A remaster of The Ultimate Doom

Doom Classic is a sci-fi first-person shooter game developed by id Software and Nerve Software and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is an updated version of the original 1993 Doom that uses the Unity engine as a shell for the id Tech 1 engine. This game, as well as Doom II Classic, was initially released in a suite of classic Doom ports for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android, however, the ports were initially heavily criticized due to its poor quality and inaccuracies compared to the previous console generation ports while implementing an always-online DRM that required the player to sign into a Bethesda.net account (meant to unlock Slayers Club rewards) to play the game, despite these ports not having any online multiplayer features. After the initial criticism of the ports, Nerve Software eventually rectified the issues of the log-in requirements and problems with the ports through patches. A PC version of Doom Classic was released through Bethesda.net on January 9, 2020, which was later re-released through Steam on September 3, 2020 as a free update to existing owners of The Ultimate Doom.

Also in series

Doom 64
Doom 64
Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal
Final Doom
Final Doom
Doom VFR
Doom VFR

Released on


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Pretty good, only really worth calling a masterpiece because of how well it holds up despite its age combined with how it changed the industry. I really disliked Mt. Erebus.

meio esquisito jogar doom em widescreen, mas essa versão da steam tá bem lindinha. apesar do level design mais pro final ficar insuportável, o jogo que inventou a roda consegue manter a roda interessante 30 anos depois.

Alright let's talk some DOOM. Starting with the original, it is certainly odd to revisit because it's pretty simple these days. I think most people would prefer playing the new ones.

But the framework for what this game laid out is truly timeless. And even with age it holds up exceptionally well. It controls well and it feels gratifying to finesse your way out of tough levels. It has puzzles that add a welcome change of pace to the game. You can slow down and explore and when that happens you can find secrets easier. The game has a great balance of when to include each moment and how it services everything in the story. The ability to save whenever you want also prevents any possible tedium.

It's not an experience that I think is the best ever, but is still one great ride start to finish. And if a game can still be this fun despite its age that says a lot.

relaxante, divertido, trilha sonora... é vídeo game

Doom é com certeza o melhor fps que tem e seu primeiro jogo é sensacional, a gameplay por mais que antiga ainda se mantém boa atualmente, os chefes são até que interessantes e as músicas são espetaculares porém faltou um pouco mais de diversidade