Crysis 2 Remastered

Crysis 2 Remastered

released on Oct 15, 2021

Crysis 2 Remastered

released on Oct 15, 2021

A remaster of Crysis 2

Relive the legendary single-player campaign from the classic first-person shooter, Crysis 2, optimized for today's hardware in Crysis 2 Remastered.

Also in series

Crysis 3 Remastered
Crysis 3 Remastered
Crysis Remastered
Crysis Remastered
Crysis 3: The Lost Island
Crysis 3: The Lost Island
Crysis 3
Crysis 3
Crysis 2
Crysis 2

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A sequel to the original Crysis and this game is a certified banger
although the levels are more linear in structure the aspects of freedom to solve a level from the first game is present here, and with more weapons to play around with and the Ceph being fleshed out requiring you to adapt to them
Adore this game man, iconic

(reposting as I reviewed a different version of the game from the one I played)

It's one of the seventh gen shooters of all time.

Given the resounding disappointment surrounding Crysis 2 after Crysis 1 was such a boundary pushing game for the time, I expected a lot less of this game. But while it does feel stripped back compared to its predecessor, there is still merit in this game's ideas.

It's certainly nothing to write home about, and could easily get lost in the seventh gen sea of brownish shooters, but it's a fairly solid campaign with some fun setpieces that make it feel like an action movie. And the remastered graphics look excellent. Somehow this game got a much better remaster than Crysis 1 did, despite that game having a legendary reputation for its graphics.

While Crysis 2 lacks the open world design of Crysis 1, the levels are still built to allow multiple approaches. I found the cloak to be much more useful and fun in Crysis 2, but in both games I found armour mode underwhelming. I rarely used it tactically; it was more of a necessity to not die in a matter of seconds against certain enemies.

The much maligned aliens are back in Crysis 2, but I found them to be a lot more enjoyable to fight this time around because they're on the ground and use tactics like cover and cloaking, rather than flying space jellyfish that you just empty endless rounds into with little strategy or creativity involved. I got the feeling that the developers may have taken some inspiration from Halo for the aliens in this game. One thing that was not inspired however, was the AI. Both the aliens and humans have really stupid AI and it feels like a missed opportunity to make firefights more dynamic and tactical. Sometimes they would just stand there trying to figure out where I went.

Though I did find the remaster job better this time around, one issue I ran into was some severe slowdowns in the level Masks Off. It was only limited to this level, but it affected the gameplay experience quite badly.

There isn't really anything wrong with Crysis 2; it only suffers from sharing a name with a much more ambitious and unique game. Though it didn't reach the highs of Crysis 1, it avoided the lows and was a more consistent experience overall. The last third or so of Crysis 1 severely loses steam. The story and setting of Crysis 2 are unremarkable and feel very characteristic of the era, which was dominated by brown and grey shooters, but it was decent enough for me to finish. It's a perfectly average shooter.

Far more polished and pretty than the first game, but while Crysis 1 had some cool gameplay ideas and world design, this game is entirely generic. The gameplay is average at best with boring and repetitive bullet-sponge bipedal enemies, somehow even the basic gunplay feels crap. I don't mind the game being linear, but I do mind the game having no interesting elements whatsoever.

Crysis 2 was better than Crysis 1 in almost every aspect, its more polished, better optimised and it feels better.
It also feels more grandesque, Hans Zimmer probably helps with that:)))
The atmosphere of the game was on point since the game is Concrete Jungle themed and the soundtrack was good (again..Hans Zimmer produced it, so no wonder) but the gameplay was still not that great, especially the AI, and im talking about the alien AI, it was bad. The game even though it takes like 8 to 12 hours to complete, it feels lengthy and i suppose that is because of the repetitive nature of the game and the lack of enemy variety.
Crysis 2 is more liniar compared to the first Crysis but at least there was more things happening in it, and i thought the pacing was a bit better.
Overall, decent shooter but far from being anything amazing.

MUITO MELHOR REMASTER QUE O PRIMEIRO. O jogo de fato funciona, pra começo de conversa. Apesar desse jogo em si não ser tão bom quanto o primeiro, ele parece mais acabado, enquanto o primeiro sofre com níveis finais corridos e boss final bem ruim. Contudo, esse jogo é longo demais, eu diria, lá pra 2/3 do jogo eu tava querendo que acabasse já. A história em si é bem mais daora, mas o nível final em especifico é bem qualquer coisa, sem boss nem nada, pareceu um final que só serve pra dar setup ao crysis 3.

Muita gente reclama que esse jogo ficou 100% linear e acabou com a física e destruição de arredores do primeiro, mas pra ser sincero, nao me importei demais. O combate eu achei bem melhor que o primeiro. De resto, mais um shooter clássico dos 2010, logo mais jogarei o terceiro

🎮Este texto não é uma análise do jogo, mas sim uma breve reflexão sobre a qualidade dessa remasterização.

Crysis é uma das franquias da minha vida, e ver que a trilogia inteira iria ganhar uma remasterização me deixou muito feliz.

Para a galera dos consoles (PS4 e Xbox One), essa remasterização faz todo o sentido, já que é o único jeito delas terem acesso aos jogos, mas será que para nós, a tribo do PC, vale a pena?

Na visão de um complecionista, vale muito a pena. Eles removeram todas as conquistas online do jogo, o que deixou o 100% ridiculamente fácil, já que na maioria dos cenários é possível passar furtivamente e sem disparar uma bala sequer.

Mas se você não liga para conquistas/troféus e já jogou Crysis na época, diria que não vale tanto a pena.

O jogo que mais se beneficiou dessa remasterização foi o primeiro, os grandes cenários abertos de florestas estão muito mais bonitos nessa versão. Já o segundo e terceiro não mudaram em quase nada tecnicamente. O jogo continua bonito como era na época, mas agora rodando melhor em computadores modernos.

Para mim que amo a trilogia, valeu muito a pena. Adorei revisitar esse jogo que não jogava desde o seu lançamento original.

🏆Como já havia dito, o 100% é bem simples. Talvez as conquistas mais difíceis sejam as relacionadas à dificuldade, mas se você passar sorrateiramente, até esses se tornam banais.