Reviews from

in the past

Why does my wife want to buy candy bars when our daughter is on the brink of passing? Is she stupid? Did the Propagandamobile make her nuts? If there is one propaganda this game made me accept, it's to never have kids. Sending my son to North Korea following a minor disagreement sounds fair it's costing me a kidney to keep you and your sister alive.

curioso. fui ler uma entrevista dos devs e eles se disseram "apolíticos". você fazer esse jogo e falar que é apolítico é, no mínimo, curioso

just lost like at the same spots even when trying to do differnt things but will come back someday

Kind of a stealth/management game version of Papers Please? A little hard to describe, but I really enjoy it. It's not going to radicalize everyone who plays it, but there are thought-provoking things about it, and it's certainly engaging throughout.

It was fun don't get me wrong but It wasn't really my thing, weather it was because I played it on switch or it's just not for me. Hopefully the sequel is better, I'll come back to this eventually.

mi cara cuando tocar botones aleatoriamente y darle que si a todo me da el peor final posible (mi cerebro no esta preparado para tomar decisiones)

I love what this game tried to do, but found it to be very tedious and repetitive to play. I had no interest in finishing it.

jajaja espero q nadie sospeche de mi mientrass espio a mi vecinita jaj que rica

Amo a premissa e que suas escolhas impactam na história

Interesting premise, gameplay and story are quite shallow tho

Es una muy buena idea pero bastante mal ejecutada.

Interesting idea but it gets repetitve very fast, also very slow paced. Some of the missions, if you fail them, you still have to wait for the calendar to go by.

SimFascism, or What if PAPERS, PLEASE Was Dark Twee and Actually Boring

No se si soy gilipollas o si el juego es imposible, siempre lo termino abandonando.

i got stuck bc my tenant kept killing me

На вид симпатичная мультяшная гиперболизация антиутопии, поданная с точки зрения профессионального доносчика, преподносит на первое время неплохой опыт погружения в ситуацию сжатых сроков и тяжёлых обстоятельств. Но вскоре обнаруживаешь, как искусственно подстроенное падение домино на полуслове оставляет тебя у разбитого корыта, лишая желания продолжать аморальную рутину без должной мотивации. Последствия фальшивых выборов неприкрыто обнажают иллюзия свободы действий. Осознание своей заранее отведённой роли в постановочном действе не оставляет никакого желания здесь задерживаться, а уж перепроходить это с мнимой "реиграбельностью" и подавно.

Set in a totalitarian state you take control over a landlord in charge of an apartment complex ordered by the government to spy on the people living there. Writing up their activities for money, blackmailing, and reporting them to the police for the ever increasing number of illegal actions. Choices of who to help or arrest through actions and dialogue can change plot elements and endings for you, the country, and your family. Good art style. Surveillance camera spying isn't really useful as you usually find things by entering the house when people leave and looking at their stuff or talking to people to complete quests. Timing of quests can make things difficult and it's often a better idea to complete them as late as possible so you have more time and the random times and lengths that some people leave their apartments can make things difficult or just cause you to have to wait around.

I like the concept for Beholder, but I find the means through which the player is able to interact with the game world are rather limited. I can't recommend Beholder as a management or a stealth game so all it has left to stand out is the totalitarianism theme which has been done better before.

This game is an interesting experience. However, it is one in which you either have to look up a guide or know exactly how to exploit the different mechanics and characters for you to get the best ending.
The artstyle of the characters is really simplistic but cool where alll of them are represented by black silhouettes.
It is a short game, in which you can finish it in a couple of hours unless you are save scumming a lot just you get the story results that satisfy you.
Get this one if you want a mixture of papers, Please and This War of Mine

Plusy: interesujący koncept, klimatyczny projekt grafiki
Minusy: nuda, słaby gameplay

A história e a gameplay apresentam uma premissa bem interessante, mas acabam por serem rasas e não conseguem vingar o conceito.
Fiquei de tentar outros finais, mas a gameplay realmente me cansa e não consegue me prender como em "Papers, Please", que segue uma linha semelhante. Dá pra se divertir, mas não espere muita coisa.

Este jogo é simplesmente incrível. Cada pequeno detalhe da vida miserável de nosso Carl e de como as coisas vão piorando pra ele. Pensar também que esse jogo é russo torna tudo melhor.

I am really conflicted when it comes to this game. I did play all of it and got all the achievements. Did I really enjoy the process? That would be a resounding no.

I feel like this is one of those games that is great with its first playthrough as you experience the story. When you replay it later on, it becomes a painful experience of trying to time all the events that you have seen a million times just right to get a specific outcome. And before you ask, I tried, it was not fun at all.

This game is not terrible by any means, but it really did challenge my mentality of trying to get all achievements for all my steam games at the time. At the end of getting all achievements of this game I felt so exhausted I wanted to stab myself in the gut multiple times.

The game still offers a unique experience of monitoring others in a dystopian Soviet-like society if you are into that shit. It is, however, not one of those games that you would wish to revisit.

Qué bien se ve y qué mal se juega.

No me gustan nada los juegos de gestión, pero admito que este está bastante entretenido. Espiar a tus vecinos, saber cuándo denunciarlos y cuándo quedarte con ellos... Es un juego sobre retrasar la derrota el máximo tiempo posible, a lo Papers Please. No vas a ganar, pero quizás puedas vivir otro día.