Reviews from

in the past

This game was a little disappointing in the story/music department for me, and I almost marked it 3 and a half stars for it, however there is one image near the very end of the game that made me give it an extra half star. If you know you know.

After several months I change my mind it's a 3

While it sounds crazy enough to write a review about a game thats not even OUT LMAO. I why I can 100% confirm that this game will be my favourite game ever when it releases.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is from a series I'm genuinely not that familiar with. beside playing Xenosaga Freaks on the PS2 15 years ago. Having played a few hours of Xenoblade Chronicles X on the wii u and having watched like 7 episodes of Xenosaga : The Animation and then dropping it out of boredom. You would genuinely be insane from a series where your intertest was never fully captured nor grasped to have the latest entry be your FAVOURITE GAME EVER?! Well here I will try to concretely enough explain my "My insanity" or for some of you guys "Stupidity" I'm assuming.

I found out about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 pretty late actually the game was revealed at the Nintendo Direct in 2022. I accidentally stumbled upon the game in February pure on whim. I was watching videos about JRPGs and I saw the games Trailer in my recommendations. I didn't even wanna click on the trailer nor did I want it to play YouTube Autoplayed it for me when I went to the toilet lol... but when I came back I was like "fuck it why not" and pressed replay and my mind was blown away... to most it's a standard trailer nothing outstanding or experimental enough for someone to lose their shit over it but man... I WAS IN. From the VA of Noah the silent build up and the narrator to the big open athmosphere but with a striking distinct visual style. It reminded so much of every favourite open world jrpg series I love and it happens so rarely that I ever have such a strong sense of nostolgia from past of something in the present that I have no strong knowledge. But from the previously mentioned things and flashy gameplay and strong and striking character designs. I just knew it was the one. The open world fantasy genre is a VERY important genre to me because it helped me allot as a person throughout my life and I honestly watched allot of fantasy media but super rarely has this same feeling been matched before. I literally searched up every information about the game since and don't think I've ever been as hype for something as this game. The latest Info dump just made me even more confident in my feelings. I rewatched each trailer over 10x and watched the gameplay showcases over 10x. Did as much research as I can on the people working on it. Theorize heavy about future characters , environments and potential story beats. I genuinely have 100% trust in this game and don't think I can get dissapointed really.

So it really a case of pure feelings of nostolgia , charm and trust that makes me so sure. I know this seems goofy asf to write this but I know myself the best so I know best what my true feelings on the game will be.

( P.S I've done this before and know how my expectations work so I really cannot be dissapointed. also I will do a follow up in September on this when I play it.

well uh shit this looks like gas

Outside of the terrible early game pacing & tutorials, this was another knockout Monolith title. The cast, romance, story, music, world & ending are all going to stick with me for a while & the gameplay wasn't half bad this time around either.

this actually did happen to my buddy noah

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the definition of the word perfect

This game does everything it could have done right it did right and went beyond that. From the opening cutscene to the last frame of the credits this game is just a constant emotional ride.

The story and cast of this game are the best i've seen in a game. There is so much to be said about both the story and characters but i know someone else will do that and they will do it better than me so i will not go into it.

The gameplay is one of the big standouts from 3 aswell. I was worried for some aspects of it prelaunch but after actually playing the game it turned out to be perfectly smooth in all ways it could have been.

The open world of this game is brilliant too with it basically always having something for you to find and mostly not feeling padded out at all. All the quests you can find around the world genuienly feel like they were made with care and passion unlike the very repetitive sidequests of the previous games in the series.

This game really felt like the game Takahashi always wanted to make and which is why i believe there's probably never going to be a game like this one

I shed a tear at the ending, but not because of main story (fanservice did the job for me). Overall it's a very satisfying conclusion to the thrilogy. On another hand, - for me - that's the weakest game in the series. But still good, of course. For example, take a graphic design of the locations, for which the series was famous, is rarely impressive here. But it's interesting to explore them, trying to find out where things are from the previous installments. The music is super nice, but there are fewer memorable and prominent motifs than usual. Too much of dull music... And most importantly, the story: Takahashi has plucked a bunch of elements from past games, and even from the days of Xenogears. Therefore I predicted 99% of the plot in the first chapter. The combat and class system is the best in the series, not counting X.

