Reviews from

in the past

Decent, cute little arcade game. The controls are surprisingly good and how you expect them to be for the NES.

Weird to control, but that's the point!

Its Joust but fairer with better controls. Breezy light fun.

Okay, so it's just Nintendo's rip-off of Joust for the arcade. That aside... Balloon Fight manages to get all the mechanics right and couples them with a couple of fun game modes, great chiptune music (composed by good ol' Chip Tanaka), and cute graphics.

This game's fun and simple and even if there's not a lot of content there. What is there feels like all the best of this style of game (arcade, repetitive, score-based). Flying around feels good, the physics seem just right, and the AI is challenging without being ridiculous.

If you're gonna make an arcade-style score-attack game, especially now, do yourself a favor and make it one with a gameplay loop as good as Balloon Fight.

4.5 - Excellent: The main stock of my list of "greatest games ever"

I never got to play this with another person, but i remember enjoying this game for a while.

Balloon Fight is a good-ass time, and of these little arcade style NES games I consider it the best. Rest in peaches Iwata-san.

Interesting gameplay idea, rather well implemented. The Balloon Trip mode is moderately interesting, but fails to create a truly effective experience on a long run.

A simple but still fun title that plays well. Balloon trip is a fun way to kill some time with some good music to accompany it. If you like Joust then check this out, if not then maybe stay away. Or if you like Adam & Eve on Caltron 6 in 1 then you will like this I guess.

Think Joust, but make it much much better. Balloon Fight is mechanically very simple, but also a game I could play for hours.

Good music, and Balloon Trip is a good mode, but not much else stands out. Wears out its welcome for me pretty quickly.

Absolutely incredible that shit like this was on shelves at the same time as the legend of Zelda, Metroid and Castlevania

played on smash 4 masterpieces

Pretty good simple little game, I liked that there were multiple modes here that took the conceit in different directions. Works well!

i like the classic balloon fight music.

A fun game very much like the arcade game Joust, where you fly around as a dude tied to a balloon with purposefully-difficult controls. There are two modes, one that involves popping enemies' balloons and another where you try and not die for as long as you can. It's multiplayer, too.

Pretty neat little game. The physics are a bit of a learning curve but it allows for pretty entertaining gameplay. The fighting mode is good fun but the trip mode is where the game excels. There's not really any depth to it, but it's fun to play in spurts. I wish they expanded on this franchise a bit beyond the Gameboy sequel, but it's always going to be remembered as one of the original cult classics of the NES, which is well-deserved.

A rare instance of a NES game actually being fun and addicting

this rocks actually, even if i suck ass at it

nes classic 8/30

Eu genuianamente amo esse jogo, eu jogaria todo dia se eu pudesse. Não sei porque, eu so gosto de fazer as mesmas rodadas de inimigos de novo e de novo

North American NES launch title thats, actually aged really well! Its fun and has two different gameplay modes to play, normal level by level Balloon Fight, aswell as this in 2 player, and the auto-scrolling Balloon Trip. Its overall just a very enjoyable arcade-like game to see how far you can get. I like it, a rare NES game thats aged pretty well in my opinion.

Ballon Fight is a pretty simple game about an quite innovative idea, of popping ballons.

Might have been an very addictive game in the early days but nowadays it's just a "Yeah I've played that in any of the ported versions, but I don't really have to replay it anytime soon again"-game.

I played this game so much as a kid.

Flying around poppin' some pointy nosed devil's balloon while preventing your own two balloons from getting popped can be fun. Although the levels can be tricky as the controls for the Balloon Fighter are flighty, so it feels like my movements aren't precise enough.
This was the first arcade style game I played where they don't give you an extra life no matter how many points you get, which is a shocker to me.
I like that there is an alternate game mode with "Balloon Trip", providing Balloon Fight with a bit more replayability.
This game was good way to pass two hours for me. My top score for Game A was 90900, while for Game C it was 47370.

Remember when Nintendo ripped off Joust?

(Played on Nintendo Switch Online NES)
Pretty fun arcade style game. The constant beeping sounds can get pretty annoying but it ain’t too bad, and Balloon Trip is a fun but challenging extra mode. Worth at least a shot

Eu achei Baloon Fight incrivelmente bem desenhado e bem executado. Como títulos de arcade costumam ser bem simples, ele abusa da mecânica bem implementada pra oferecer 2 modos de jogo bem robustos.

Survival contra passarinhos que tentam te derrubar, com 3 vidas, survival em um vôo livre desviando de choques elétricos.

Imagino que em 1985 esse era um dos jogos mais divertidos de se jogar com alguém na sala e ainda interessante de jogar contra a IA. Os controles são muito responsivos, e o game feel em cada colisão com outros elementos do cenário são igualmente prazerosos.

Highscore pra todo lado, como era de se esperar, mas um dos títulos de arcade mais divertidos que já joguei no NES.

Just a fun little classic NES game. The Nintendo Land version is better.