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Después de varios Castlevanias en 3D mediocres llega Curse of Darkness, que no solo continua la historia de uno de los mejores Castlevanias como lo es el 3, si no que marca un camino para los metroidvania en 3d. Juegazo muy recomendado.

Mi castlevania favorito, muy divertido el sistema de demonios y el soundtrack es impensable lo bueno que es.

Dialogue: Cheesy. Gameplay: Good variety of weapons, but repetitive overall.

Para ser o Shympony de PS2, tem que tomar muita creatina e Level Design primeiro.

The room where you can just appreciate all the chairs you've sat on is incredible.

Top 5 Castlevania game. The world-design leaves a bit to be desired, but when the OST and gameplay are as good as they are I could care less. Just as much variety in weapons as SOTN or Aria and it has one of my fave crafting systems of all time. Hector might not be as iconic as Alucard or Soma, but he's still a cool protag.

Desde el comienzo se nota que pusieron empeño en mejorar ciertos aspectos, convirtiéndolo en juego muy disfrutable las primeras horas, pero decae mucho conforme pasa el tiempo. Las últimas horas estaba hasta la polla, y fui rusheando las zonas porque sigue la fórmula de hacer pasillos con mil enemigos hasta llegar a un boss.
Es un juego okay si eres fan de la saga, pero dura demasiado para lo que ofrece. Igualmente, se nota la mejora respecto a Lament of Innocence.

el crafteo de armas y que puedas evolucionar los demonios estaba divertido ademas tiene algunos escenarios interesantes

Curse of Darkness pega a base de Lament of Innocence e mistura elementos experimentais aos moldes de uma iteração tradicional da franquia.

O resultado é muito satisfatório, e apesar de preferir Castlevania em 2D, a experiência não foi ruim.

bom mas maçante depois de um tempo

Jogando no modo Crazy e pretendo zerar msm sendo uma chatisse E morrendo like dark souls

Um dos jogos que eu mais joguei na minha infância e tinha como um dos melhores jogos do mundo, mas que eu fui rejogar recentemente e acabei percebendo o quão maçante e repetitivo é.

No es como el Symphony of the Night

Cuenta pendiente desde crío, pasillero como todo Castlevania en 3D, pero este, al tener una banda sonora de tantísima calidad, de las mejores de la saga (palabras mayores), se me ha hecho super ameno jugarlo en ratos sueltos. El tramo final ha sido durillo y me ha encantado.

Top tier track: Abandoned Castle ~ Curse of Darkness ~

Demônios inocentes soa como uma contradição.

o castlevania 3d ideal, unico problema é ter q andar pra krl

On my first visit to CoD, I wasnt too impressed. The start was laughably easy, the areas were huge, with slow movement speed, and not too interesting to explore either. However the more I played the more i had fun, with some pretty cool weapon types and really fun boss fights. If only 3D castlevania would ever reach its potential, as the foundation here is already great.

The first half of this game is pathetically easy and is kind of a boring slog, but the second half... actually kinda goes hard. It's not amazing or anything but the bosses after the halfway point are actually really good. For the whole duration, the game is visually stunning, with immensely detailed environments making for some of my favorite atmosphere in the series, and the soundtrack is like... one of the best in the entire series. That first half really does drag it down overall though.

Truly good for a fan i just wish the level design was better.

Loved this game too much... The castle, fighting with enemies, the battling system. It might not deserve such a high rating but it mostly has to do with my personal taste.

The last boss felt like a kick in the nads after what was a relatively painless overall experience.

este jogo(no modo crazy) é o melhor jogo que já joguei o único defeito dele para mim é poder levar copias do mesmo ID o que possibilita usar habilidades de invulnerabilidade e que causam muito dano quantas vezes quiser.

A fun little game that suffers from one massive problem: massive rooms combined with a running speed that's just a bit too slow. This makes backtracking a pain which in a metroidvania, is kind of a problem.

I wish I could have loved Hector like I did in the Castlevania Netflix series, but he's just so bland and boring in Curse of Darkness that I honestly felt nothing throughout the whole game. Honestly it's shocking how they get something akin to Aria of Sorrow, and just make it so boring too. I like the idea of collecting monsters and such, but Curse of Darkness just makes you do too much for such little pay off. If there was more interaction between Isaac and Hector I think this game could have been something, but it's just a bland 3D mess of a game that it's biggest offense is just not doing enough.

I assure you everything in this game is functional, there isn't anything outright bad with it, it's just a some of parts situation that makes it a daunting task. Capturing monsters is cool, till you have to get more of them to do certain tasks, the weapon system is cool till you have to actually level them all up different, exploring is cool till you have to backtrack. It's a constant cycle of finding out when the fun stops and there is very little at the end that I actually enjoyed.

A lot of the game's atmosphere felt so blank and boring with either it serving only narrative function and thus was empty, but with some neat things or bland and filled with a bunch of monsters and goodies. Any of the story points are fast and serve little purpose. And just honestly by the end of it all I just wanted to be done with this dreadful game. It was such a slog that I was just too tired to really care either way. Lament of Innocence just as more going for it in every way, and actually let's you use cool weapons and abilities. The bosses are actually cool to, unlike this mess. Please play that one instead!

Gets really hard by the end, a bit repetitive.

I made it through Lament and decided during this one that this not my kind of jank.

a castlevania wherein you get to see the dumbest man in romania befriend several kinds of funny little guys and sit in a wide variety of chairs

This is such an amazing game. I got everything in this game in terms of weapons, devils, and map completion. I had such a fun time going through this game, and the combat is so fun. Please play this, you're missing out if you don't.

This game was actually great, a nice translation of the igavania games to 3D, and the story was even captivating as well. However there’s a VERY sharp difficulty spike and ok level design. Overall, great game though!