In the end, slightly disappointed, but I don't regret a single minute spent. It's still a very soulful and beautiful game, of which there are fewer and fewer, in my opinion.

I hope the next Xenoblade will be completely new. I would like a return to space, but the chances of that are extremely slim.

I haven't finished it yet but this is the greatest game ever created.

Edit: I finished it

Really good game but Takahashi decided to put the rest in the DLC, which make this game more like Xenoblade 3 Epsiode 1.

This review contains spoilers

i want to love this game, i really do.
i think the callbacks to xenogears are WONDERFULLY done. i was losing my mind over n paralleling grahf and m paralleling miang and elly at the same time. fei and noah's parallels also go hard.
i love the characters, their relations, and the way they feel so alive on the field and in cutscenes. post-game battle dialogue seems to be lacking but i can forgive it considering how animated they are elsewhere.
gameplay is the best in the series too, more so than x, which surprised me! the ost is arguably one of the best too.
i think what this game does well, it carries out excellently, especially chapters 5-6. but after that? it kind of falls flat on its face.
chapter 7 really felt broken to me. z is a wonderful concept, but he isn't executed well.
what bothers me the most about this game, is the fact that future connected was stated to be directly connected to the future of the xenoblade series, and the things that were brought up in it are hardly tied in. which makes some sense, given the fact that the ending of this game is a timeloop/time resuming... regardless i hope it will be touched up in the dlc.
also nothing about the conduit at all? seriously? you can't just drop a plot point like that. we have waited essentially 5 years for a tie in to 1&2 and it hardly feels like it. that's what ruins the game for me.
if it were standalone, or if there were not returning characters/elements from the numbered blade games i would be far happier with this game. but i'm not, so there.
but really, i do think this game executes a lot of things incredibly well. i basically played for 4 days straight without sleeping because i was so hooked.
i also think the first cutscene of the game tying into the final one was beautiful. i never would've guessed that was what was happening, so i'm glad there was a timeloop twist.

don't let my disdain deter you from loving the game. make your own choice, take your own path, that's the message this game brought up!

I started the game the day it leaked online. Some spoilers in the spoiler section

I've been sort of passively waiting for xc3 since the day it was announced. I say passively because I did my best to distract myself from its release so that I could avoid the agony of waiting everyday for it and building expectations so believe me when I say I didn't go into this with unreasonable expectations.

The story unfortunately is full of unanswered questions or questions that were explained badly. It would be one thing if it was just minor stuff, like how Noah tells Mio that he doesn't like the name of his sword and chose to name it something else and then never tells her but important plot elements and items will just happen or show up with no explanation and for a series that's as methodical and planned out as the Xeno series its quite disappointing to see. That said, the story does have many kino moments, the cutscenes are well choreographed and the dialog is mostly good with odd sentences and conversations here and there.

The main 6 are pretty good and each of them get their own time in the spotlight thankfully but I don't think Noah gets enough. This might just be me not vibing with the type of character he is though as he is more of a thoughtful quiet character as opposed to the shonen type characters that are Shulk and Rex. The side characters are quite good and their personalities mesh well with the main 6. The villains mostly suck though. Moebius D, J and C are good but the rest are just bruh moments. Its one thing to have a few villains that are just "Hohoho I am the evilest evil" but its another thing to have almost your entire villain cast consist of that. X and Y in particular I feel were really badly handled and Z, the main villain is contradictory about his beliefs and methods. Also for some reason, most of the villains share 90% of the same design and their lackluster character makes it hard to differentiate them.

Might be the best combat in the series. I loved the elemental orb system from XC2 but the combat and customization can get pretty deep here with loads of build options. Exploration is really good, the story takes you through a small part of all the areas in the game but if you choose to explore there is so much to see and do. The world design is pretty good with plenty of callbacks to areas from previous games. Side Quests are plentiful but don't feel generic as each one typically has its own story to tell which is connected to the Colony that quest came from. Hero Quests are a new type of quest where completing one grants you access to a new Hero which is an AI controlled ally you can add to your party as well as unlocking a new class that your party can use. The combination of Hero and Standard Quests fleshes out the world and side characters quite well.

