Reviews from

in the past

pretty fun, good combat, story, characters, overall game design...

i think i still prefer the dishonored series over this, but regardless, a great game

Fechado pela segunda vez. Ótimo jogo da Arkane com uma pegada diferente de Dishonored e Prey que são mais focados em gameplay Stealth, por isso consigo entender perfeitamente quem não curtiu...Tem que ter muita paciência pra entender como quebrar o loop. No mais, o jogo tem o DNA da Arkane, immersive sim com muita liberdade durante as missões, muitos caminhos pra seguir, muitos segredos pra descobrir nos 4 horarios diferentes, ótima variedade de Armas e Poderes, que usando juntos da pra criar um caos kkkk A trilha sonora é um ESPETACULO, captura muito bem o clima dos anos 70/80 que o jogo tenta passar, mas é algo normal da Arkane, ate o no Redfall é boa, o Colt é um puta protagonista carismático, precisamos ver mais dele, os visionários são legais tbm, principalmente o Frank. Ambientação de Blackreef nos 4 horários é simplesmente magnifica, e ver as alterações no cenário em cada parte do dia é muito foda. Espero que tenha uma sequencia ao estilo Dishonored 2 onde jogamos com o Colt e a Julianna.

Amazing on a technical level - Possibly the best looking game I've ever played and the DualSense haptic feedback makes the most menial actions in the game feel satisfying. The gameplay is basically an improved Dishonored with guns - Not too memorable but it works well with no complaints.

The story and world is a mixed bag, on the other hand. It just feels like there could have been so much more. The ending is extremely unsatisfying, if it even counts as an ending. The dynamic between Colt and Julianna is fantastic while every other character's dialogue is atrocious. The four game areas have nice variety but surprisingly lack depth. Why can you not go to certain areas at certain times of day? Deathloop feels like a great first attempt at something that could've been much more.

Just the perfect formula for an immersive sim. They finally found the way to make you explore a well crafted world with amazing level design multiple times and finding different approach without having to do a new game (+).

I really liked the first 2 hours and then everything went tedious. The menu is terrible, the systems the game introduces are overcomplicated and the gunplay does not really hook me either. There is great potential, but for now I do not see it utilized properly.
I found the game way too easy too on its high difficulty, I could just kill every enemy on the map in two minutes instead of carefully sneaking around them...

Por eu ser um grande fã dos titulos da arkane, consigo passar vista grossa para varios fatores negativos que eu imagino que jogadores sem familiaridade com a empresa possam achar ruim, como por exemplo os leveis repetidos, que por mais que fazem parte da proposta do jogo podem sim chegar a ser cansativo.
O loop(kkkk) de gameplay é algo bem diferente do que estamos acostumados com dishonored, com um foco em gameplay mais agressiva porem com stealth ainda possivel, a rivalidade entre o Colt e a Julliana acaba gerando varios dialogos divertidos, o que os tornam ambos carismaticos, alguns visionarios possuem um certo nivel de carisma tambem.
Após uma rápida lida no livro de game designe do miayazaki, a desenvolvedora veio com a ideia das invasão, que por mais que eu realmente aprecio a tentativa, só chega a ser divertido 30% das vezes pois, como Colt, você tem muitas mas muitas vantagens, o que acaba tornando quase impossível vencer como Juliana, eu mesmo acho que devo ter perdido para invasões umas 2 ou 1 vez.
Posso estar dando uma nota mais alta do que devia, porem pelo fato de ser da arkane, consigo passar pano.

É bem legal....por 2 horas.

Um jogo maçante, não demora para você ficar overpowered, e então tudo vira um questão de ficar jogando os mapas de forma repetitiva sem qualquer desafio.

É tudo tão mastigado também, o gunplay é medíocre, e nem os mapas (que são um parque de diversões na mão da Arkane) brilham aqui.

O voice acting é muito bom, esse é o grande positivo.

For the moment I’m pausing my playthrough on this game. I can see why some people might enjoy this one for its rogue line tendencies but ultimately it’s my least favorite Arkane game so far. Cool enough world and gimmick but can get frustrating quick.

