Reviews from

in the past

hold up why this shit fun?? I fucking loathe shmups, why did I have a good time??? Most of them are just pure bullshit, and if i'm being honest, this one is too. But, somehow, I find this game loads of fun. Like i'm never gonna actually end up finishing it, but from what i've played, I had a blast. Idk how good the arcade version is, but i'll definitely try it one of these days.

my best score is 1,15?,??? (forgot the other numbers), call me the shmup KING

I won't lie I have barely touched the Darius series. I even forgot I did the one on the GBA and I reviewed that one. I was gonna play the Arcade version but I had trouble getting the screen size to work properly so I gave up and decided to play the Mega Drive port released for the Mega Drive Mini back in 2019.

This game is your usual shmup where the main gimmick is it has multiple pathways and all of the bosses got this really cool aqautic motif to them. Though don't take that as it won't be difficult because this game is really hard and you don't even get continues which feels oddly strict.

There's multiple things you can upgrade like your shot, bombs and barrier. Though they do reset when you die so you'll have to be really good to keep them and even make them better weapons if you upgrade it enough. Despite it's harsh difficulty the design of the levels is pretty engaging throughout, same goes for the bosses as well though they are inconsistent in difficulty.

There's even some new things like toggling if you want a 26 boss mode or how the Arcade did it. You can also play as this easy mode ship called Tiat if you want to see more of the game but aren't good enough to get there, just keep in mind your score won't be recorded. There's even a cool boss rush mode if you just want to fight all of the bosses.

The game looks pretty nice as it seems to be pretty much arcade perfect from what I've been told. I really love the design of all of the bosses. The OST however can be hit and miss as some tunes are really good but I'd say some miss the mark for me but thankfully there's more good then bad. Also I swear everytime you hit an enemy it sounds weird to me.

Darius Extra version is fun and one of my more favorite shmups on the console. It's really nice to have something like this as a bonus for a mini console. I'm sure most people who own the game have probably already tried it but it's worth a play if you haven't. Maybe I'll play Super Darius sometime.

A faithful port of the original arcade game, but not really much more fun. Definitely better, but I'd rather play any future installment other than Darius Force lol

It’s okay to shoot fish cause they don’t have any feelings

A damn near arcade perfect port of the original Darius released on the Sega Genesis. Initially it was part of the Genesis Mini however it eventually got a physical release for the real console which is the copy I played. Seeing such an amazing port released now versus the okay port of Darius 2 released in 1990 really makes you wonder what could have been, at the very least it's criminal how overlooked this particular release of Darius is right now.

This is the Genesis port handled post-mortem, with all of the various arcade and console version's content condensed into one package with a great re-balance to the difficulty. It still carries all the arcade game's DESIGNED jank, but the positive takeaways from this approach feel much more pronounced: Has a very simplified, apt and focused loop that makes it distinct from the more grandiose sequels, almost like a SMB1 situation. It's good, go play it.