Reviews from

in the past

Better than the Vita version (it does have some gameplay improvements, such as running in the Lady persona) but still pretty mid.

This game was a flaming pile of dog shit. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more had I played it on Vita, as the Xbox version is a pretty bad port. I really struggled through this one, but I had to send it, for the boys.

It's bad? Like, it sucks that it's that bad, and the worst AC, since the protagonist is so cool. The systems they tried in that one are weird. I don't like how you can have advantages and disadvantages for dressing like a slave or like a rich. It's just not a good AC game.

minha expectativa sobre esse jogo era muito grande mais nao me agradou, o jogo deixou a desejar em tudo combate historia e movimentaçao, posso estar sendo muito critico mais eu tinha uma expectativa muito grande nesse game pode ser por eu ter jogado grandes nomes antes deve tipo ac 4 3 rogue e outros mais esse nao me agradou, a demo desse jogo me dizia que ia ter mais infelizmente nao tive a experiencia que eu esperava.

I understand why it's one of the least popular asscreeds

Mds, até eu esqueci desse daqui. Mas vou defender q foi revolucionário

Joguei sem expectativas nenhuma e ainda assim consegui me decepcionar, o jogo segue a mesma coisa dos outros jogos, agora com a mecânica de trocar a personalidade da protagonista, o que eu não esperava era que o jogo simplesmente não funciona no PlayStation 5, toda vez que o jogo tinha alguma parte em Nova Orleans, o jogo crashava, me ocorreu 4 vezes, fiz algumas gambiarras e parecia ter resolvido mas de vez em quando o jogo fechava de novo, pelo menos o jogo é curto e tinha outros mapas e não se passava apenas naquela cidade, foi oq não me fez desistir de jogar, tirando esses problemas, o jogo é medíocre e totalmente esquecível, tão esquecível que até a empresa se esqueceu de fazer funcionar em algumas plataformas.

If they made this into an actual platform game it would have been one of the greats.

Assassins creed liberation was originally game for ps vita, which you can see from the first minutes you start playing.

Good things:
- Persona mechanics
- Persona abilityes
- The story is in the same timeline as AC 3.
- Citizen E missions
- Cognitive system
- Cityes that feels alive

Bad things:
- Primitive puzzels
- Wierd and sometimes boring story telling
- Boring missions
- Wierd swamps area design
- Wierd controls

Good things -

The first interesting mechanic, that you will be introduced to, is persona stealth/social stealth.
Basically, theres 3 options/personas that you can change to.
Slave persona, lady persona and assassin persona.
Each of them have special abilityes, for example, with lady persona you cant parkour and you are weak at combat, but you can make guards fall in love with you, plus you notriety is pretty low.

As another good thing mentioned, is the fact that the story involves AC 3 protagonist a bit thanks to the fact that both games are in the same timeline.
Its a nice addition, but dont expect much, because "Connor" is there only for few missions.

Another great idea that is there, but for some reason isnt in the main games, is citizen e missions.
Basically the whole modern story is based on some random individual playing an Abstergo game.
Unofrtunatelly Abstergo cut out some cutscenes because they arent showing the templars in a good way.
For this reason, unknown hacker wants you to see the truth, so he makes a random npcs a ”citizen e”.
If you chatch the npc, it will show you what really happened.
As i said, its a good idea, but unfortunatelly the potential isnt used to the max.

As for the Cityes and cognitive system,
basically theres an option to buy for example ”cotton” (how ironic considering you are trying to free slaves ect.) and after that you can sell it to whole bunch of areas trough ships.
It isnt nothing mind blowing, but atleast it is there.
Cityes also feel alive, which is surprising considering that the game was originally developed for ps vita.
By that, i mean theres a good amount of nocs in the cityes.

Bad things -

First of all, the story telling.
I understand that its for ps vita, but the fact that like 40% of the story is told by a text sitting in the loading „cut scene“ is just wierd.
Also the story is kind of mid and boring, it sometimes picks up your attention a bit, especially at the end, but its still nothing special.

As you can see up there, at the start of this review, theres a lot of wierd things in this game.
That includes wierd missions with puzzels.
I think of my self as a bad gamer who mostly needs to search up some missions in different games, because iam retarded and cant figure things out, but i didnt need to do that in this game.
Its so easy, especially the puzzels.
Not even considering the primitive design of some missions, which also makes it kinda boring.

And the final thing that i want to criticize is wierd swamps area design and controls.
For the controls, its nothing experience breaking because its not hard to get used to it, but it still feels wierd.
For example sprinting with your right click ect.
But maybe thats just me.
For the swamps, theres a bunch of obstacles that looks like you can climb on based on AC logic, but somehow you cant.
Sometimes its frustrating, but i guess you can live with it.