What a very appropriate title.

The gameplay is fast-paced and exhilarating, offering a variety of weapons and abilities to experiment with. The intricate level design and clever puzzles make each loop feel fresh and exciting.

Combine all that with a captivating story and memorable characters, and you've got a must-play game that will leave you craving for more.

Too bad it doesn't give you that MORE aspect and sometimes things get to repetitive and once you get the hand of it, it just becomes a chore.

The ending was also not too good tbh

You know, this is a contentious game, and personally I never quite understood why. Granted, the first hour is really weak with excessive tutorials at every point, but as it progresses it turns into a masterpiece of player progression. What I mean by that, is the game tells you tidbits leading you on in an elegant manner that easily could have turned into a mess, yet the intelligent design knows where to push the player and where to not.

It leads you to the information you need instead of letting you loose. It's like a game designed with an open-natured approach but knows that letting the player run free would become a mess, as there would be too much back and forth, aimlessly trying to find some clue you constantly overlook. Instead, the game is aware of where you can go wrong and nudges you in the right direction. This leads to a satisfying path through the game, where you end up feeling in control of an increasingly complication picture.

The A.I. holds the game back, as they barely know how to navigate the environment and you can easily outsmart them. But even so, it's still satisfying to mow them down.

The ending is terrible and ends the game on a dud, but for the most part, this is an engaging smart game.

It's been 2 years since the release of this game so I thought it was time to revisit it and finally post a review.

My initial experience at launch was great and the second time around was no different! I may already be familiar with everything at this point, but it doesn't take away from any of the fun to be had. Arkane never misses and this game is just perfect for those itching for a similar experience to dishonored.

This game is brimming with charisma. The characters are well crafted and I especially love the player character Colt. He's a breath of fresh air when it comes to fps game protagonists who in my mind are often rather dull. All of Colt's commentary is so fun to listen to and I love how he feels so human with all his imperfections and quirks.

The gameplay and customization is so much fun and I really appreciate that the game mechanics have in world explanations and that they make sense from an in-world pov. Speaking of the world -- I love it! As expected of arkane, they really pay attention to detail when it comes to the environment and level design. Despite there only being 4 areas to explore there's still plenty of variety to them and I never found them lacking.

The only negative thing I can think of is that I wish it had perhaps been a bigger and longer game, but that's only because I want to explore this world and setting more. However, I think the concept of this story happening within a sort of bubble is very interesting and it definitely adds to the games intrigue and charm.

As a side note, I never encountered any bugs and I've played this game for almost 50 hours as of this review. I must've been lucky as I see a lot of reviews mentioning game breaking bugs. This is very unfortunate and I just thought I'd give a heads up for anyone who's thinking of buying the game.

i would risk it all for julianna blake

arkane try to make the most arkane game possible and, unfortunately, dont quite reach the mark. the level design is fantastic as always but unfortunately the four (4) levels dont quite live up to the 10 or so hours the game asks of them, and the game's strict linear nature doesn't quite live up to the endless marketing hyping it up to be a unique puzzle experience a la Outer Wilds where solutions would come to the player by natural exploration. instead, Arkane delivers the same waypoint based FPS experience with an interesting coat of paint and writing that is endearing when it comes out of Colt's mouth and cringe when it's anybody else. still fun, by virtue of being an Arkane game, but hard fails to deliver on its premise.

This review contains spoilers

Really sadly disappointed in Deathloop.

Arkane is one of the 3 developers I implicitly trust to give me a good time. Alongside Respawn and Platinum, going into an Arkane game, I know generally that I'm gonna get an entertaining imsim, usually primarily stealth based, and probably with cool magic powers. And on paper, Deathloop delivers that.

In practice, things are a bit different.

