Reviews from

in the past

BOTW is my first Zelda game. I got into it at the time of the release of TOTK. It got me interested in playing it so I naturally wanted to experience BOTW first and I was not disappointed.
The Plateau is a fantastic tutorial that lets you learn about the game, its mechanics and lets you make your own experiments without actually taking you by the hand throughout every step.
Once the tutorial is completed, the feeling of freedom this game gives is unmatched as it lets you literally take any direction to start your adventure.
This freedom is also well complemented by always having something interesting to check every time you wander. It's definitely not rare to completely forget the reason why you went to a certain area because you just wanted to check a monster's camp which led to a shiny chest which also led to a shrine on top of a mountain that now lets you see your next point of interest... The world of BOTW is so rich that there is always something to do.
I played this game over the span of a few months, most of the time during the weekends due to work. However, this made me appreciate it for a longer period of time without feeling burnt out. Also, as most of my playtime was during the evening and night, I now reminisce of these quiet, peaceful and pleasant times spent playing this incredible game.
BOTW is amazing, so amazing that I now want to play all the other main Zelda games before diving into TOTK to truly appreciate the evolution of this legendary series and experience the stories, worlds and mechanics of the games I never had the chance to play.
That's how special The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is.

Special games don't come along too often. Breath of the Wild is a special game. Developers cannot recreate the perfect storm that created this game. This game expresses mastery in the craft of making a game. It combines the expertly crafted puzzle solving Nintendo have crafted for the Zelda series, with a breathtaking visual style, dropping you into a beautiful sandbox to adventure through. Breath of the Wild is a special game that brings back the "Adventure" in an "Action Adventure" genre that has been sorely missing.

I spent 5 years completing this game and I loved every second of it. A full reinvention of what it means to be a Zelda game, and it nails every second of it.

Yeah the boss fights and story kind of blow, but the world is all that I care about. I loved exploring this world and too this day I can jump on the master cycle and ride around an have fun, even after 200 plus hours.

Ainda é o jogo de mundo aberto perfeito, mesmo após 7 anos.

El mundo abierto quitando algunos defectos (repetición de enemigos, por ejemplo), de lo mejor que hay en la industria del videojuego. Eso, sumado a un gameplay sólido, lo convierten en un juegazo, con el gran fallo de que no haya ni una mazmorra decente, a lo cual se le suma que hay 120 santuarios de los cuales, 100 son una puta mierda.
En definitiva, juegazo pero con grandes fallos imo.

I hate platforming and i hate puzzles so you can see why i hate zelda.