Yoshi Topsy-Turvy

Yoshi Topsy-Turvy

released on Apr 22, 2004

Yoshi Topsy-Turvy

released on Apr 22, 2004

In Yoshi Topsy-Turvy, Yoshi Island has been turned into a picture book. Yoshi will not stand for this outlandish attempt at flattening his world, and he heads off on an adventure to return things back to their original state. To help in on his quest, a group of spirits who like to surprise people give Yoshi the ability to rotate the world to his liking. The big catch with Yoshi Topsy-Turvy is its use of a motion sensor, similar to the one set to be featured in the second Wario Ware GBA game. The game cartridge includes a built in motion sensor which detects how you move the GBA system. By turning the system, you make the world rotate. A meter on the upper right corner of the screen shows which way the system is being held at any time. Rotate the system to help Yoshi stay on the path and make it past perils and through the varied stages. Go full tilt! By tilting your Game Boy Advance, you'll tilt the environment around Yoshi, knocking over enemies, swinging pendulums, and letting Yoshi run up walls and leap huge pits! Will this ending be happy? All of Yoshi's Island is trapped in a storybook, and only by meeting the challenges of each chapter will you succeed. Collect coins, defeat enemies, or race for the finish to satisfy each course's conditions

Also in series

Yoshi's Woolly World
Yoshi's Woolly World
Yoshi's New Island
Yoshi's New Island
Yoshi Touch & Go
Yoshi Touch & Go
Yoshi's Story
Yoshi's Story
Mario & Yoshi
Mario & Yoshi

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Desde que eu pensei em jogar esse jogo fiquei pensando que seria uma experiência muito ruim, dito e feito.
O jogo usa a mecânica de mexer o Game Boy para mudar a gravidade, só que ela é muito ruim, o Yoshi escala parede estranhamente, não tem um indicador claro para que lado está a gravidade e tem vezes que tem que mexer muito rápido.
A mecânica pode parecer interessante por cima, mas na prática é ruim. Só de ter que imaginar eu ter que mexer um Game Boy todo pra mudar a gravidade, enquanto a tela mexe junto e você não saber onde isso vai me levar ou não é muito paia.
Joguei usando o Motion Sense do meu controle e funcionou decentemente, mas claro que não foi a experiência 100% real, mas deu pra ter uma ideia. Enfim mecânica meio paia num plataforma meio paia.

I actually bought a Japanese copy recently from a used game store rebranding to a card shop. It seems like a novel and fun game played in bite-sized chunks. It's a simple plat-former with the goal of collecting all the apples in each level while moving your Game Boy Advance or DS around to shift the terrain, balls on the level, walk Yoshi up walls, or moving platforms.

The challenge exists in the medal system, collecting all coins in a stage rewards you with a gold medal. I guess it unlocks a mode? I'll find out.

I'd like to play it through, the Yoshi franchise of games peaked at Island and slowly declined to exploration of niche peripherals or platformers aimed towards children, when I heard Twinkle Twinkle played on a Xylophone on level 2-4 I knew then and there oh this is a children’s game!

well, it's a neat and novel game. probably more novel if I played with its original gyro controls, but I used a control hack on an emulator. it can be tedious to get gold medals, but it's too simplistic and unrewarding not to. the art style is a little garish to me.

Oh, hey, the first GBA game I ever owned! Not a great first impression, either. I was only 12 at the time, but even then, I could tell this was mediocre as all hell. The weird, janky physics combined with gimmicks that add nothing to the game... You can't even make eggs, for heck's sake. This is barely a Yoshi game, much less a good game.

queria ser do contra e gostar mais desse joguinho, mas infelizmente os gamers tão certos dessa vez.

pelo menos Topsy-Turvy tem esse spritezinho muito precioso do Yoshi.