Reviews from

in the past

I've been pushing for Cotton to be the mascot of Backloggd for the best part of a year now and the intro of this game featuring her bio that states "Age: Unknown. Mental age: 5" is validation for that. Accept her as the symbol for what you are - a hungry little scamp and rascal.

Anyway, this is great. Played the recently released fan translation and was blown away by how fun this shmup is from front to back. A core universal grabbing and throwing mechanic on top of a general focus on physics-based nonsense makes Cotton 2 so much more tactile and openly comedic than most other Shmups I've ever played. Particularly adore the cutscenes inbetween misisons using squash and stretch principles applied to comic book panels, it's all shockingly unique and easy to love.

The only thing I like more than throwing your baddies against other baddies is an ending that’s like “and because the hero was greedy and unlikeable the magical kingdom she was tasked to save fell to ruin instead. It would have been better for everyone, including her, if she had done nothing at all. The end, fuck you for playing”

It's an hard to master game, yet still a great playing one when you get used to it. It's a side scrolling shooter, much like the first Cotton game, with many of the key features from it like magic and EXP bonuses, but with one unique trick up it's sleeve: the fact you can throw your enemies. This one concept, along with the combos you get when throwing multiple enemies in succession is the key to being real good at the game, and will also skyrocket your score when done properly. When played properly, it becomes a hectic yet fun game that breaks the mold of most side scrolling shooters. My only complaint is that the main gimmick is a little finicky if you're not used to it, and it's not immediately obvious to most players. Definitely worth a look at if you like shoot-em-ups and/or cute anime witches, have a Saturn, or like looking at interesting games that try and break from the monotony of most games in its genre (all of the above if you're me).

This one is another one I like aside from Panorama,
Although I feel like if I play Boomerang and maybe play it again but in Multiplayer I'll like it more
but It's still a really good game in the series.
-It's very colorful
-The Soundtrack is good
-And plus this one has Appli which she crashed my game at this frame during the first time I played it lol

I hate shoot em ups. They are very difficult, they require patience, lots of practice and they make me feel useless. Luckily Cotton 2 is pretty forgiving and it turned out to be the first shoot em up I could beat. The game is fantastic, very beautiful, fun and beatable, especially beatable. It wasn't extremely easy for me, but it is beatable. Thanks.

Brutal game. They make you earn that ending. Probably the hardest game I played in a year or more.

Great graphics. Phenomenal music, as expected from this series. Cool level design, so-so bosses, especially the mid bosses.

For some reason I have to mash the button to shoot, whereas the other games you just hold it. Here if you hold the button you move faster, which is weird cause there's like 5 other unused buttons on the controller.

Fine game, at the end of the day. The lack of fun bosses kind of bummed me out enough to drop a half a star.

Très chouette épisode qui apporte son lot de nouveautés dont l'apparition d'une barre de vie qui rend le jeu un peu moins dur et plus accessible, même si la difficulté reste relativement élevé. Le système de combos est plaisant et c'est assez gratifiant de voir le résultat à l'écran, en plus d'apprécier une fois de plus de jolis graphismes tout au long de l'aventure (assez courte) avec un design mignon. Les cutscenes sont toujours aussi drôle et bon enfant, la petite récompense entre chaque niveau.
Ajoutez à tout ça une bande-son de bonne facture et cela donne un très bon épisode qui peut être potentiellement qualifié comme étant le meilleur de la série selon les goûts de chacun.

Best Cotton game (so far). Castlevania Symphony of the Night vibes, a level that is a cute homage to the first Cotton game and can't forget the best mechanic which is just a grab button that lets you grab enemies and most projectiles and just chuck them at other enemies.

I played the Sega Saturn port via emulation, which has a fan-translated english language patch available.

This is an extremely solid shmup. You're a little witch girl whois very rude, and aside from various elemental magics you can also grab nearly any enemy or object and chuck it at other enemies. It rules and more shmups should do this. If you play well and avoid damage, you'll level up and you can get to the point where your magic just has these super powerful effects, like the ice chaining to nearby enemies. The story is also super well presented with like these really high energy animated manga panels/portraits of the characters that zoom around and bounce off and slap each other. The art is big time goofy 90s anime, real fun stuff. The in-game art is also really detailed, nice 2D. The monsters are full of cartoon liveliness, especially the bosses.

Overall a fun and cute shmup with some really fun mechanics and a mountain of personality.

Didn't know you could throw the crystals at enemy's to create chains until I looked at other people's gameplay (When it said mental age: 5 it wasn't talking about cotton it was talking about me) so It's defo something i need to replay before writing a real review so, for now, i just want to say that i love this series 90s ova feel. ultra cute anime girls paired with relatively more generic enemy designs and locales, i love it!

A truly wonderfull schmup with high difficulty, but rewarding action. The graphics and music is beautiful with some fun boss fights. I havent played too many cotton games but this one is my personal favorite of the bunch.

i love to grab my friends and throw them repeatedly against the wall

The direction this series needed