Reviews from

in the past

Ayyyyyy! It's a cool mission pack for AC with some improvements. Story isn't as intriguing but everyone else has got at least a small upgrade. The introduction of the Arena ended up becoming one of the most compelling parts of the franchise and it helps from a gameplay level too since there's no penalty for failure.
Easy recommend if you liked the original.

A great, sort of, "DLC" for the first game. The story itself throughout main missions was kind of dull, and you aren't really acting like a mercenary doing others' bidding to get by in this game (which I didn't mind that much since doing missions with a companion is kickass) but it isn't necessarily Armored Core. Most of my time in this game was actually spent in the "Arena Mode" which is a brilliant game mode where you battle against higher ranking ACs to become number one. Really made me change my build and actually think about the parts I'm using.

You know this game is actually much better than the original just because of the arena. Too bad the story and writing were a massive downgrade

I'd have rated this 3 stars, because the story is a lot less interesting than the first game and levels feel a lot... grindier.

But man, that one jungle level, skulking through the bushes with that music playing in the background... that was a real highlight for me, enough to push it half a star further!

Honestly. Too short. Ham-fisted story. The other two are better.

Mal wieder durchgespielt, Fazit von damals bleibt aber:
Ein paar nette Zusätze und Erweiterungen, deutlich komplexere und besser designte Missionen (sowohl vom Ziel als auch vom Leveldesign an sich), die Arena ist ein wunderbarer Zusatz den man nun nie mehr missen möchte

...aber all die anderen Sachen die Teil 1 so besonders machten sind rausgeflogen und wurden durch eine lineare Struktur ersetzt die einfach kein Stück funktionieren möchte.

War ein bisschen frustrierend durchzuspielen und wurde nur dadurch gerettet, dass es doch relativ kurz ist

Unless you really want to play every single game in the series skip this one. Trust me, not worth it. The original game is awesome, Master of Arena is better than this, and the PS2 games are solid. But this? Nothing to it.


More of the same post-AC1. If you really want to go back and play all of these games, I'm sure you'll like Phantasma just as much as AC1, but I don't see any reason to burn through all of them knowing that there are plenty of QoL changes down the road for the series!

pretty fun though a little short, and very unbalanced. i had absolutely zero problems with every encounter in the game until the final boss which i had multiple attempts on with multiple different guns where i literally ran out of ammo without missing any shots and still didnt kill it, until i just used the finger which killed it in a few seconds.

is an expansion and feels like it , not as iconic as the first one but still a good time if you use your AC1 savefile