Reviews from

in the past
Essa ost carrega demais o momento.
Num geral achei decente, mas só isso, acho o plot muito ruim, mas o gameplay é bacana e tem fases divertidas, porém é fácil pkrl.

As a shmup noob, this game was the perfect level of forgiving and achievable. I felt like I actually earned my victories rather than pumping continues (even though I did have to continue more than a few times). It also has a lot of mechanics that grew on me. There's certainly a feeling that the game has some depth beyond surface-level. That said, the story is a bit nonsense and it's difficult to follow because it's subtitled as you're trying to avoid hundreds of bullets. On top of this distraction, there's a lot of visual clutter which can at times make it difficult to concentrate. Astebreed still looks great and I loved how perspectives would shift, but it would have been nice to have foreground elements more distinctive. I can see why shmup fans love this one so much and as a mere visitor to the genre, I also enjoyed it a good deal.

A lot of neat ideas that don't have room for each other, and don't have enough time to really express their potential. You have 3 or 4 distinct normal attacks, all of which can be decent sources of damage, add to your maneuverability, or can be used defensively as well as offensively, but most of the time you'll really only need 1 or 2, and anything else is gravy. The use of a health bar rather than instant death makes 80% of the game (on normal mode anyway) feel like a pushover, but the visuals become cluttered fast, so it's very much a necessity.
I don't often wish for a dub, but the fact that the story plays out in subtitled dialogue that happens in the middle of action stages you can't really look away from is a pretty serious negative. At least on the first run-through; you can totally disregard the story on subsequent playthroughs. And it's short enough to feel pretty dang replayable.
All in all, I feel like it's worth picking up if you find it on sale for <$8 or in a bundle, but it feels like it has more in common with a top down beat em up like Travis Strikes again than a more traditional shmup like R-Type or something.

Hard to read subtitles during a shmup which is a shame because this game really seems to want me to care about the story. Otherwise very fun and stylish.

After not finishing a game in months, I return with a short one. Plays like... the mech parts of Nier Automata, so it's pretty fun. The story is the most anime trash you can imagine. Couldn't tell you what happened.

First thing I see when booting up the game is a steam community post of two children making out. I refuse to play this game

Real good bullethell shooter, I thought stylistically it’s a really cool Mecha with dynamic angles.

I like the use of bullets, sabre and homing missiles that can be used together in tandem.

Points going against it is not the anime storyline itself. But the stylistic direction taken when localising this.

Dialogue is spoken in Japanese with subtitles during the shooting segments with some image gallery cutscenes interspersed between the action. Making the game hard to follow, and it’s sorta obtuse anyways, using many Space Opera stables.

It’s a short game at an hour, but games like this are often replayed for score attack, trophies and at higher difficulties.

A fairly fun shmup that's flashy, but doesn't have a ton of personality to it.

Impressive. Pretty much does I think everything that's possible to take a 2d style shooter into epic 3-dimensional levels. Very breezy, easy-to-like playthrough.

I had no clue what was going on for most of this, and equally couldn't see 50% of the bullets on screen on the later levels, but I loved it. Just a ton of fun, looked and sounded great and played smoothly.

This is a Shmup for a schizophrenic weaboos.

Not my usual cup of tea but the gameplay inovation with the pseudo-3D sections and the fantastic visuals as well as the surprisingly good voice acting made for a fun couple of hours.

Played it on a PS5 and honestly, the in-game graphics look pretty incredible. The "cutscenes" which are more of a slideshow kinda seem out of place, but it's obviously a budget decision and although they look pretty rough at times, I can understand it.

The biggest problem with this game is that the first playthrough is probably not gonna be extremely enjoyable. The characters are pretty much always talking and the only ways to follow the dialogue are a) be able to understand japanese and b) read the very small subtitles in the bottom left corner. But since Astebreed is an action game, this doesn't really work, because you can't play very good, whilst reading. Kid Icarus Uprising did this way better, but an english dub would've been the solution, which probably comes back to the budget restraint. Ignoring the dialogue is also not the best option for the 1st playthrough, since the game puts a surprising emphasis on the story, which you probably shouldn't skip the first time (it's not great and extremely rushed, but you probably could find some aspects to like).

Besides that, the combat is pretty fun and surprisingly complex, although melee + homing missiles seems kinda op in comparison to the normal shooting style. They also did some really slick 3D camera work in some scenes, when focusing on stuff happening in the background or finishing moves. And uh, mech looks cool.

Please note that the game is not KBM friendly. Use a controller. Once I did that and tried to get the hang of the movements by playing for low damage runs on easy... I had plenty of fun, lol.

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Couldn't tell what was happening for 90% of the time but still had fun. Game is very easy for most of the time but the final boss has an insane difficulty spike, wtf

Great schmup action and I love how each level naturally transitions into the next. I couldn't give two shits about the story though

I suspect Nier Automata's STG sections with shifting perspective were inspired by this game. This game clearly has the focus on building an integrated overall player experience, rather than being a hardcore shooter, which makes it a good introductory title for newcomer of the genre. It's a shame that it doesn't have localized voice acting. Nobody has got the time to read subtitle during gameplay, which makes the story in cutscene incomprehensible. Thankfully the lore documents that are unlocked after finishing the game give a pretty good explanation of everything.

Cool if short shmup from Edelweiss, who notably went on to make Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, which is a complete tonal shift. Fun action even if I was just kinda mashing and didn't pay too much attention to what the action was doing because I was listening to the voice acting.

Buen juego, pero poco que destacar.
No te vas a enterar de la mitad de la historia, ya que están charlando todo el tiempo mientras esquivas y disparas 300millones de balas.

Jugablemente es divertido, aunque es facilillo y solo los dos últimos jefes dan guerra.
(De hecho, no aprendí a jugar bien hasta el jefe final).

En Switch se juega perfectamente, y destacar que es bastante cortito, en una hora está ventilado.

A shmup that is beatable by human beings