Music is great as always for a Xeno game but the non battle tracks are less memorable. I did not rush through the game at all as you can see by my playtime (this is the most time I've spent on a xeno game even) but I can barely remember any environmental music. Battle tracks are really good though except the final boss track which is kind of nothing for half the fight. Weight of Life is a really good track but they play that thing only twice in a 40 hour story lmfao!!

Spoiler stuff
Originally I was going to type out questions I had regarding the story and how it doesn't explain many things but it got way too long so I put it in a pastebin instead. If anyone knows the answer to any of those questions hit me up on discord, @Shu_Watch#0423.

Also I just remembered that all the hype of 3 being the conclusion to 1 and 2 was a lie and Future Connected is pretty useless because the story is quite separate which can be a benefit or a negative depending on your tastes but I don't think the story is strong enough to stand on its own without that connection.

Everything gameplay related is top notch and honestly the price of the game could fully be justified by the gameplay and I will certainly be returning to this game after finals to get the 100% but the story is disappointing. Definitely did not expect that of a Xeno game. Like I said its not awful, there are still many kino moments but you should temper your expectations going in

The toughest part of writing a review is deciding how to start it, so let's go with this: Should you buy this game if you've never played any other Xenoblade title? This seems to be the most pressing question Xenoblade Chronicles 3 faces and I'm happy to answer that yes, you should. Obviously both other games (sorry X) are on the Switch already, so if you felt so inclined, you could go play them now too, but if you're just too excited for the newest, shiniest thing, by all means you can jump in here. In fact, I envy you if that's the case.

Xenoblade suffers from what I like to call Persona Syndrome, in which a person's favorite game in the series often tends to their first one. When you play something so unique and different from anything else, that resonates with you, and that initial experience will form an impression that's almost impossible to top, even if, from a technical perspective, later games surpass it. I formed that bond with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and thus a lot of this review will be written with comparisons to that game, so do consider that as you read, but I also think it's worth discussing this now because some of my issues with Xeno 3 come from the weight of expectations placed upon it by its predecessor.

That said, if you've seen the score I've given this game, it should be obvious that it's something I would still highly recommend. Monolith Soft are masters of their craft and part of why these games generate such a strong emotional response is that there's almost nothing like them out there. They are sprawling, massive single-player RPG experiences that effortlessly capture the feeling of being in another world and exploring every inch of it. They have rich and addicting combat that is built upon systems layered upon other systems that all combine to form fun and challenging gameplay. And of course they have stories with memorable characters and detailed worlds with hidden truths waiting to be uncovered.

Story, however, is what I'd point to as Xenoblade 3's biggest weakness, and where comparisons to past games come up the strongest. It's not that it isn't compelling, or there aren't strong, world-shattering events (the ending of Chapter 5 is the game's high point and one of the best moments in the series), but I sadly never found myself as emotionally invested in these characters and their adventure as I did with Shulk, Rex, and their respective crews. This is in large part because the game and its story are structured around these characters as a unit and less as individuals. They come across as more interchangeable than anything; despite being on two different sides of a war, they all possess very common trauma which allows them to coalesce together very early on, but that hurts the dynamic in my mind more than anything. Noah, Mio, and the rest lack the eccentricities or the internal conflict of past Xenoblade parties, and while I did like all these characters to some extent, I never came to love them.

This was perhaps best reflected at the end of the game, which despite its best efforts to illicit tears from me, failed to do so. In contrast, I was a blubbering mess at the end of Xenoblade 2. In fact, Xenoblade 3's most emotional moment (for me) had little to do with its own merits, and more because a certain song played at a certain time and was a gut-punch to me in the best possible way. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was a game I was satisfied to see its conclusion, as opposed to Xeno 2 which I never wanted to end. I suppose that's the best way I can put it.

