Reviews from

in the past

Better than the Vita version (it does have some gameplay improvements, such as running in the Lady persona) but still pretty mid.

This game was a flaming pile of dog shit. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more had I played it on Vita, as the Xbox version is a pretty bad port. I really struggled through this one, but I had to send it, for the boys.

It's bad? Like, it sucks that it's that bad, and the worst AC, since the protagonist is so cool. The systems they tried in that one are weird. I don't like how you can have advantages and disadvantages for dressing like a slave or like a rich. It's just not a good AC game.

minha expectativa sobre esse jogo era muito grande mais nao me agradou, o jogo deixou a desejar em tudo combate historia e movimentaçao, posso estar sendo muito critico mais eu tinha uma expectativa muito grande nesse game pode ser por eu ter jogado grandes nomes antes deve tipo ac 4 3 rogue e outros mais esse nao me agradou, a demo desse jogo me dizia que ia ter mais infelizmente nao tive a experiencia que eu esperava.

An okay entry to the series. The main city of New Orleans is pretty small and not very interesting and the bayou is a pain in the butt to navigate. The canoes were great idea in concept but the use of them wasn't fun and I spent most of my time just swimming since the canoe would randomly get stuck in places on the water. It's a pretty short game with an unsurprising twist but the personas were a cool idea and I wish they had more places to change into them as well as more incentive to use them aside from the Assassin one which I spent 90% of the time as. No fast travel was also a pain especially, again, in the bayou.

Las ideas interesantes colonialistas de AC 3 están aquí, sin embargo el juego tiene mecánicas muy repetitivas (aún más para la saga) y si AC 3 está hasta atascado de bugs, Liberation no tiene rival.

Solid game. Graphics is quite alright, sometimes get bland on certain sections. The overall gameplay is quite engaging and the controls is very smooth. The mission structures does not feel repetitive. The gameplay mechanics might get repetitive at times. The story is alright, not very memorable.

Сюжет здесь довольно банальный, не интересный. Короче он никакой, просто скучный, никак не цепляет. Персонажи тоже не вызывают никаких эмоций, кроме как скуку. Герои кажутся картонными, не ощущается живыми.

В открытом мире у нас есть куча посредственных активностей. Это разного рода собирательства, точки обзора и лавки, которые надо покупать.
Геймплейно игра похожа на Assassin’s Creed 3. Есть нововведение – личины Авелины. Личины три: личина рабыни, личина ассассина и личина госпожи. В личине рабыни легко сливаться с себе подобными, устраивать драки, да и стража не захочет с такими иметь дело. Личина госпожи позволяет проходить в охраняемые зоны, очаровывая или подкупая стражу. Костюм госпожи не позволяет Авелине паркурить и в нем можно носить только Скрытые клинки и дымовые шашки, костюм рабыни позволяет паркурить, но арсенал оружия тоже не полный. Пару новых видов вооружения – дротики с ядом, зонтик и кнут.

Из плюсов можно отметить красивый мир, ну это у Ubisoft всегда получалось хорошо.

Не советую эту игру никому. Эта часть серии просто очень плохой проходняк. Здесь ужасно скучный сюжет, картонные, не запоминающиеся персонажи. Здесь интересно только нововведение с личинами, первое время интересна эта механика, когда дают возможность это делать.

The persona switching is an interesting idea but that's the only thing this game has going for it.

It originally came out at the same time with ACIII but for the PSVita, and yeah, you can tell. Aveline is our first main-line female protagonist, up until Syndicate and she had the potential to be such a good character but feels completely held back by the game itself. I found Liberation to be completely boring and for the most part, uninteresting and I wish that wasn't the case. Even if you are a fan of the series, this one is easily skippable and close to, if not at the bottom of the ranking.

My steam review:

Aun para una portátil se queda algo corto, y tanto la historia como la mecánica de las vestimentas daba para mas.

optimization for PS3 was so fucking ass that the framerates and levels themselves were absolutely broken. worse than any other AC game before and after it. seriously fuck this game lol

This review contains spoilers

for sure a mixed bag mechanically, sorta half hearted in terms of characters (other than aveline, who is my favorite assassin) but ultimately an interesting game that was too short for its flaws to wind up sinking it.

The worst aspect is the vita mechanics which don't add anything and don't seem to always work. Combat is fine, the Bayou is sort of tedious at times, and navigation (as Lady) can be frustrating because the map doesn't clearly communicate what the actual passageways are. Still though it played okay. New Orleans is well done. The personas mechanic is the kernel of something very good that's only barely explored here. The idea of this black woman being able to leverage multiple aspects of her identity for different purposes is interesting, but mechanically it falls short of its potential. I also enjoyed how the game operates within the larger AC universe. The altering of the genetic memory by Abstergo is also very appropriate given the games themes about slavery and the Revolutionary era. Even when the games mechanics started to wear and the main plot line lost my interest, there is something about those Citizen E events that made me curious and paid off well. So it's an interesting game! Not sure I can call it good but worth a play to see what ideas it's messing with. I understand the console versions address some of my complaints.

Play if you really want to play the whole series

Weakest of the franchise i'd say. repetitive and boring story.

Does not hold up well. Is easily the weakest AC game. The city is unfun to walk through. The parkour lacks, and the story is forgettable.

"Notice: DLC for this product and online elements and features will become unavailable, as of Sept 1st, 2022. The base game will continue to be playable."

Cringe + maidenless + L + Ratio

For a spin-off it’s not awful. But lacks in a lot of repetitive gameplay and boring story.

Not as bad as people say it is, not great, but not horrible. If you like the series I'd say this is worth playing.


AC Liberation is a spin off that was ported from a handheld to consoles. Now I won’t be as hash as I want to be on this game but Liberation kinda sucks.

Gameplay wise it plays like 3 for the most part and follows a very forgettable story and cast of characters. Aveline is an assassin in colonial New Orleans, and you follow her story. There honestly isn't much to say about this game so I'm not going to give this game a full review like I usually do, let’s be honest you are here for AC3 not this game. This game has a new feature of changing personas (like she's batman or something) where she goes into changing rooms and can switch between her dressy civilian outfit, slave outfit, and Assassin outfit. Aside for when I'm prompted to, I hardly used this system at all, it just makes sense to use the assassin one most of the time because it’s the best one. This game had a bunch of weird collectibles and unlockables I didn't understand and the money system in this game is super unbalanced. There is a naval trading system in this game, and I think you are expected to get money and stuff you need from that, but I just didn't get it and found it boring, the maps in this game suck too, especially the Bayou map and the story is crazy predictable with a predictable twist. There is no modern-day story, but you see different versions of cutscenes cuz this game plays into the Black Flag idea Ubstergo are selling these stories as video games... anyways yeah so there's that. The highlight of this game is only available on the ps3 version that has a Connor Kenway AI Co-op partner Follow you around for the mission. Which doesn't happen until almost the very end of the game and wasn't super worth it. Overall, not an amazing AC game and if you really wanna enjoy or play this one I suggest spending a little extra and just buying the AC3 remaster that comes with a better version of this game that includes the Conner mission.

First AC game I completed, it was good, enjoyed the story and all.

played it on the ps5 and it crashes every 5-10 minuts

Tiene mecánicas interesantes que pudieron haber sido aprovechadas mejor en la saga principal; es divertido pero olvidable.