Reviews from

in the past

As the end of Xenoblade's current story, I think thematically it does it's job well. The characters are enjoyable and on a technical and gameplay perspective it's the series' most polished entry yet. But on a personal level it wasn't what I wanted. As a friend had put it, I wanted something akin to the "Marvel's Avengers but for Xenoblade," when the game was more about reaffirming the messages and themes of its predecessors. Granted the DLC story sort of alleviates this personal want, but I still cannot help but feel a little disappointed this game didn't have more cameos or references to prior entries, especially when I feel as though the advertising sort of elicited that personal want. As time has gone on since completing this game and it's DLC campaign I've grown to appreciate this game a lot more; it's still a really enjoyable game barring my initial expectations.