Further compounding the issues with story was the lack of a compelling villain. I don't want this review to deviate too far into spoiler territory, so there's only so much I can say here, but my core issue is I really felt no connection between them and the main cast (and, by proxy, myself). This comes in sharp contrast with Xenoblade 2, where the villain had immensely personal ties to your party, and confrontations with them only furthered your desire to emerge victorious in the end. Xenoblade 3 kind of ends on flat note, and revelations about the villain's identity paint him and his group as little more than something that exists to justify the plot, rather than a more concrete obstacle that felt good to overcome. It certainly doesn't help that the final boss fight is excruciatingly long and far too scripted at times; heaven help you if you lose at any point and have to start over again.

I realize I'm being fairly harsh towards something I did genuinely really enjoy so I should also say there is plenty about the story that does work. Xenoblade 3 is ultimately a narrative about life, death, and the passage of time, and how it weaves those concepts throughout its runtime is incredibly well done. It exists on a strong foundational message of hope for the future and the desire for humanity to move forward, which goes a long way in a world that is otherwise extremely dour and bleak, much more than anything else found in these games prior. Its use of the Ouroboros as its primary theming device couldn't be more appropriate and the way the game begins and ends only further cements that. However, if you're holding out on true finality here, you might be disappointed, and there's more than a fair share of loose ends along the way.

Switching (Xeno)gears here for a moment, let's talk about gameplay and combat. One thing Monolith has always excelled at in this department is variety, and that continues to be the case here. Though only three roles, Xenoblade 3 features over 20 different classes which you can easily apply to any character you like, so whomever you gravitate toward and whatever playstyle you like, you'll find you can make that work. Unlocking more roles, levelling them up, and acquiring moves from them gives you a lot of flexibility in customizing your character, and although it takes a while into the game before you feel like you have enough to fully gauge the combat system, once you hit that, it's incredibly satisfying. Combine this with the mini-game like element of cancelling your attacks with good timing and you've got a really engaging combat system despite how automated much of it is.

While on the surface the combat looks fairly similar to Xenoblade 2, battles actually play out more like Xenoblade 1, so if you were more a fan of the first game you'll probably resonate greater with 3 (this is true in a lot of respects, really). For me, however, it sacrificed some of that flexibility in battle that Xenoblade 2 had. 2's combat was more adaptable on the fly, allowing you to switch your weapons/blades mid-fight while zeroing in on enemy elemental weaknesses. This meant each encounter felt more unique in how you approached it when deciding which blades to use and which branches you'd follow in your blade combo tree. In Xenoblade 3 every encounter plays out largely the same; once you develop your strategy it's merely a matter of executing it over and over. It's more than enough to carry the game but not quite as enjoyable or satisfying as Xenoblade 2's was for me.

Another area where the game suffers slightly in this department is combat readability. If you've ever seen a screenshot of a battle in Xenoblade it can look almost indecipherable in terms of how much is going on and how many UI elements it uses. Traditionally once you get into things, though, it's not much of an issue. Xeno 3, however, ups the ante with six party members at once (with an optional seventh you can add), the result of which can devolve into a visual mess when everyone is grouped up, or when the camera pulls out for battles against larger monsters. It can be incredibly difficult to keep track of your own character at times, not to mention timing your weapon cancelling, so the overabundance of things on screen might have finally caught up to them here.

Speaking of that optional seventh party member, it ties into one of my favorite things about Xenoblade 3 which are Hero Quests. This is the third game's equivalent of your blade side quests from Xenoblade 2, except an actual area of improvement in terms of how the game surfaces them to you. The gacha system is long gone and you don't need to have the character already to trigger the quests. Just go to a ? on the map and there's a good chance it'll give you a quest to add a new character to your repertoire, which is also how you gain your additional classes. These hero quests have the same production values as story quests, featuring fully voiced cut scenes, and they definitely constitute the most interesting side content the game has to offer.