A good imsim is kind of like a magnificent clockwork watch. You can watch the pieces tick and work against each other, friction causing action and reaction, to present this impressive end result. You can press on different elements of the clockwork, and the system will react in different ways - this is the joy in Dishonored, how can I lean on my powers, or exploit enemy placements, or use some stage element to achieve my goal?
Instead, Deathloop is kind of like a house of cards - it's still an impressive accomplishment in its own right, but when you apply pressure to it, there's only really one way for the cards to fall down.
The sell of Deathloop was that it was Arkane's systems-based design writ large across multiple targets. What you do in the morning can affect a Visionary in the afternoon, maybe changing where they'll be in the world, or the kit they have access to.
In truth, the scenario is much more linear. There is one "solution" to the loop, and the game is basically shepherding you to achieve that one solution. Ultimately, everyone's final loop is going to look (on a macro level) the same - the only real variance will be what weapon the player used to kill the visionaries. I would argue that that is in itself countenance to what Arkane have themselves said the game would be in pre-release marketing, but more to the point, it's not what I really expected or wanted.

There are 4 areas of Blackreef that you'll be spending your time in. You'd think with 8 visionaries, you'd spend an equal amount of time in each, digging out clues and schedules, but really, you'll get to know Updaam and Fristrad Bay extremely well, with barely a visit to The Complex or Karl's Bay. The latter I think I visited a total of 4 times - and one of those was because I made a mistake while I was there so had to re-loop to try again, and one was the final loop (which forces you to go to each area in a specific order). My impression of revisiting these areas over and over was akin to that of playing Wolfenstein Youngblood - the areas themselves were quite interesting, but there wasn't enough to carry the amount of time you'd end up spending there. Rewards for exploration are rarely worth your time, especially once you've got the "legendary" weapons which you'll probably be carrying at least one of every loop after you discover them.

My one hope for the game was the final loop, which is itself fun - playing out the heist that you've (or, I guess, the game) put together and pulling it all off elegantly is quite entertaining.

Late on it is revealed that you will have to kill Julianna last, elsewhere on Blackreef. Foolishly, I thought this was perhaps an opportunity for Arkane to pull out a traditional puzzle box for the last hurrah, but sadly I was disappointed on that front.

Playing as Julianna is an exercise in frustration, at least on PC. It is evident that Deathloop has no anticheat, and because a lot of people just want to finish the game, there seems to be a dearth of players on the platform to invade. As a result, you'll quite often be dropped into a game with a Colt that is unkillable, or can resurrect an unlimited number of times. I can't say I had a single good duel as Julianna - but at least as Colt, I had a few where I was matchmade with someone fun. It can be very cathartic to get killed twice by Julianna and then get your brutal, final revenge on her.

There are other minor annoyances. The reactor section is embarassingly bad, a whole area seemingly precision-designed to set tempers aflame. Even if you know the "solution" should you get spotted, actually enacting that solution is practically impossible with the entire compound gunning for you.
Similarly, if you get spotted while in Aleksis' house (and you haven't identified which of the wolves is him) there's no way to kill him without looping as the eternalists respawn endlessly, and he seems to disappear off the map. If this happens to you because Shift fucked up and dropped you in the middle of a crowd of people, well. Let's just say it can be a tad blood-boiling.

So yeah. I'm pretty sad with how this one turned out! My only hope is that now that Arkane is a Microsoft subsidiary, they get the time and budget to make a proper new immersive sim. Dishonored and Dishonored 2 are some of my absolute favourite games, so we can but hope.

Beaten: Sep 18 2021
Time: 11 Hours
Platform: PS5

Well, I finally played a game made by Arkane Studios, the modern masters of the immersive sim. And as far as I can tell, this is their Bioshock. The game that takes the immersive sim formula, streamlines it, quickens it, and applies it to a wholly original setting and massively stylish setting. Luckily, Deathloop is good enough to carry the weight of that comparison.

The most unique thing about Deathloop is it's structure. There's four levels, each with four different configurations based on the time of day. You live the same day over and over again, basically planning the perfect heist. You'll explore each of these areas somewhere like 10-15 times on your way to figuring out your perfect route, learning the ins and outs and all the perfect routes for each time of day. It's easily the most fun I've had in a "heist" game (note: I haven't played Dishonored or Thief), and I think part of that is owed to how there's not much penalty for screwing up.