Overall -
I think its not really a bad game, considering that it was made for ps vita.
For the price its kinda worth it, if you want to extend your AC experience or trilogy.
If you are poor and just want to play an AC game, i think this game is enough thanks to the price and hardware requirements.


(copied from my steam review)

optimization for PS3 was so fucking ass that the framerates and levels themselves were absolutely broken. worse than any other AC game before and after it. seriously fuck this game lol

This review contains spoilers

for sure a mixed bag mechanically, sorta half hearted in terms of characters (other than aveline, who is my favorite assassin) but ultimately an interesting game that was too short for its flaws to wind up sinking it.

The worst aspect is the vita mechanics which don't add anything and don't seem to always work. Combat is fine, the Bayou is sort of tedious at times, and navigation (as Lady) can be frustrating because the map doesn't clearly communicate what the actual passageways are. Still though it played okay. New Orleans is well done. The personas mechanic is the kernel of something very good that's only barely explored here. The idea of this black woman being able to leverage multiple aspects of her identity for different purposes is interesting, but mechanically it falls short of its potential. I also enjoyed how the game operates within the larger AC universe. The altering of the genetic memory by Abstergo is also very appropriate given the games themes about slavery and the Revolutionary era. Even when the games mechanics started to wear and the main plot line lost my interest, there is something about those Citizen E events that made me curious and paid off well. So it's an interesting game! Not sure I can call it good but worth a play to see what ideas it's messing with. I understand the console versions address some of my complaints.

Play if you really want to play the whole series

Weakest of the franchise i'd say. repetitive and boring story.

The persona switching is an interesting idea but that's the only thing this game has going for it.

played it on the ps5 and it crashes every 5-10 minuts

Aun para una portátil se queda algo corto, y tanto la historia como la mecánica de las vestimentas daba para mas.

The main character is relatively good, but even at the time when this part was released, the game sucked in everything else. The unique mechanics of changing clothes is simply not needed, there is nothing interesting with it, except for the constant hemorrhoids in the first chapters of changing it. The plot is just as easily thrown into the trash as this game itself.

Главная героиня относительно неплоха, но даже в то время когда эта часть вышла, игра посасывала во всем другом. Уникальная механика смены одежды просто не нужна, с ней ничего интересного, кроме постоянного геморроя в первых главах менять ее. Сюжет так же просто выкинут в помойку, как и собственно эта игра.

underrated game in the series but definitely undercooked due to the platform it was released for.

This review contains spoilers

Não tenho muito o que falar desde jogo, até por ele ser bem curto (platinei em 16 horas), mas vou tentar falar um pouco da gameplay, história e impressões no geral

A gameplay é praticamente a mesma do Assassins Creed 3 (o que não é um defeito já que eu gosto bastante do combate), só com a diferença do dardo venenoso/frenesi e sistema de assassinato em cadeia, já o parkour implementado no AC3, AC4 e Rogue pra mim é o pior da franquia porque é o menos preciso

Acho que as personalidades poderiam ser mais diferentes, no fim só muda as missões e como você vai fazer elas, mas isso acontece na maioria das vezes nas side quests

Em vários momentos da minha gameplay a tela ficou piscando, até agora não sei se isso é algum bug ou alguma mecânica relacionada a alguma coisa que eu não percebi (testei com o jacaré por exemplo)

Minha expectativa era uma história tipo a do Adéwalé na expansão Freedom Cry, mas achei a história bem qualquer coisa e a dinâmica com os cidadãos E horrível, sendo o ponto mais alto da história a participação do Connor

O jogo tem quatro mapas: Nova Orleans, Pântano, Chichen Itza e Nova Iorque, sendo os dois primeiros os principais e os outros dois focados na história

No início eu achei que o Pântano ia ser uma cópia mal feita da Fronteira mas me surpreendi positivamente, e mesmo que seja um mapa pequeno te dá impressão de ser maior por causa da água e dos obstáculos

Embora a ambientação seja boa como sempre, não achei Nova Orleans (a parte urbana do jogo) nada demais, tendo claramente inspiração na cidade de Nova York (inclusive no mercado que tem lá) do Assassins Creed 3

Provavelmente essa é a pior trilha sonora da franquia, achei uma merda principalmente as músicas dos mapas, queria dropar o jogo a cada vez que eu entrava em Nova Orleans e começava aquele "dãn, dããn" interminável

Platina foi muito facilitada pelo Map Genie, porque a lista de progresso dentro do jogo é pouco intuitiva, ao contrário do Assassins Creed 3, além disso, com sorte a platina não foi prejudicada pelo bug nos acampamento dos contrabandistas, que FELIZMENTE não contam para o progresso

Entendo que é um jogo originalmente para uma plataforma mais limitada como o Playstation Vita, então não sei se eu tava com expectativa alta ou se realmente a jornada da Aveline teve o potencial desperdiçado, mas achei o jogo bem medíocre