Fatal Labyrinth

released on Nov 19, 1990

Dragonia, the castle of doom, has been resurrected! But the ghouls from the castle have stolen the Holy Goblet, the source of light. Without it, the world will be trapped in darkness forever. Don your armour and pick up your weapon.

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a pretty fun traditional roguelike for the mega drive, it's simple and easy to complete. there's no permadeath and you don't really have to worry about the food clock unless something drains your hunger. having different items being displayed on your sprite when equipped is a nice touch

Es Rogue pero con gráficos. Es más sencillo y accesible que otros roguelikes tradicionales, lo cual está bien: los objetos se identifican con solo usarlos o lanzarlos a los enemigos, y la mayoría de los objetos son beneficiosos; hay objetos malditos, pero no son frecuentes y son fácilmente reconocibles; puedes equipar y usar objetos sin gastar tu turno; y el juego guarda automáticamente tu progreso cada 5 pisos, por si mueres. Ahora que lo pienso, no hay muchos roguelikes tradicionales con esta última característica.

Hay algunas decisiones de diseño un poco díficiles de explicar. Por ejemplo, cuando entras en una sala puedes ver todos los pasillos que salen de ella, menos los del lado de abajo, por algún motivo. Y no hay una forma fácil y rápida de recuperar vida que no sea pasearse por el piso durante un buen rato. Tampoco me gusta que haya tantas puertas ocultas, aunque por fortuna no son difíciles de encontrar. Por último, recuerdo haber leído que los pisos no son aleatorios de verdad, sino que hay un número determinado de pisos predefinidos, pero ahora no encuentro la fuente.

En resumen, un roguelike accesible y adictivo sin demasiada complicación. Recomiendo la versión de Sega Mega Drive Classics por los savestates y el modo turbo.

It's fine, apparently it was about 20 years ahead of its time.

I owned this cart when I was a kid, so when roguelikes took off in the late 2000s I was like "why are we doing this again, I was done playing this stuff when I was like 7, besides none of these are as good"

A weird roguelike relic of Sega's forgotten japanese Modem attachment. Hard to believe this was released as a whole-ass cartridge over here.

Has this weird progression where it starts obtuse and unforgiving, then becomes really rewarding once you get to grips with its arcane rules - only to crash again when you reach floor 10+. I realized the game was gonna be a sluggish loop of 'attack -> run away to heal -> attack' and lost interest really hard. Don't have enough stake in roguelikes on concept to play for historical reasons either.

It was a fun in VC tho. Jenny and I just screamed random shit the whole time while Xenon put up with it.

Remember that time Barney sang a song about divorce?

I'm the last person I thought would enjoy a game like this. Roguelikes or Roguelites or whatever you want to call them are games that just do not click for me. I have an incredibly poor relationship with games which more or less require you to die in order to progress. Failure states make me feel awful and bad.

So...I can't explain why I like this game hahhaha

I died SO MUCH! But gosh, I love it. Probably my Sega loving self has some influence there, I reckon. I also find it incredibly charming in its presentation, and I also love how it just throws you into it--no title screen or anything really, just tosses you right in there!

If you like Roguelike games, you need to play this! If you don't like them, you probably won't like this unless...you do?