Broadly speaking, enemies are in small groups and there's lots of hiding places, so getting away if you're spotted isn't too hard. Even if you do die, you get 2 more chances before it boots you back out. And even if you lose both those chances, all you really lose is some guns? Maybe? It's low stakes for death, so you can be as sloppy as you want or as neat as you want at any given time, until the final day.

Once you've got your plan, you go through and execute it. As a gameplay climax it's great, you can make good on all these plans and routes you've been making in your head and it all goes smoothly. The last day is just like all the others. If something goes wrong, you just try again, but there's no special twists to get in your way. The final showdown afterwards isn't bad, but as a whole the narrative side of the game feels a little light. The last day is exciting because of the plan, not what it means to you.

That's probbably my only real issue with the game, it sets up a lot of lore, asks a lot of questions, but doesn't fill in as much as I'd like. You finish the perfect day, you do the ending, you get a quick cutscene, and that's it. Hop back in if you want, play as the invader if you want, it's over but it's not really done. Not in the way a linear game is.

I hope this becomes Arkane's Bioshock. I hope it gets them to be as well known as they deserve, and I hope more AAA games follow in this game's footsteps of being actually charismatic instead of just, like, quippy. I'm glad it was the first new game from this year that I beat.

Fun game and concept with great gameplay and a lot of ways to experiment, so the repetitiveness of revisiting the same levels over and over again really isn’t repetitive at all.

The lore sadly falls a bit flat towards the end but I loved the Visionaries and having to deal with all their different personalities during each loop. Absolute menaces. Oh, and Frank’s songs are bangers btw.

This review contains spoilers

Full disclosure, my save file got corrupted and I lost all my progress, so I did not reach the very end of the game. But I played nearly all of the game and killed all targets so I am considering it complete.

The story leaves a lot to be desired. I found myself caring very little about killing the targets since almost all the storytelling is environmental, and the setup of a twisting, mysterious plot never really pays off. The "Julianna is Colt's daughter" twist is weird and unearned. And, for all the freedom the game gives you along the way, there is only one correct way to kill everyone.

However, the vibes are impeccable and this is the first Arkane game where guns blazing actually feels like a viable strategy. I liked that I wasn't punished for playing in a non-stealthy way, and I found myself mixing the two strategies quite a bit.

'Deathloop' is tedious, repetitive, and not nearly as funny or as clever as it thinks it is. First off, the dialogue made me instantly hate every character. Reminded me of 'Sunset Overdrive,' another game where I even hated (especially hated?) the player character. Everyone in 'Deathloop' speaks in the same excessively obscene, nihilistic voice and it grated on me so severely, that I would mute the game whenever I had to repeat scenes.

Speaking of repetition, I guess you can expect it in a time loop game, but even still, I think this was needlessly repetitive. For one example, you need four passwords to access a hangar. So you go to one area, find and charge two batteries, start two generators, flip a switch. Then leave that area, go to another, find the building now accessible from the flipped switch. Go in, hunt for the password. Leave the area. Loop the day. Time for password #2! So go back to that one area, charge the two batteries again, start the two generators again, flip another switch. Then leave that area, go to another, access the building now accessible from the flipped switch. Find the second password. Leave the area. Loop the day. Two down, two to go! Is this fun? Not to mention, fail on any of these steps and you need to restart the entire process.

And whose brilliant idea was it to have Julianna randomly pop into these stealth missions to not only try to kill you but also to call everyone's attention to your position. Like, who thought this would be additive in a stealth game like this? On top of it all, because massive progress may be lost by dying in a loop, game-crashing bugs are completely unexcusable. And yet they plague the PS5 version of this game to the point where the game is nearly daring you to abandon it. Add the bugs to the decidedly last-gen visuals and the whole package feels like it was dumped into market before it was ready.

