harrier... But also, it's weirdo Space Harrier (with a dash of Panzer Dragoon). It somehow feels like a bunch of premade video game assets were bought, thrown into a blender, and shot out randomly at the screen, but also oddly cohesive in its art direction. Almost every single single element from the bonkers rock opera soundtrack to laser shooting giant enemy crabs feel like they're butting their heads against each other, but the simplistic yet addictive gameplay and a billion unlocks feels strangely satisfying in that old, Sega-like way. It somehow just works.

Honestly, I'm tempted to give it a perfect score, but I found some of the hard hitting attacks and bullets a little hard to avoid at times due to the overload of information on screen. Definitely recommended to lovers of old Sega rail shooters and people that like their video games a little weird.

Muy buen juego arcade sobre raíles del creador de Shenmue con gran banda sonora