Reviews from

in the past

O único COD do PSP (e o pior de todos)

Vou ser bem sincero que eu não to arrependido de ter perdido umas 3 horas e meia da minha vida se dedicando a finalizar esse game, porque apesar de toda a desgraça que isso aqui é, ele me deu momentos de diversão seja pelo estresse ou pelas gargalhadas que ele me tirou.

Sério mesmo, eu entendo o desafio que foi colocar um FPS no console portátil da sony, afinal ele não tem a bendita alavanca direita que pouparia um bom tempo de trampo e daria mais aberturas aos jogos de tiro desse console, porém! não é só esse o problema do roads to victory, além da gameplay boba e patética, ele ainda tem uma história merreca com alguns personagens ali clássicos do 1 e 2, mas que sinceramente tão so pra preencher um vazio imenso que existe em cada batalha que enfrentamos por aqui.

Os gráficos são um cocô, 2007 já tinha muitos jogos bonitos e bons, Ratchet and Clank e o Monster Hunter Freedom 2 já tinham sido lançados nesse mesmo ano, e eles tem gráficos infinitamente superiores ao do COD, eu sei não são FPS, mas eles poderiam ter tido muito mais capricho nisso aqui.

Enfim é um jogo bosta, não vale seu tempo se você tem vontade de jogar algum FPS no PSP, dizem que o Medal of Honor é melhor mas eu não posso dizer com certeza pois nunca joguei ele, porém, COD ainda me divertiu mesmo sendo uma merda, mas admito que sou um tanto masoquista e isso ajudou pra eu gostar um pouquinho dele

Absolutely mind-numbing while also being absolutely mind-boggling. You simply cannot get used to the fact that you use the face buttons, the buttons on the right, to LOOK AROUND. If this is a staple for PSP shooters, I'd rather just not play any more going forward. Awkward, slow, sometimes there's a guy right in your face and you start thinking about how to turn towards him.

Maybe it would be a smoother learning curve if the game didn't just follow every single beat from the previous WWII CoD games. It's the most boring selection of moments and objectives, every mission is utterly forgettable. It just makes you want to get it over with as fast as possible, or go play any other game.

The redeeming factor is that the game has its own pace when compared to the previous CoD's. It leans a lot towards run-and-gun: enemies will spawn until you push, the auto-aim makes for snappy targetting, and, somehow, both rifles and machine guns work with this style. All this leads to a pretty short game, something I think could be enjoyed better on a ride somewhere.

Veteran, as always, highlights the worst parts of the game. Here it's the fact that enemies can shoot you through solid objects! Teammates are also wildly inconsistent, and can get stuck, leading to a forced reset. You kind of just need to have a grenade on you at all times in case you need to throw it under your feet, there is no reset to last checkpoint button, only resetting the entire level. This is still the easiest CoD game so far. The survival mode, in which you can't heal from any damage, sounds... horrible. I'm not doing that.

On to bigger and greater things. This is the final CoD game before Modern Warfare. A desperately needed change, and nothing shows it better than this game.

Here's a question no one wanted to know the answer to: what if we made a COD game with TANK CONTROLS.

Seriously though, have to say I'm kind of impressed at the quality of the PSP output. For a handheld console the graphics are actually somewhat competent for the time. Weird complaint but, the game needs more weapon drops. Too many times I'd run out of ammo and have to simply melee everyone until an enemy would drop an MP-40. All in all, there's actually potential for a good game under here, it's simply limited by the hardware they had to work with.

But seriously who the fuck thought TANK CONTROLS

First I would recommend playing this on the easiest difficulty available as I believe this is best way to enjoy the game. You do get flanked a lot in this game and with higher difficulty you get shot at more quickly and it takes fewer shots to die, getting flanked can get really annoying so like I said I would recommend playing this game on the easiest difficulty. This game has aim assist (enabled by default) and this game makes it so much enjoyable infact you don't need to aim down your sights to kill enemies I actually found this to be easier and enjoyable. Also with the aiming down sights I didn't really enjoy it as the sensitivity was too slow and sometimes it felt like the bullets were whizzing past the enemies even though I'm sure the crosshair was on them.