The only downside? These hero characters aren't controllable. You add them to your party, they do their thing in battle, and that's about it. There are additional side quests that feature these heroes though, so there's at least attempts to flesh them out more, but it's almost a shame because these are by far the most interesting characters in the game. The part earlier where I mentioned the lack of eccentricities in the main party? They all went here. In fact you could actually make a really interesting JRPG consisting of a party of just these side characters. Kind of a waste in that sense but also I'm glad they're here.

Exploration is another area I should probably touch on because it is ultimately what I love most about these games. Xenoblade 3 is their biggest one yet, absolutely pushing the Switch to its limits. But, I'll always forgive a little loss of fidelity and framerate for a truly ambitious game, which this absolutely is (not to mention still being quite gorgeous too). I would get lost for hours just meandering around the map, wanting to see what is around every corner, and quite often being handsomely rewarded for it. Even when I thought I had seen it all, the game opens up even further at about the 40 hour mark, in a way I can only describe as Wind Waker-esque. I adored it and had a lot of fun in that section of the game.

And, of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the soundtrack, which remains some of the best music you'll hear in all of video games. I saw a comment about how it sounded like the composers crafted 90% of the music in this game as if they were told it was the last song they'd ever get to make, and that is a perfection summation of it. The sheer breadth and quality of battle themes alone is worthy of praise. There's one minor caveat to this, and as much as I hate to sound like a broken record...Xenoblade 2's music was just a bit better. The emotional musical themes of that game gave its big moments much more of a "pop" than Xenoblade 3's equivalent tracks do.

I really wish I could have written this review from the perspective of someone playing it for the first time because I feel this comes across more negative than I would like. Xenoblade 3 is a genuinely fantastic game and I'd recommend it to anyone but I can't divorce myself from my own experiences which result in feeling like it comes up a bit short compared to the previous game. And while there are twists and turns abound, having played the prior games also makes you a bit more wary of how these games are typically written and you'll come to expect certain elements and moments that would have otherwise been huge surprises if viewed with fresh eyes. Either way, I'd be shocked if anyone walked away from Xenoblade 3 not feeling satisfied. That's how I felt, and the only shame in that is it just didn't leave the same impression Xenoblade 2 did for me. Perhaps there was never any escaping that.

Peak fiction.

Don't even ask why I made a review this quickly, I already know it'll be a 5/5. I have 100% faith in it.

Yeah, this game was a masterpiece. I stand by what I said months prior.

Thank you monolith for such a beautiful game.


Takahashi did it finally...

One of the best switch games, in my opinion.
gameplay wise, it's exactly what you'll expect from a Xenoblade game. That being said, I do actually find it more easier to understand than 2 and overall being more "beginner friendly" (or it's just that i'm more used to Xenoblade's gameplay now). The story in this game is nothing too special but I did find myself more invested in it than previous Xenoblade stories. overall, while i've only played it for a mere 10 hours, i highly recommend it to Xenoblade and JRPG fans alike. 10/10

I don't even have to play it to know this is going to be kino

This review contains spoilers

I liked this game. I think 2 should've aimed at being more like this in tone and approach, actually advancing the systems and concepts of the series, rather than poorly introduce its own with mediocre results. Especially with how it approaches literally merging aspects from both games with its countries and systems. Agnus has Auto-Attack Recharge and is themed more... Japanese for lack of a better word while Keves has Time Recharge and its aesthetic is more of that of the Mechon and industrial. It's cool as fuck. World feels put together and (for the most part) doesn't entirely rely on everything from the previous games.

I went into this game as blind as possible, and was pleasantly surprised with its approach to blending mechanics from 1 and 2. The idea of a class system is back from 2 but more traditional. But alongside Arts different among them, they also have different recharge methods based on either time (like 1) or auto attacks (like 2). Made all the better with the Master Arts system where you can add effects from other Arts to your class's. Also returns telling your position relative to your enemy from X, something deeply lacking from 2 (made more noticeable when DE added just telling you when you were in the right position). Gems also return but you don't have to craft them all individually for each character. 3 as a genuine sequel is really good at taking ideas from 1 and actually advancing them for player convenience and still offering so much customization.

