Reviews from

in the past

i know nothing about this game but one time i clicked on the blog of someone who followed me on tumblr and discovered that they almost exclusively drew gore art of one of the characters in it. just needed to get this out

Brawl Stars is quite notorious for being a rage-inducing game. There are many factors that make the game frustrating to play, but perhaps the most pressing one for many people are other players. Both opponents and teammates often act as if they're oblivious to the mechanics of the game, and it doesn't change no matter how high in trophies you've gotten. It could be a teammate rushing to fight the opposing team alone in gem grab, while holding 10 gems, or an opponent completely ignoring everyone else trying to attack them in showdown, and instead deciding to target you at the cost of their own life.

The game is obviously targeted more towards a younger audience, so it's true that you're going to be matched often with children. While that does affect how the match plays out, it's not only the young players that don't play quite as well as others (being a child doesn't also mean that you're automatically bad at the game, of course). Brawl Stars provides very little rewards for completing matches, and the matches are often very quick. This gives all players the impression that playing with focus and care is a waste of time, which in turn makes them more prone to not playing as well. The problem comes up when players decide to follow that mindset every match.

While the brawlers aren't terribly imbalanced, all maps favor certain types or brawlers over others. But even then matches are like a game of rock-paper-scissors, because you could always end up spawning next to a brawler that counters your brawler perfectly on that map. If you try picking that brawler next game, you could spawn next to another counter again. Brawlers die out very quickly if there's a direct head-to-head battle going on (assuming there aren't massive amounts of power cubes in play), which means there's very little room to strategize in combat. Almost all of the strategization simply happens in the lobby, where you pick your brawler, possible teammates, gadget, star power and gear. The only problem is that the last three are dependant on money spending and/or previous grinding.

Skins are overpriced for free-to-play players, most shop offers are horrendously bad, brawlers with high rarities are a pain to unlock, and brawl pass tokens to earn from matches run out very quickly. While the adrenaline received from the game can get very addicting, and the rare win streaks can feel satisfying, I would overall describe my experience with Brawl Stars very mixed. I'm currently at ~20500 trophies, but I think it's time for me to retire for good, as many of my friends have also done with this game.

they sure want you to spend money on this.

Дефолт мобильная дрочильня, с которой у меня связано немало теплых воспоминаний в период с 2019 по 2021 год. Донат решает, сейчас бойцов жопой жуй, интересных механик толком не добавляют, сильно поменялись разные системы, из-за чего придется поставить 8 чисто за воспоминания об игре, которая слишком мало продержалась, входит в мою не любимую категорию и страдает от нехватки контента

Fun to play every now and again! Always love logging in to see all the new characters they add!!! :D

Can’t let people know I fw this heavily

Acho esse jogo muito subestimado, é ridículo de divertido, cheio de personagens únicos e legais, esteticamente incrível e as batalhas são bem emocionantes e viciantes.

Sou apaixonado por esse jogo e jamais deixei de achar maneiro.

im a fucking OG, this game is FUCKING awesome, it KICKS ASS, PLAY THIS FUCKING GAME, it FUCKING rocks, FUCK YOu

but honestly the changes supercell has been making to this game lately are kinda bad, the soul this game once had and the fun i had with it was the peak, i remember gathering up with my friends opening boxes and we would scream at the top of our lungs whenever we got a character, it was cool, and i liked that, but man, removing the whole thing that maked the game awesome and fun to play was kinda shitty, it now feels like a pay to win game and i fucking hate that.

main spike talking

This game took over my life once in 2018, 2021 and now in 2024 I'm failing school because of it

I respect this game and its developers.

esse jogo me trás boas lembranças de 2019-2020, sua época de ouro... era tão bom! sinto que foi perdendo sua magia com o tempo e se tornando enjoativo, só quem viveu sabe como era emocionante abrir uma caixa na esperança de vir brawler lendário, bons tempos.

6/10 dá pra divertir.

пидорасы верните детей русских гандоны

My students have made me play worse games.

Pior que droga

saí do cenário competitivo em 2021, esse jogo é o motivo de eu não jogar jogos competitivos atualmente

THEY ADDED A CAT CHARACTER! I seriously love coming back to this game every so often ‼️‼️

Witnesses how large terrorist group come about

my parents play this everyday, and now my brother involved me into this cult too....
literally everyone in this house plays brawl stars, help 😭

Mesmo sendo mobile, é o meu MOBA favorito, e eu fiz muitas amizades por conta desse jogo, e ele realmente é bem legal e divertido. Sem dúvidas meu jogo de celular favorito.

Me pergunto como esse jogo ainda não saiu dos celulares e foi pro Switch

League of legends if it was good

yup… it do be a supercell game doe

Divertido pra caramba, jogava na época do lançamento e jogo hoje em dia as vezes

i have put an embarassing amount of time and money into this goofy aah game. the battle pass grind is fuckin insane though

le jeu du siecle a en croire romaric