Average time to complete a mission took me around 8 minutes. There was one mission that I didn't really like, it was one of the American Campaigns and it's a mission where you're on a plane and you have to gun three different gunners and protect the plane This mission goes on for at least 10 minutes, I didn't really like this mission because was repetitve. There are three different sections of the game you go through, the first is the America which has 7 missions, the next is the Canada which has 4 missions, and last is Great Britain which only has 3 missions. The Canada and Great Britain were the missions I enjoyed the most, the American missions were all repetitive.

Controls: I didn't really like how the switch weapon and the pick up weapon are on the same button, this can be annoying when you're simply just trying to switch to your weapon and you end up picking a weapon you don't want to use. I do understand the game developers were limited to the button layout. Speaking about weapons for some reason the spawn rate of them is small, there were times were I've run out of the ammo and I'm looking for a weapon but the enemies aren't dropping their own and there isn't many weapon spawns around the missions. One thing that did bother me was when you're reloading and you crouch, prone, or stand up the reload animation cancels so when reloading you would have to stay in a crouch, standing, prone position. The amount of times where I was trying to reload and have some cover by crouching and the animation just stops.

Overall this game is generally like every other CoD, it's definitely one of the best portable.

the missions, especially the plane one, are a bit repetitive and the controls are not very practical but otherwise you can have a good time.

bi yerden elinize psp geçtiyse oynanır cod işte

Acho esta guapo es un COD 3 portatil, os falta calle

Ortaokulda Mobil cihazda emilatör ile bitirdim. Roket attığımız sahneyi hatırlıyom o kdr :D he kontroller işkence LOL

I do not really recommend you to play with little screen of psp and stupid controlls due to psp's control sheme.

There isn't really even much to say about this one. You move through claustrophobic corridors shooting nazis, with an occasional explosion here and there. Basically, if you've played 5 minutes of this game, you've played the entirety of it. It looks ugly, it's filled with visual glitches, controls are clunky, you often get stuck on level geometry. It's barely a game at all. The animations are nice though.

Call of Duty: Roads to Victory is a simultaneous victim to the overambition of making a decent first-person shooter on the PSP and its dreadful allegiance to a rapidly outdated campaign formula that permeated early CoD titles.

For the first few hours, Roads to Victory is a fun trek down classic Call of Duty grounds. The fun sadly turns sour faster than anticipated when mission structures never truly evolve, leading to painfully repetitive gameplay. Besides a half-decent plane level, Call of Duty: Roads to Victory sets you on same-old, single-track shooting galleries, broken up with "you did it" splash screens where the game wags a finger at you for being too slow and firing too many stray bullets.

Roads to Victory sadly lives up to its name in about every negative aspect I can think of. More like Railroads to Victory amirite!?

Gameplay feels lacking and the controls kind of feel sluggish and uncomfortable to control

its alright for a PSP shooter. the controls are agonizing though

O jogo é bem difícil em certas partes, nunca gostei de fases em que temos que atirar em aviões e nesse jogo é realmente difícil pelos controles serem horríveis, consegui melhorar por estar jogando em um emulador mas imagino que jogar em um PSP seja agonizante

teknik açıdan çok sorunlu oyunun yarısını falan 7 fps ile oynuyorsunuz ve patchler işe yaramıyor ama oynanış çeşitli ve çokta sıkıcı değil cod a özel bi ilginiz varsa bakın geçin

I remember playing this when I was little and during the mission where you are a gunner in a bomber plane I thought the bullets looked like toenail clippings.

o kadar kez psp de bitirdim ki speedrun bile yapmıştım ibne oyuna

güzel olduğundna değil bi bu vardı adam gibi yer yer

It was cool to have COD on PSP but it's not great.
The graphics are too ambitious and it hurts the framerate, maniability and therefore overall experience.