Reviews from

in the past

This game is more likable that BD2 because it doesn't have the worse dubtitles known to man

A perfect JRPG until it completely falls apart in the second half.

It is one of the the first non pokemon/mario rpgs i played and still hold up as one of the best in the genre. The jobs system is ridiculously fun with its customisability, allowing for a level of depth that other turn based rpgs do not deliver. The graphics are gorgeous as well and stand out as among the best the 3ds has to offer. The very endearing cast and fun story also are a plus

i really wanted to like this game, but it did not work for me. the soundtrack is average at best, the characters aren't very intriguing (except ringabel, i did enjoy him) and the world and story did not grab my attention. i do hope i can return to this one day and finish it, maybe even find it enjoyable, but for now i have to abandone this game

Une histoire prenante avec un plot twist de génie, une bande son incroyable et un système de classes d'une grande richesse.
Dommage que la dernière partie du jeu soit si répétitive.

Almost 10 years later, I'm coming back to my childhood favorite game, and probably my favorite game of all time.

So many memories came back with just an hour in. I can't wait to explore what I've left off unfold and unexplored.

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Bravely Default has a wonderful Jobs system to mix and match abilities while adding a fun bit of spice to the turn-based combat with the Brave and Defend system. But good god are the characters bland, the story dull, and that frakking twist...

The issue isn't the twist itself. Your Navi-like companion turning out to be the trapped evil that was defeated centuries ago is fine. Good even! And the little title change, while painfully forced, was a neat touch. But having to fight the crystal bosses SIX TIMES in order to get to The Final Battle is excessive and soul-draining. Really felt like the writers standing over my shoulder smugly complimenting themselves for such an idea, while the gameplay devs apologizing over my other shoulder like they were forced to drag this out from some higher up because he knew said writer.

Go play Radiant Historia instead. Or Etrian Odyssey IV. Or Stella Glow. Or The Alliance Alive.

An idle game disguised as an RPG

Summoner's rainbow whale go BBRRRRRR

early level check bosses get your game dropped.

Review in progress:
It's not a good game. Most JRPGs are highly overrated, and this is no exception.

The story is generic and forgettable. All of the characters are annoying, shallow anime cliches. The chibi art style on the character models looks cheap and ugly. The dungeons all have bland layouts and puzzles. They genuinely feel AI-generated at times. Most of the soundtrack is mediocre and a lot of the songs are overplayed.

Random encounters are in this 2013 game. You can toggle the encounter rate, but that's a band-aid on a gaping wound. They shouldn't be here in the first place and heavily date the game.

The final section is the worst I've played in any game. It's a miserable slog and is the type of blatant padding the genre is notorious for.

The only thing Bravely Default has going for it is its above-average combat system, which has a good amount of depth. It isn't enough to save the game from being anything more than mediocre.

I want to get into this game but I just couldn't.

Solid JRPG, and a very obvious nod to classic Final Fantasy, the plot isn't the biggest panacea, but the twist is nice (but not the fact involved to get to the true ending)

this game is pretty cool and it has good music. the loop shit is dumb but everythin else is pog

Bravely Default was a very solid game. It's about what you'd expect from a turn-based jrpg, but it was very fun and I spent hours grinding to get everything done in this game. The characters and world were fun, and I really enjoyed it.

The story is rough around the edges but the gameplay was a treat and I still found the world of luxendarc and the warriors of light endearing. Yes it's not a unique plot and it flails with its pacing but BD is still fun to replay. It's a shame the series gets consistently worse and forgets its some of the appeals that made this entry good.

I would be so down to give this game 5*s if it weren't for one of the last stretches of the game where you have to replay a certain section 5 times over, but even after that it's still so special to me and I adore everything it did. Also it has my favorite Job system in any JRPG.

OST is debatebly the best, but the way it plays with expectations is amazing

someone comically put a gun to my head and asked me to play it, so here it is

Un univers féerique, des combats stratégiquement géniaux, une histoire grandiose, des musiques envoûtantes, énormément de surprises. Ce jeu vidéo a touché la perfection dans mon cœur.

incroyable histoire et systemes

Enjoyed my time here. It was my first experience with a JRPG that modified the aspects I normally associate with it; alleviating the grind, allowing you to choose your rate of encounter, or set your choices for auto-battling. Helpful

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Respectfully disagree with most others on how the ending plays out, even though I appreciate the core complaint of repetition...I don't really mind it because it's a storytelling choice, for us to be part of the last few cycles in a grand scheme. We get some nice dialogue in the final few chapters that gives insight into what's going on in everyone's minds as they make the decision to press on through the worlds. (By contrast, Type-0 only makes you part of the very last cycle in another millions-of-years scheme, which is also a valid storytelling choice.)

I think Bravely Second is a step above in all aspects, but this is still one of my favorite JRPGs with top-tier combat, music, and writing.

It speaks to the strength of this game that I still quite like it despite the second half which is frankly a slap in the face of the player.

Class system is fun to mess around with; you can get some busted ability combinations. The last quarter of the game drags but the ending is worth it.

One of the best implementations of a job system I have ever seen. Almost makes the 3DS a console worth buying.