I'd forgive it all if there were likable characters or if the story clicks into place and becomes something that transcends the trail of clues you uncover. But there weren't. And it doesn't. I anticipate the clever comebacks to my opinion, like 'get good' or 'you didn't understand it.' But the game isn't hard. Certainly not the puzzle that it should be, instead the game holds your hand along the one path you must travel to the credits. And I fully understand the story and didn't find it interesting. The concept of a time loop game is a good one, but not like this. Not like this. Two stars for the halfway decent play controls.

Very underwhelming.I love almost everything about this game beside the dull gameplay and awful pacing.It's very handholdy especially the first hour. There's only one way to finish it which ruins any replayablality. But the setting is so good and the game is genuinely funny and well written but it doesn't save it.

To begin with, the reviews for this are straight out insane. It is no way in hell a 10 or Arkane's best game. What it is is a clever idea to build a roguelite in which you mess with the levels until you can get the perfect run, which is a great idea. Awesome Style and music alongside fun shooting. 4/5

Deathloop é impecável na maioria das coisas que ele propõe fazer, game design fantástico, cenários lindos e a interação do Colt com a Julianna é muito divertida. Não cansei do jogo em nenhum momento e terminei querendo mais.

If Prey was MVP Russell Westbrook and Redfall is Lakers Westbrook, then this game is that one year where Westbrook was with the Wizards. Not terrible yet but kinda forgettable and uninspired compared to their early work.

Eu joguei esse jogo no lançamento do jogo no Xbox Game Pass em 2022, e eu não havia curtido muito a experiência (principalmente por ter que jogar em controle).

Vários meses depois, Deathloop chega ao NVIDIA GeForce NOW, e assim que soube que eu poderia jogá-lo com mouse e teclado, eu rapidamente fui comprar o jogo (que por coincidência, estava em promoção na Nuuvem) para poder ter minha melhor experiência. E cara, como minha opinião mudou!

Esse jogo possui elementos de roguelike, o que significa que a tendência natural é do jogador morrer e morrer e aprender cada vez mais sobre o jogo a cada morte, o que consequentemente significa que as chances de eu realmente gostar desse jogo são bem mais baixas que o normal.

Eu não gosto de jogos roguelike. Na verdade, qualquer jogo que possua em seu cerne a questão de 'morrer e aprender com a morte' (vide o que acontece em jogos souls-like), não me agrada. Eu 'não sirvo' pra jogos desse tipo. E era claro que isso poderia muito bem refletir negativamente na minha experiência com esse jogo. Mas ainda bem que isso não aconteceu.

Começando com um dos maiores charmes desse jogo, e algo que a Arkane (quase sempre desde Dishonored) sempre trouxe com excelência: direção de arte.

Como essa minha ''análise'' se baseia em minha opinião, eu digo que, na minha opinião, Deathloop é uma masterclass em direção de arte. Eu dou ênfase em 'minha opinião' porque eu vi inúmeras pessoas que jogaram o jogo falarem que não gostaram da direção de arte desse jogo; alguns chegam a falar que a arte do jogo é feia, o que pra mim, é um crime dos mais severos.

TUDO nesse jogo tem estilo, e um estilo único. O terreno onde a cidade fica, os exteriores e interiores das residências, pinturas como decoração dos interiores, mobílias, armas, vestimentas, robôs, menu do jogo. Tudo é muito artístico e da melhor qualidade. E isso é algo que a Arkane sabe fazer (quase sempre, vide Redfall).

Outra coisa que a Arkane sabe fazer, e ainda bem que ela fez certo, foi a gameplay. Nesse jogo, você está preso em um ciclo que se repete quando a noite termina (ou quando você morre). Ou seja, quando a noite termina, o ciclo reinicia para a manhã do dia que acabou de terminar. Logo, você precisa basicamente explorar os 4 mapas do jogo, em 4 fases do dia diferentes, para então coletar pistas que te ajudem a derrotar os 8 visionários (8 chefes) em um único ciclo, pra então se libertar dele.

O bom desse jogo, que me permitiu continuar jogando, é que ele te dá toda a liberdade para explorar o mapa o quanto quiser, da maneira que quiser. Claro, existem situações em que uma área do mapa não estará disponível para jogar, ou uma área é inacessível por conta da fase do dia em que está jogando, mas ainda assim, a liberdade do jogador reina aqui.

