Reviews from

in the past

It's an improvement from Crash of the Titans, but even then, that's not saying much. There are some things that this game does right such as having an open world as opposed to the level-based design that was in Crash of the Titans, the cool and experimental cutscenes, and the character designs undergoing a slight improvement. Even though the changes were a step in the right direction, that doesn't mean the game is good. The combat is pretty much exactly like how it is in Crash of the Titans and the open world is very linear. With those things in mind, I found myself getting bored of the game pretty quickly. While getting 100% was a much better experience than it was in Titans, it still felt like a chore to do. Overall it is just a very mediocre game and made me realize that putting Crash in hibernation for nearly a decade was probably the best decision Activision could have made for the series.

O jogo do Crash de mundo aberto. Os "boss" são legais e as mecânicas de usar os mutantes para passar determinadas fases também. Mas a história do game é curta e literalmente igual ao game Crash of the Titans. Indiscutivelmente o game traz uma nostalgia muito boa da época do Playstation 2.

How do you make an absymal game even worse? Make it open world with fixed camera angles, constant backtracking and embarrasing pop culture references. One of the worst games I've ever played, so happy Radical were only allowed to make three disasters before Activision put Crash on hiatus

After remembering having a good time playing Crash of the Titans, I was looking forward to try its succesor, and it was... kind of an experience, huh.
Besides many of the mutants from Titants making a comeback while being redesigned in the process (some of them even getting an overhaul, i.e Stench), there are also new ones here... only two though, TK and Grimly, which coincidentally are some of my favorites because of how goofy, eccentric and fun to use they are. I also like how all of them can now jump, climb ledges and have more attacks on their movesets to further improve the combat dynamic, a really welcome move on that behalf. Some of them can even use their powers to affect your surroundings and open new paths, which is very cool. Still, fuck Magmadon man, shit is too slow doing anything!
However, every other aspect of the game has been dumbed down from my perspective: The controls scheme and new combat mechanics are less intuitive than before, the environments look dull and empty most of the time, the story is more basic and very little imaginative, and many of the main characters got redesigned again, and they look even worse than they did on Titans.
The "open world" aspect this time around is also a negative for me, they mostly expect you to know exactly where to go to complete a story mission, while also not giving you any kind of guidance beyond the tutorial mission. May I add that """world map""" (if it can even be called that) is the poorest piece of shit I've ever seen??? I'm think I'm staying with episodic format from Titans, thank you very much...
With all these big issues on mind, I see myself obligated to give credit where it's due. The cutscenes in this game are some of the best I've seen in the whole franchise, the different artstyles and references are very charming and funny. Another thing I'm glad I can call a positive is the OST, which I really enjoyed because of how upbeat it is while exploring, but then it knows when to go dummy during combat. My favorites are definitely "Bandicoot Sanctuary", "Big Fight #2" and "The Wastelands".

A semi open world sequel to Titans that is technically a bigger game, but that to me fails to entertain as it forces you to walk around uninteresting areas and do a lot of backtracking. The animated cutscenes are amazing and I love the return of Dr. Brio.

Todos te odeiam, mas eu te amo <3

Quick reminder that this is for the DS version and not the home console version.

Wow. Just wow. I know most of the Crash Bandicoot games on the DS are just shite (asides from Crash of the Titans which surprised me with just how decent that version was) but this is such an embarrassing end to the orange marsupial's short lived run on Nintendo's portable console.

It makes me wonder why they even bothered releasing this version with how lifeless it is. In fact, they should have taken every last cartridge and set them all alight to cut their losses.

Mind Over Mutant may not have been all that good but this somehow makes the mainline console versions look like the original by comparison.

só fui saber q esse jogo era um dos mais odiados da franquia dps q eu entrei na internet
e eu era o deus do joguin

Better than Crash of the Titans but I will never forgive them for these redesigns.

Vendo as reviews vejo que esse jogo não foi nenhum pouco querido pela crítica, porém a minha review é positiva pois é emocional, joguei bastante na infância e gostava bastante da gameplay e dos titans

Crash's face on the box art says it all.

todo mundo odeia esse jogo mas eu amo

I like random 3D platformers from the time of the housing crash.

A far far far worse sequel to crash of the titans, mind over mutant takes the already simple but fun gameplay of titans and somehow streamlines it even more for a game that commits the worst sin any game can commit...being so fucking boring. The balancing of the titans from the previous game is now gone, so you will be left controlling the same titan that you really like and it gets stale as a result. The addition of backtracking does not help in the slightest. It's the crash game i haven't finished and it plans to stay that way. The one good thing that gives it a 1 star is some of the varied funny cutscenes, that i had to watch on youtube due to the fact that i had dropped the game by that point

Melhor game do Crash, tente mudar minha opinião e falhe miseravelmente. Porque vocês não gostam desse jogo?

criminalmente subestimado.
quem fala q isso aqui é pior que o titans devia ser preso

SUBESTIMADO, bando de malucos

damn this is bad hack n slash design

It's not my guilty pleasure game because I legit think this game is good

É basicamente uma atualização do titans, agora ele é em mundo aberto

Mas eu gostei na época e gosto até hoje mas com alguns defeitos que atrapalham

Por exemplo você ter que advinhar pra onde ir principalmente no início, depois isso é melhorado e fica mais linear, o resto dos defeitos são o mesmo do titans crash bobao pipipipopopo

Terminei esse jogo sozinho mas ele fica bem melhor em dois

Tem uns assets maneiros tbm mudar roupinha do crash uiui.

O ponto alto desse jogo mesmo são as cutscenes feitas dos mais variados estilos isso é extremamente criativo vsff

Eu também gosto da direção de arte assim como no titans, eles reaproveitaram boa parte e melhoraram algumas

Soundtrack decente tambem mas poucas trilhas são memoráveis

Enfim é um bom jogo, recomendo.

O jogo do crash mais subestimado que existe

Going on with the experimentation of its Titans predecessor, this time Crash has to control mutants (...ok). The unrecognizable characters are redesigned yet again, the story tries to convey something and at the very least they did a lot of cutscenes with different animation styles.
Even without intending to do so, this game almost killed the franchise for 8 years.

subestimadasso, nao eh igual ao titans mas eh pica tb

jogo mto subestimado, a gameplay mudou pq precisava, não quer dizer q é ruim. mto pelo contrário, é um dos melhores jogos do crash

In my opinion, this game is the second best in the Crash saga. I remember it was one of the games that captivated me the most on the PlayStation 2. The mutant mechanics, the jokes, and its story are really good, and this Marsupial will always have a special place in my heart.