The areas in this game are a marvel as always. Personal favorite is High Maktha Wildwood with its forest and ruined buildings, can't get enough of that. Many stand to have their own identity or mix ideas from previous entries, but don't entirely rely on what remains. There may be a large Mechonis Hand, but to everyone in the world its just another large landmark you can name off.

Though, I think this has the weakest area BGM. I think this is due in part of a focus more in being atmospheric and quiet. Which excels in giving the game its proper tone, but doesn't make a lot of BGM memorable. Of what areas I do remember, it's due to actually being melodies from Xenoblade 1. Happens with the previously mentioned Mechonis Hand or Greatsword. I don't think they would mean much to anyone who hasn't played or reached that far in Xenoblade.

Battle BGM is a different story entirely. I think Future Connected beats out the OST due to Fogbeasts alone, this game goes so hard and presents a lot of variety as you travel. A good battle ost is when I purposely pick fights just to jam to music. Elite Monsters? Bring back that absurd piano from FC/Torna. Unique Monsters? Absolutely got destroyed but it was worth it for a few seconds. Not to mention it seems a lot of music seems to change what parts of the song it plays based on your progress in the battle, which is a cool ass detail. And every time you finish a Unique or Elite monster, you get a cool jingle that finishes off the song. That's not even getting into giving Chain Attacks their own BGM, which is an absolute ear worm.

But it's not a Xenoblade game without some weird battle BGM quirk. 1 had Vision Reacts, X with Wir fligen. Chain Attack BGM overrides all battle music up until the final boss. And even then, it suddenly regains control for its final phase. While I like the song, it ends up ruining many moments where there may be a more melancholy song for the fight. I would've liked either these songs take priority or just the option to turn it off sometimes.

As mention before, this game is really great with its tone which is saying a lot coming after 2. It feels like they felt like actually addressing the conflict and issues in a world of constant war, and quite often the party is face to face with the consequences of sudden change or someone who views differently. Though I think Consuls are very weak but they are a small piece compared to the actual Colonies and characters impacted. The story doesn't exactly revolve around the previous worlds or characters, nor do they have direct constant engagement with how events play out.

For the most part, this game is rather indirect when it comes to calling back for most of the time. A lot of it is the good "this wouldn't be significant to any of the characters" and is treated as such. Reminiscent of Malos's Blade in 2, where none of the party brings mention to it and the game isn't constantly showing it off. But "if you know, you know" as they say. The Hero with Arts similar to Dunban ends up saying "we live in a world of strife" and it's cute as hell. The game does fumble this at its end where it feels completely forced for no good reason. Supposed to be a pay off for dialogue earlier but it just ends up being inconsistent with most of the game. It's the only reason I can say this game is only 95% good.

I like this party. They feel like a good set of friends who play off each other and like actually care about each other. And instead of constantly motivated by one character, they all have a shared objective that brings them together. While in ganeplay there are specific pairs for Ouroboros, the game is plentiful with cutscenes mixing and matching and having other people interact. Even better is the return of camp sites which now include topic discussions. There are a few random scenes of different characters interacting, including the guest Hero characters. And just having more casual conversations separated from the main story about this world is really nice. Comfy ass game.

And Heroes are just a cool idea period. Having guest characters of people you've met along the way who may be limited but can pull their own weight. And then the benefit of getting their classes onto other characters for even more options!

I think this is a great step up from Xenoblade 2. It actually feels like a sequel advancing ideas from Xenoblade 1 and then some. Makes 2 stand out as being kind of weird with what it does, like the Blade gacha or how it treats its characters and subjects. It's far from perfect but I had fun playing this for a whole week straight, would even do it again.

If something was to make me kind of lose it's the ending scene, specifically where it focuses on Nia and Melia. That photo is ass and weird (cool trophy wives) but just weirdly forced key jingling to people who played 2 and FC. The game is usually really good for how it doesn't make it incredibly obvious what's a reference until that scene and for no reason. This means nothing to people who haven't played those entries and to me is just completely unneeded. Could be cut from the game and I wouldn't hesitate to call this one of my favorite games. It's made worse when you track they try to foreshadow this scene when you meet Nia, and it feels extremely forced there. Talking about a "certain Nopon" does not add anything nor mean anything to these characters. Leave that for a scene where people get curious about Cloudkeep. Showing the sword from this one epilogue means nothing, like most people playing don't already know of the Monado. Plenty of people with less than positive feelings towards 2 will see that and be left in a bad state, which could shape how they feel about 3 and I wouldn't fucking blame them.

