Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

released on Nov 19, 2009

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

released on Nov 19, 2009

A remake of Dragon Warrior III

Dragon Quest III is noted for greatly expanding upon the original Dragon Warrior and Dragon Warrior II. The game uses basic console role-playing game conventions, such as leveling up by gaining experience points and equipping items. Battle is turn-based like the other games in the series. Dragon Warrior III features a class system, in which each character has a certain class. While the Hero always keeps the Hero class, the other characters can choose among the following: Soldier (Warrior in the GBC version), Fighter, Pilgrim (Cleric), Wizard (Mage), Merchant (Dealer), Goof-Off (Jester), Sage, and Thief which was available only in the later versions. The choice of class greatly affects the character's stats and spells he or she can learn. Furthermore, upon reaching experience Level 20, a character has the option of changing classes at the temple of Dhama, found halfway through the game. The game starts with just the Hero in the party, who then is able to recruit a party of three at the local tavern. Unlike most Dragon Quest parties, aside from the Hero, the party is not made up of characters involved in the story. Although only four characters can be in the party at a time, extra members of the party can be kept at the tavern, allowing room for new recruits. Another innovation is an arena where the player can place bets on the outcome of monster battles. The remakes incorporated some interface changes from later games in the series, such as simplified door opening; the bag, which replaced bank item storage; the item sorting "Tidy Item" and "Tidy Bag" commands; and the "Full HP" command, which can be used outside of combat to automate the process of casting healing and status restoring spells. While the earlier Dragon Quest games were also non-linear, Dragon Quest III was the most substantial example of open-world gameplay among the early Dragon Quest games. It also allowed the player to swap characters in and out of the party at will, and another "major innovation was the introduction of day/night cycles; certain items, characters, and quests are only accessible at certain times of day."

Also in series

Dragon Quest X: Mezameshi Itsutsu no Shuzoku Online
Dragon Quest X: Mezameshi Itsutsu no Shuzoku Online
Fortune Street
Fortune Street
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Dragon Quest Wars
Dragon Quest Wars

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Я с большим воодушевлением начинал эту игру после прохождения двух первых частей. Изо всех щелей фанаты DQ заверяют, что третья часть лучшая из классических, а некоторые даже имеют смелость утверждать, что это вообще лучшая игра в серии и JRPG в принципе. Что ж, будем разбираться, правда ли это.

Что по сюжету? Стал ли он лучше? НЕТ! Это как раз один из пунктов, который многие восхваляют. По факту же структура сюжета точно такая же, безымянный избранный герой, мир в опасности, собирай артефакты, иди в бой, повторить. Сюжет все также выполняет лишь функцию мотиватора двигаться дальше, но следить за ним неинтересно, да и незачем. Весь сюжет уместится на одной странице А4, если не меньше. Да, имеется твист, и именно из-за него все и хвалят, однако я скорее был им разочарован, т.к. оказался он слишком уж очевидным.

Геймплейно от второй части игра ушла недалеко. Да, теперь мы можем сами собрать партию из разных классов (прямо как в Final Fantasy 1, ага), но боевка абсолютно такая же, абсолютно такие же заклинания, абсолютно такой же выкрученный в небеса рейт энкаунтеров. Но умудрились еще и ухудшить, добавив раздражающие комбинации врагов, которые с первого же хода уводят твоих героев в контроль — это не сложность, это просто рандом, когда надеешься, что твоих персонажей не зацепит. А что еще хуже — два ужаснейших гриндволла, для одного босса и другого. Причем если второй гриндволл еще можно попробовать обойти, запотев в боссфайте, то с первым тупо ничего не сделать, т.к. на том этапе игры для преодоления этой преграды просто необходимы заклинания, которые открываются после этого гриндволла. В итоге 5 часов я просто ходил кругами и убивал одних и тех же монстров, очень интересно.

Все так же местами без гайда не поймешь, куда идти, либо броди по карте 10 часов в надежде, что все же случайно наткнешься на предмет, который продвинет тебя дальше по сюжету. Как раз, видимо, на это и расчитан гриндволл, что ты именно будешь бесцельно бродить по карте и неизбежно прокачаешься до нужного уровня. Увы, у современного игрока нет столько времени, чтобы биться об все углы, и он скорее-таки заглянет в гайд при затруднении (если застрял, крайне рекомендую сделать так же).

В итоге игра оказалась для меня несколько разочаровывающей. Да, я получил тот же опыт, что и в первых двух частях, но неужели нельзя было улучшить формулу? Ощущалось это даже скорее как деградация, нежели стагнация, отсюда и оценка. Рекомендовать к прохождению не могу, оставьте эту древность в истории.

Still a top tier JRPG for me. One that I accidentally sort of speenran in seven days because I was using it in place of social media on my phone. I'm looking forward to the HD-2D remake, and I can honestly say I've never been more excited to buy a game I already own several copies of.

I think it's tough to give this game a super high score because of the age and difficulty to get into it, but once the remake comes out I am sure it'll be a 10/5

What a game. Real wow moment the first time you open the world map and see… the world! Class system is fun, but I didn’t mess around too much with the personality mechanic. One of the greats! Would play any DragonQuest with a town building mechanic/questline!

It's astonishing that a game this good came out on the Famicom. Does not play like a Famicom game, and is a massive improvement over 1 and 2.

A little info before I write this review down - I played the SNES version of the game, and yes, I ended up dropping it. I plan on finishing this game with the remake's release.

SO, Dragon Quest III, Let me tell you guys that I don't particularly pick up really really old school jrpgs from the snes/nes era to play BUT I was in the mood to do so, and my good friend had high praises to sing about DQ3, so that's the game I decided to play :) AND Surely enough, it blew me away. The personality assessment in the beginning was amazing, it completely reeled me in right from the get go, I made my friends at Ruida's Tavern and I kept going, explored every dungeon, did every little quest every town had me do and I was enjoying it!

ESPECIALLY when I realized that this world, the entirety of dq3 is based off of the real world itself, came to that conclusion when I finally reached "Baharata" which is supposed to be India! MY place :) That really elevated the experience for me. I really liked this little journey even if it is an unfinished journey for me.

So yeah, the downsides of DQ3? I mean surely there has to be a reason why I'm cutting my journey short, right?
Well yeah it's mainly the snes/nes era jank, I could've just started with the latest ports but I didn't.

Truth be told like I said, I was in a very specific mood when I played this game, After a few days I was no longer in that same mindset so I didn't quite enjoy the journey anymore, plus after you kill....


After you kill Baramos, that's where I expected the game to just end, but no, it just expanded and if you've enjoyed the game upto this point then it's good news for you! I personally felt like dq3 was dragging on like by a LOT, so I felt upset that it doesn't end there. Hence why I have dropped the game, hopefully the remake lessens up the old-school jank a bit and allows for a more smooth experience :)

Again, if you do not agree with me that is fine, I didn't even beat the game so I don't expect my review to be the objective truth, I'm just sharing my personal journey with the game itself through this review!

Hopefully that was a good read to you, cheers and have a nice day!!!!