Reviews from

in the past

Very good, unfortunately though, it lacks flavour compared to the second game (Playing in France, Italy and India feels the same, steppe nomads don't have an unique government).
I'm not a fan of the "realism-focused" design decision they took, but that's just a personal qualm that can be solved with mods.
I still think this game has potential, but it's still untapped sadly.

the number of emerging stories that are created because of the incredible strategical depth and interacting systems makes every playthrough feel unique and entertaining.

the type of game that you sit down to play and 6 hours just fly through without you realizing.

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you can pet the dog

Je penses que je joue très mal a ce jeu mais c'est pas grave parce que c'est très rigolo.
Ce jeu là c'est un générateur d'histoire, y a des parties que j'ai fait il y a 4 ans, et je m'en souviens encore aujourd'hui, parce que j'ai créé des légendes !
C'est dur a apprendre, mais bordel ça en vaut la peine

My review for the second in this series speaks for itself, and as a result any follow up is going to have a lot to live up to. The game looks nice and runs smoother, and there are some things that does better than the previous entry. But the thing that I feel the game lacks is the real ability to make your own stories, random events etc, hopefully this will improve with time and dlcs.

how often do you think about rome

Great strategy game with a lot of features to give an insane amount of replay potential. It's insane how many styles you can play

It's fun until you realize that India plays the same as Britain which plays the same as Mali which plays the same as Russia. Looks great tho

it's like Sims Medieval however you get to murder the people you don't like.

I started with Crusader Kings 2 and loved it. It was a pleasant surprise when CK3 was announced, and I couldn't wait to play it. For me it is an expansion/improvement of CK2.

I revived the Roman Empire, 10/10

You can sex your relatives

Ok but unironically, it is a pretty fun game, although paradox can get a bit exaggerated on the DLCs (and their prices).

This game is so much fun while allowing for tons of freedom, some awesome historical aspects and references as well as unbelievable amounts of replay value. As the game progresses further it becomes a bit more of a slow playing and repetitive game, but the fact that you can end it and start anew whenever you want allows for you to constantly play how you want to. Cant wait for more dlc and updates.


A very fun strategy game. My first Paradox strategy game (that I actually learned how to play) so I don't really know how it compares. Ruins my productivity.

A game that lets you explore stories of medieval ruling families and do all sorts of alternate history shenanigans. Sadly it doesn't work that accurately well for certain governments or cultures, but seeing all sorts of small stories play out in a medieval setting is such a joy. Sometimes you randomly name your fifth son ball 2, and then decades later he is the biggest antagonist to the throne and attempts multiple coups, and he tries to murder you in every way possible. Sometimes you manage to seduce the emperor of the byzanthine empire and make him join your warmongering orgy religion. Sometimes you travel from iceland to mongolia and become the literal gengis khan as a former viking.

Great, but not to the heights of CK2 yet, also deducting a half star because of Paradox's greed.

Paradox Interactive's third foray into medieval dynasty grand strategy modernizes the classic series at the cost of losing a few of the things that made Crusader Kings II (2012) so enjoyable. Control a dynasty from the late 800s to the 1400s, and use diplomacy, war, and subterfuge to control counties, duchies, kingdoms, and even empires. The map and the characters have been made fully 3D, which is a pleasant improvement from 2D headshots of characters and a map that looked like it was pulled from Creative Assembly's Medieval II: Total War (2006). While you do lose a lot of the features that were introduced in CK2's DLC, the game has been remade and reimagined to bring back those features back in an improved state, and to introduce new gameplay that was not possible in CK2. If you're a fan of strategy games, or if you enjoy games that encourage roleplay, this game will have no difficulty stealing a couple hundred hours from you. Just be aware that this still a Paradox game: you get a pretty good base game experience, but a lot of the fluff and improvements will come in the form of paid DLC.

Not as good as Crusader Kings II but its still a very good strategy game.

I get straight up addicted to these games

blackmailing my liege for being gay with 0 hesitation as if my character didn't go through 3 different same-sex lovers >>>

Great game in the Crusader Kings franchise, its is a little bit less indepth than Crusader Kings 2 but it makes it up with better visuals and with more casual gameplay.

Crusader Kings 3 is a game I always find myself coming back to from time to time. I really enjoy playing it, especially with the 'AGOT' mod (A Game of Thrones). It's fascinating to be able to immerse myself in the world of Westeros and play with the familiar characters from that saga. I absolutely love it.

This incredibly deep grand strategy game focuses on the people that make up a sovereignty. It stands out from the other games created by Paradox simply for this reason. You feel a deep connection to your ruler and their bloodline. When it all inevitably falls apart you can't help but laugh.

Paradox games are more fun with friends, and CK3 is no exception. The unexpected shenanigans you can get up to with even 2 players, let alone several make it a great game to play with buddies.

It's fun at first but eventually it gets difficult to motivate yourself to play another run.

em 90% das runs eu canso desse jogo, me arrependo da grana que eu gastei e passo meses sem jogar, mas eu tenho mais memórias nesses 10% do que em qualquer outro jogo

Respecto al 2 es una mejora y si no está roto, no lo arregles. Se agradecen los cambios y es sorprendente que tenga incluido casi todo lo que el 2 con los DLC.