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in the past

I had to force myself to sit through this before playing Kara no Shoujo because of some connections that ended up not being that important anyway, and just nice nods at past material at best. One of my least pleasant VN reads ever. Good production values and atmosphere for the time, unfortunately very "porny", so to speak. And somehow they managed a ~17 hour VN feel long. Some of the non-canon endings have literal ero-fanfic-tier writing. I don't like "VN homework", VNs that you have to read for the sake of a better, non-direct-sequel-with-the-same-cast sequels.

TRUE ROUTE É DO CARALHO. As outras rotas, em sua grande maioria, são inúteis e pouco adicionam, muitas das vezes só atrapalham o andamento do plot, o mistério é bem previsível, mas não deixa de ser bem executado e com uma ótima resolução. Muitas H-Scenes completamente descartáveis e sem função narrativa. Excelente construção de clima e bom uso de suspense, horror e shockfactor, com diversas cenas impactantes. O Shugo é sem dúvidas o melhor personagem da VN, a motivação do resto do elenco é bem boba, no entanto, alguns ganham pelo carisma. Produção ótima com uma OST que passa o feel muito bem. Cartagra foi uma surpresa agradável.

eu n sei oq falar vai tomar no cu pq eu fiz isso cmg?

subestimado pra caralho, vou reler e comento sobre (alguma hora).

The mystery is a minor tag since every route is just "Oh let's watch the H scene with X Girl and drop the mistery " the atmosphere is good tho, but that's about it. Half of the routes are useless.

Vote: 6
Time passed in Ueno : 13 H 37 M

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Girl genius detective solves grand mystery with the moral support of her melancholic PI-cum-gigolo brother. Kazuna was also present.

Good god, I didn't realize I started this game in December. Given how ambivalent I was on it until I got to the alternate Kazuna ending I suppose it's only natural that I kept playing it short bursts.

Once I came to terms with this game being a bishojo game with a detective theme rather than a dedicated mystery game I started to enjoy the story. I definitely was a bit disappointed early on when the pieces of the mystery started coming together and I realized it was not quite what I was hoping for, (I can't exactly say what it is I was hoping for, I suppose I just looked at the cover, and expected something else.) I remember that being what caused me to leave the game behind the first time.

H-scenes got fairly repetitive, hell they even repeat the same damn choice for most of them. Thankfully not an issue past the first run because you've probably seen most of them! Bad endings at least try some different stuff, but does not really make up for the bulk of them being pretty damn similar.

For parts that I particularly liked: art, systems (backlog, auto settings, etc,) and general presentation was pretty good. Enjoyed that the alternate endings had unique developments from the main story that made reading them feel worthwhile instead of a complete waste of time, (hello, Shizuku!)

Now it's time to check out the PS2 version that apparently adds several endings to each character. Just going through the burial sequence and conversation with Arishima I've noticed that about a quarter of the text has been excised, so it's looking to be an interesting port to say the least.

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I wanted to revisit this review. I feel like I certainly did not give the game the credit it deserves before by my super short kns3 beg, so I will make up for it now.

This game was amazing. The music, art, story, characters, the only issue I had with it was that it had too many H scenes. But that isn't what was entirely important for me. What really made the game for me and something that will stick with me forever will be one specific character.

That specific character would be Kazuna. Throughout the game she is struggling with so much, from her dad not accepting her acting career, her sister missing, loss, regret, all of it. But somehow, she was able to stay herself throughout all of it. Even at the very end of the true ending, where her long lost and presumably dead sister appears right infront of her eyes and attempts at killing her, she still didn't give in, and put her sister first enough that she was willingly going to die for her.

Just thinking about what Kazuna has went through and how she was able to handle it all really gave me hope for my own self, and effectively changed my mindset completely into trying to be a healthier, more positive version of myself. One that doesn't give in to the negatives surrounding me on a daily basis.

I don't know how long this mindset will last, but I owe it all to Innocent Grey for creating such an amazing character. I'm extremely greatful to have gotten the opportunity to have played this game. I don't believe I'll ever forget it.

good atmosphere, but that's about it. the 'mystery' sucks and half of the routes are useless. "nightmare" section of takako's route is a masterpiece though.

Stellar story, great cast of characters with really good performances from the VAs, amazing artwork, Toji Aoki.

classic vn cause i was feeling classy (idk i just randomly found it yes its porn)

A glorified sex scenes festival
Some mystery and death there i guess :/