Takahashi se levantó un día y dijo "voy a crear el mejor juego de la puta historia"

I dont even know what to say right now. This is a thing of beauty and will be a staple of Jrpg talk for MANY years to come. I am so glad to have dived into the series earlier in the year.

Im not even going to lie I cried badly at the ending lmfao.

This game is a prime example of what developers should do to make their sequels even better from QoL improvements, new mechanics and keeping everything fresh but also never straying too far from what the fans love.

I think this might just be my game of the year currently. Its so damn hard to pick this year lmao

I don't think I can even put into words why I love and adore this game so much. First game I finished that made me cry for 30 mins straight after watching the ending. Just a absolute masterpiece to me

This review contains spoilers

i loved this game, both on its own and as a finisher for the xenoblade trilogy. dividing this into sections for my sanity


definitely the best in the series. the class system is truly the highlight and it really does feel like there’s a lot to be done, especially if you consider the soul hacker class and how versatile it is (although i haven’t completely experimented with it myself). i appreciate that anyone can shine in any role, rather than how in 2 there are plenty of ways one character can excel or not. it also is much more varied, which i enjoyed, and i like that there are some really good healer classes in this game as well. interlink can be fun once you make some good progress with the soul trees, but before arts canceling it sucked really bad and i didn’t touch it. chain attacks in this game are definitely my favorite, although at first i wasn’t sure if i preferred 2’s, the orders especially the variety of hero orders really made this system shine. fully learning the way chain attacks work felt extremely rewarding.

in terms of the world, i loved it. i am especially fond of maktha wildwood and erythia sea, despite how horrific it was to realize that the thing keeping me from filling out the map was a sidequest lol. also despite the boat controls. fuck the boat. but anyway, those areas are some of my favorites from 1 and 2 and the way they were merged feels depressing and really cool at the same time. i remember my jaw dropping when i found the spirit crucible altar in erythia. i love how big the world feels. i was definitely too invested in the story to explore much before beating the game, but it gave me plenty of time in the postgame to truly see it all. i also like that they kept field skills in a sense but they weren’t horrible this time. the one thing i will say is that finding collectibles was always annoying. especially with no guides online, i had such a hard time locating some things. telling me which region something is in doesn’t tell me shit bc the game is SO BIG.

after having done every sidequest, i can say they’re definitely my favorites among the xenoblade games. they flesh out the main party and the heroes so well. i love that heroes continue to take part in quests for their colonies even outside of their own quest, and i love that the colonies befriend each other. aside from a few quests that frustrated me (fetch quest my detested), i really did enjoy completing them all. the one thing i won’t forgive is the ardun breeding. tussore i am sending you negative energy like you wouldn’t believe. also the side stories were really nice although you kind of know what to expect from them once you’ve done a few (which dead/old friend are we finding this time?).


as always, of course the soundtrack is amazing. the battle themes were crazy good (shoutout to the seraphic ceratinia music i wish i could listen to that forever). both the keves and agnus battle themes are really good, also can i just say keves battle reminds me of battle - torna which is great. ummm the boss themes were great too. N’s boss theme makes me so depressed. im ngl i cant really remember what the final boss music sounds like but not every song can be zanza the divine so whatever. not like i could hear it anyway. but yeah the battle themes are so good.
i also loved the area music, i don’t really understand why some people say they’re too boring. some of them feel very sad to me, but i like that, i think it’s fitting. erythia sea probably has my favorite area music. i do still prefer xc2’s area themes but that is okay<3 i think 1 and 2 just have very different kinds due to the atmosphere of the games…if that makes sense.
also society if they played the weight of life more.
OH I ALMOST FORGOT both of the vocal songs made me want to die. where we belong has me crying every time i hear it
also the remixes for nia and melia were SOOOOOOOOO good i especially love the drifting soul remix. absolutely fucking crazy.

