Reviews from

in the past

"You were my sasuke man. The darkness to my light."
He says as machine girl is playing in the background

Peak, pure peak

skip all the dialogue and its peak

it's crazy, they made one of the most fun games i've ever played and then slapped a horrific visual novel onto it

Objectively a kinda random meh game.

Subjectively my favorite game of all time.
Story is shit but I like the cheesy "written by a 12 years old" vibe of it, gameplay is litterally everything I love, blending speedrunning mechanics, boomer fast FPS kind of controls, and a kind of cards game mechanic, where you have to chose in a second between keeping a cool weapon or discarding for a boost, the aesthetic is just basic Ambient Jungle weeby shit, and I like it too, and the game has a big replay value, especially thanks to the Level Rush mode.
Oh yeah also this game made me listen to Machine Girl 2 years ago, and now it's my favorite band, it's my biggest musical influence, and now I feel like I'm a MG cult member.

So just for that, thank you Neon White, you're definitely my favorite game.

+Excellent music and presentation
+Excellent game design. Each level is like a puzzle to complete with little mechanical skills required.
+Very addicting. The levels are short with an emphasis on replayability to get the best scores possible. I never got bored once.

-Characters are unlikeable, story is fine. The only blemish on an otherwise perfect game.