Theme Park

Theme Park

released on Dec 31, 1994

Theme Park

released on Dec 31, 1994

You have inherited a fortune from an eccentric aunt and her will states the money can be spend building the world largest and most profitable theme park. Create a wonderful theme part full of thrilling rides and greasy - but delicious - food and start to make the loads of money. You are a lucky one who can create the best theme park ever made plus make a fortune. Your park will be compared to 40 rivals all over the world every year. Your goal is to become the best park in all categories.

Also in series

Theme Park Roller Coaster
Theme Park Roller Coaster
Theme Park World
Theme Park World
Theme Aquarium
Theme Aquarium

Reviews View More

Le rêve à l'époque de pouvoir créer ses propres parcs d'attraction, de les administrer. Longues heures passées dessus... jusqu'à un bug où il m'était impossible de continuer sans que le jeu crash.

I could've taken more time to learn the mechanics, but I think the ending where the guy kills himself is much funnier so I don't think I will.

Played for 30 minutes and couldn't figure out jack shit on getting new things and went bankrupt and then the park owner fucking killed himself

I love the part where you jump out a window