characters and story:

GOD the main party in this game. i love them so much. ofc i also love the main party of 1 and 2 but i feel like the dynamic in this game is just on another level. especially when you consider that they finally wrote a good romance!!!! i am always nervous about romance that goes beyond just being implied but wow this game did so well. i mean noahmio is absolutely wonderful but i could’ve done without the implications of lanz/sena and eunie/taion (extremely unnecessary and wouldn’t serve the plot at all). every interaction felt so real and these characters get on so well. even the heroes were great all around. i love that all of the main party felt like they got their time to shine, the way their pasts were incorporated into the story to serve the plot at certain times was so well done (notably sena’s narrative in chapter 5, that really made me cry over her).
in terms of antagonists, this game is of course weaker compared to that of xc2. N and M were great, i was fond of joran and shania also had a good arc if you end up doing sena’s side story (i went from despising her to crying about her and ghondor so fast). ummm crys was cool, he added to noah’s character and i liked that, but that’s about it (although he doesn’t truly count as an antagonist, but if we’re talking moebius). i kind of barely remember some of the earlier moebius so forgive me there. D…well he sure was ugly and fucking annoying. lame backstory and he sucked all around. Z was interesting. it’s hard to “hate” him considering he’s a manifestation of desires/a concept in general but i think it’s what makes him more compelling than he otherwise would’ve been if he were just some guy. i wish that some of the other moebius were more fleshed out though. like it feels as though some of them had nothing… X was there during some more prominent moments but she has no substance??? it’s not the end of the world to me though considering how strong N and M were.

the story itself. the pacing was good at first, then it was odd, chapter 5 felt quite slow to me but then it picks right back up after you go to prison 2 and the ending is right around the corner at that point. i wish there was more substance packed into chapters 6 and 7, i really do. i adore this game but that is definitely one complaint i have.
i couldn’t quite grasp all the lore at first and i feel like some of it is presented in a kind of confusing way, but now that i understand it fully i have even more of an appreciation for this game’s story. the themes of this game are very well executed and hit particularly close to home for me, N’s motivations for example struck me as quite similar to my own thinking but that’s a little too personal for a backloggd review. regardless, i’m crazy about it
xc3 didn’t quite go where i was EXPECTING it to, but i was never mad about it nor did i feel like it was lacking. i kind of expected more about the aegises, but truly now that i look back, their narratives are pretty well done (except for my insanity about malos he definitely deserved a better ending and i will never not be mad about that but xc3 isn’t what i’m blaming for that i’m blaming xc2. MOVING ON). i do not think that klaus would have served the plot of this game at all. he’s gone and that is okay. he was the beginning, not the end. regardless, xc3 was meant to conclude the story of the worlds, not klaus as an individual (i believe 1 and 2 already did that well enough). for that reason, i am not mad about the direction this game went in. one thing i will say is that i hope for an epilogue dlc because the ending is just too heartbreaking otherwise lol. i also think a founders prequel dlc would be the WORST direction they could go in considering who even cares about the founders? there are too many holes left by the ending we got and i hope they can repair that.

anyway yeah. those really were the xenoblade chronicles

In hindsight this wasn't that good

This new entry into the Xenoblade series takes the best parts of Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and makes it a nearly perfect masterpiece of a game. Combat and exploration stays just as good as previous entries with little to no flaws there. No matter what you're doing in the game, It's absolutely fun. The characters are some of the best in the series and give some real meaningful thoughts. On the topic of characters though, the only big weakpoint are the villains. Most of Moebius just feels like a standard villainous organization with no redeeming qualities (with some really good exceptions). Despite that, the main cast is one of the best I've seen and some of the side characters are particularly outstanding. The story also makes a lot of twists and turns that feel natural and makes for a well polished theme of life and how precious it can be. Xenoblade 3 does exactly what it wants while also setting the bar for other JRPGs. This is a game that you can't miss out on and is an easy highlight for JRPGs this year.