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This is the teeniest Siactro game but it's still a fun and cute time. I don't think I've seen a game successfully replicate the look and sound of the SNES DKC games as well as this game.

Overall Score: ✅80%

So you play as a bee that bounces instead of flying... Weird.
Okay in all seriousness, I wouldn't mind seeing Siactro delving into 2D Platformers in the future.

por 90cents valeu a pena, tem gráficos de DKCountry e boas musicas (Siactro, dnv)

A short, sweet, costs-only-a-buck treat.

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The gameplay is whatever but the artstyle and music are really good. Finished in like 15 minutes.

Deixou meu cérebro lisinho iguaL UM PEITO DE FRANGO

This was a very cute little experience. I'm very glad that, considering these levels play vertically instead of horizontally, there's a bee raft that spawns and follows you up the level to catch you if you fall. It's not so close that the level becomes piss easy, but not so far that you feel like you need to repeat the whole level over again. There was one level that genuinely freaked me out too for like, 30 seconds, which is more than I expected from a game called Beeny. Also, a cute surprise at the end of the game if you go back to the house after beating the last level. Beeny slay.

it nails the aesthetic it's going for, really nice game to look at. Otherwise it's just okay.

dude i think this is mankind at its peak

a good short mesmerising game that have a snes style graphics

Very short and very easy to 100% (like 30 minutes), bought it because it's a prequel to Super Kiwi 64. Honestly if we removed the "safety bees" that remove all the punishment for fucking up in an already easy game it could have been a bit better. It's not bad, it just nothing great either. For the price it's ok.

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Bit of a mindless romp-I understand it's meant to be more of a supplementary piece-but still a fun time. Enjoyed the extra time challenges as well.

All levels completed, including time trial targets. Beeny is a very short 2D platformer, with each of its ten stages based around climbing upwards to reach a goal. Once again from solo developer Slactro (Kiwi 64, Toree, Macbat 64), there's a strong retro aesthetic, in this case taking clear inspiration from the SNES Donkey Kong Country series and while it doesn't have the greatest degree of polish, it's a fun time, with well-judged, responsive controls. Each stage can be beaten within a minute, so it's easily beaten with 20 minutes or so and even with the unlockable time trial mode it won't last ore than an hour - but the very low asking price makes that feel perfectly fine. Without giving any specifics, the rewards for beating the game, and then all of the time trial target times, are a delight, leaving a great feeling to take away from the game. Ultimately, the simplicity of what's on offer here limits Beeny's potential, but what it does, it does well.

This game is really fun and has some great levels my main complaint with this game is like most of siactro's games lacks enemy's and challenge beyond going fast but just how fun it is to play carries it a lot I really do hope siactro makes there own company so they can make a full 2-5 hour game as they have really proven they have what it takes to make something potentially masterful

Playing this one a lot. Immaculate art & designs

my absolute shock when i saw the release year. it plays like a 90s pc game, down to the weird mouse behavior on modern machines

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Very simple but fun vertical platformer. There's this sort of platform of 3 bees that follows off screen beneath you a few platforms down, so if you miss a platform you won't fall all the way down to the bottom, I do think there should've been an option to turn that off, since the levels are super short anyway so it's not like you'd lose that much progress by falling. The only other issue was (mild SPOILERS:) at the end you get a bonus level that sort of acts as a demo/prologue for Super Kiwi 64 (out in December apparently) but that part has no options to change the camera inversion, I assume the actual game will, as Siactro's other games do, it's just something they probably missed here.

Didn't really connect with this one sadly. Once again the audiovisuals impeccably match Siactro's intent (this time a mid-90s CG look that honestly felt most in company with 32-bit GBA games), but the platforming never got challenging enough to be interesting until the last couple of stages. Macbat 64 was also a cakewalk but that at least was designed around exploring the areas; I'm not asking for Jump King levels of vertical platforming but there's just not enough substance with what few gimmicks the game offers.

Pretty fun short game that has graphics reminiscent of DKC. Wish it was longer, took me almost 30 minutes to finish all the levels and the time trials as well.

The Siactro shared universe is finally coming together for me.

This is only missing a half-star because it still doesn't quite compare to the best games of the series it is paying homage to (likely due to its length). But goodness me, does this game still tick all the right boxes for me in terms of how to do nostalgia bait correctly.

The music composer, RCMusic, also understood the assignment. Visions of David Wise, and no, that will never be a bad thing. In fact, I think the world would be a much brighter place if there were thousands more David Wise clones making music this beautiful.