Reviews from

in the past

Knoxx storyline was funny and Athena is a beautiful addition to the series. Crawmerax was lit.
It was nice seeing all those new enemies and new cars but got frustrated after trying to complete every quest because there are no fast travel points and you have to drive through the whole map. So much grind.
Still an okay DLC, even though my 'Completionist' achievement is bugged...

Don't know if they fixed the armory glitch in the remasters, but if they did, me will consider it a war crime

Good concepts and rewards completely ruined by backtracking. Doing all the missions requires will of steel and the patience of a madman.

"Nostalgia Can Eventually Die"

Man, this was my favorite DLC when I was a kid. The "open zone" driving environments, the humor (which I didn't even understand fully), and the crazy loot-a-thon at the end of the experience - all of this was great stuff. However, I beat this again recently and just found it to be really bland.

The story for this DLC is super straightforward, yet it manages to get boring by the halfway point. The jokes are likely the best aspect, but the only funny characters are General Knoxx and Mr. Shank. Each quest feels like some sort of filler, and the worst ones are where you're forced to backtrack across multiple areas without the ability to fast-travel. This is a common issue with all of the first game's DLC, and I won't ever really understand why they were designed this way.

The locations are pretty bland to look at as well. Lots of desert and lack of color, but everything sort of blends together. The enemies are a bit more interesting than the previous two though, which makes the combat a bit more dynamic. The bosses weren't the worst, though I reckon they should've been spiced up more.

It's playable, and the loot session at the end will always get me a bit nostalgic for my childhood, but it's just not super interesting most of the time. It barely does enough to qualify as worthwhile, though I likely won't replay it (nor the rest of the original Borderlands) ever again.

Final Verdict: 6/10 (Above Average)

Adds the most in terms of content to the base game and I'd say I liked this one second to Zombie Island. What is this DLC's downfall is the fact that there is no fast travel at all aside for in the starting area. This isn't so bad in Zombie Island and Claptrap Revolution because the areas are small and easier to get where you need to go on foot. Here the areas are huge and require cars to get around, which isn't a bad thing, the problem is if you quit out your game and reload later; you have to travel very long distances to get to where you last were and fight tones of enemies on the way there. It makes going back to do side missions a pain and pretty much makes you try to finish the whole thing in one sitting, which is not good.

Lack of fast travel is rly RLY annoying
But that armoury (and the glitch) made up for it easily

Besides an iffy final boss, better than the main game's story line, imo.

This DLC isn't great. I didn't like how the driving mechanic was so up front in this one because it is one of my least favorite parts of the game in general. The enemies also aren't great.

Aggressively mediocre. Ends with a bang, but the journey there is unmemorable at best and annoying at worst. I finished it a few days ago and I can barely remember anything about it.

Fun DLC but the secret armory isn't all that its cracked up to be. Maybe If I had played it in its harder setting after beating the campaign, I would have gotten some high quality loot.

Amazing DLC for the main game.

Borderlands is a fantastic game. It combines high paced action with good mechanics, a fun story, upbeat dub step music, humour, filthy jokes and does not take itself seriously.

I enjoyed every minute of the main game, it's story and the collecting of loot, cash and special items. And then I played the DLC’s. My god, they were even better. The DLC’s are all over the place and add a fresh new mini campaign in each one of them with a completely different idea and style.

The last DLC I played, was The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, in which you search for the holy room of guns to make yourself invincible. Of course, this is not easy, and a ton of Crimson Raiders try to stop you, just as the depressed General Knoxx himself, whose only wish is to die.

I thought his depressing attitude was the best aspect of this DLC. He was so sad and hillarious at the same time.

I like that they combined jokes, characters, and events from the main game and the other DLC’s into each DLC, it makes everything feel more connected. Examples are Zombie T.K. Baha (killed in main game) and General Knoxx as a puppet in Claptrap’s revolution, who finally died in The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, just like he so desperately wanted, but now is back as a zombie-puppet.

Overall, the main game and it’s DLC’s are in my top 10 favourite games of all time, and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

Borderlands has always had weak DLC in my eyes, but this manages to be the best of a somewhat mediocre bunch for the original game. General Knoxx seems much more in line with the core game's black sense of humor than the other DLCs, and the rest of the content is enjoyable enough to stave off the tedium that creeps in to the other add-ons. Serves as a nice introduction for a pivotal character in later games in the series - otherwise it's just alright.

What a shitshow. The whole DLC is just a bunch of driving around, and then stopping because you have to remove a barrier, and then you have to fight some of the worst enemies (The entirety of the Crimson Lance and the shit new enemies they made for this DLC) in the entire series. The story is all over the place and just kinda shit. Half of it is just rescuing Athena and the rest are just boring fetch quests. Only redeeming qualities of this DLC is General Knoxx and Mr. Shank.

Casually has so much loot in his base

Definitely nowhere near as interesting as the Claptrap or Dr. Ned DLC but like the other two it does have a really good final boss and a good amount of new content

The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx has a pretty cool villain and introduces Athena who is a character i enjoy quite a bit in further installments, but that is all it really has going for it. The map design is awful, focusing on long stretches of just driving. Which the vehicle controls in borderlands are okay, but not good enough to have almost half a DLC focused on it. These long stretches wouldn't be so bad if there was more then 1 fast travel station right at the start, which just makes things tedious. Knoxx is definitely an improvement on Commandant Steele from the main campaign but he still isn't anything special. I was looking forward to playing this one, feel like i heard some great things about it, safe to say i'm pretty disappointed

+ Первое появление Афины в серии, забавный Генерал, взрыв базы в конце.
- Большие локации с шоссе которые просто хочется скипнуть, большинство доп. квестов душка

Knoxx ve diğer karakterler İNANILMAZ güzel yazılmış, yeni çok enemy yok

Great DLC. There's tons to do, and lots of extra loot. Not to mention a secret boss who drops tons of loot when defeated. The main story is enjoyable and one of the longer ones I've played through for a DLC. Overall great DLC that's worth it's cost.

Writers put more jokes in the script and the new characters are interesting. Everything else is kinda bland though.

I really like this DLC, but it really suffers from a lack of fast travel. Be prepared for lots and lots of driving around.

A mediocre dlc for a mediocre game. Except, unlike that game, this dlc has you backtrack a million times in incredibly boring highway drives. I gotta admit though, that final loot vault is fucking cool.

i think this is the strongest dlc out of the 4 but the focus on cars is meh


if this is my fault, i'll own up to it and change my review, but i have a feeling it won't.

the secret army of general knoxx, as i understand it, does not level with you past level 51. i played through the zombie island of dr ned first, i was a level 56 siren, and every enemy and quest was only level 51? what? i wasn't going to play through a dlc of enemies that are always 5 levels or more below me. if there's one crime borderlands dlcs can never recover from, it's not leveling alongside the player. boo

Cool DLC with great humour to be found in the dialogue.

Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

Not quite as miserable as the base game but still features each and every returning flaw from it - including but not limited to its mind-numbing shit combat, drab visuals, torturously repetitive + unfunny humor, forgettable missions, annoying RNG loot system, and a map that is a monumental bore to navigate. The type of game that exists only to see how far the medium has evolved since its primitive simplicity, so we can appreciate the type of stuff we get now. Also if you ever needed a reminder how obnoxious 2010's "le epically trolled"/"random XD" shtick was, here you go.