E isso faz parte do DNA da Arkane. Esse jogo é um ótimo exemplo de immersive sim. Não é o melhor immersive sim da Arkane (já que Dishonored 2 e Prey existem), mas é um bom exemplo de um.

Você não precisa entrar em um local pela porta da frente. Você pode simplesmente explorar a área ao redor para encontrar um caminho alternativo que te levará onde você deseja ir.

Você pode derrotar os inimigos de inúmeras maneiras diferentes. Você pode hackear as torretas de segurança para atacar os inimigos, você pode usar as placas (que são equivalentes aos poderes sobrenaturais de Dishonored) para auxiliá-lo a derrotar os inimigos. E existem outras formas variadas.

A trilha-sonora é muito boa e envolvente, mas em certos momentos, ela acaba enjoando um pouco. Os gráficos são bonitos, mas não é nova geração. Tipo, reclamar dos gráficos de um jogo da Arkane é burrice, pois em nenhum momento a Arkane falou que ela foca em gráficos. Ela sempre focou em imersão, gameplay e arte.

A história é outra coisa legal. Os personagens são bacanas, ainda que eu ache eles esquecíveis, mesmo que vários detalhes sobre a vida deles sejam apresentados. O meu maior problema é com o final do jogo, que eu acho bem anticlimático e muito aquém ao que o jogo oferece na maior parte do tempo.

Enfim, achei esse jogo um jogão. Não esperava muita coisa, principalmente por conta dos elementos roguelike, mas dando outra chance, eu vi que é um jogo muito bom, e acho que valeu muito a pena.

Remote played on steam deck from PC and experience was tainted by some pretty bad performance issues/bugs. You can't pause the game and quitting loses progress (not much, but still) so bugs can be very frustrating.

I think the core idea of this game is cool- discover knowledge in 4 different environments during 4 different times of day to ultimately kill all 7 targets within a single day. I love time loop mechanics (outer wilds, majoras mask are some of my favorite games). Despite time being a core component, I think this game doesn't make me feel like time is really important. Maybe it's the discrete level design or maybe it's the discrete time progression... I'm not sure but the experience feels more like level hopping between different variants of levels than living through a continuous time looping day.

The writing didn't really draw me into the world or characters either, which is part of the problem.

Tried playing as Julianna once and it was a bad time- long loading and little reward. This could use more incentives and could be nice to bake into the single player more.

Still, cool idea and hopefully Arkane learned from it! Would love to see them do more time stuff.

Arkane fez aqui uma obra de arte em gameplay. Ouso dizer que é a melhor coisa que eles já fizeram desde Dishonored 1. Gameplay moderno, incrível, todo o sistema de loop é bem feito, com a rota perfeita. Fazer a run perfeita é um desafio ao mesmo tempo que extremamente divertida do início ao fim. DUBLAGEM EXCELENTE, ambos os personagens são muito divertidos e escritos e valeu muito a pena a experiência.

O que peca nesse jogo é a história que eu sinceramente, não podia cagar menos.

Fiquei extremamente feliz de explorar o máximo e platinar esta maravilha. Obrigado Arkane.

It's pretty damn fun.

The whole time-loop bit can get a little grating when you get stuck in annoying situations and just have to skip a day to get back to what you meant to do, but overall I had a good time. The aesthetic and humor is a blast, playing around with that retro futurism design that looks so cool, and the gameplay is largely solid. Slowly figuring out the perfect way to eliminate a bunch of people on the island is really rewarding, and worth a try.

proves that stealth games are best when you just don't stealth

Arkane has made an utterly satisfying immersive sim/fps hybrid. This game is definitely more about the action, but it still lets you explore the environment and fight enemies in vastly creative ways. Once you start creating your build, and unlocking permanent upgrades and weapons, the combat becomes so exciting, and the game legitimately becomes so hard to put down. An absolute goty contender.