Reviews from

in the past

None of you will ever appreciate this like you should have. I chalk this up to bad taste, systematic racism and Joe Budden.

They should remake this with Bladee as an unlockable character

This game absolutely fucks
Truly upset this is rare and expensive

COME ON MAN LES BOUNCE came ahn mahn los bonce
cama awn mayn las bawnce blazzin is the word

This is one of those games I would fall in love with it if I played it when I was a kid. It's so badass and stylish. You step into the gangsta world and rise up through the ranks by beating the shit out of people. The whole cast consists of real life rappers like Snoop Dogg, Ice-T and Ludacris. Tbh, not only rappers, badass dudes like Danny Trejo and Henry Rollins are in the game lol.

The game has a satisfying combat with its awesome animations and solid depth. There are 5 different fighting styles for you to pick and you can combine any 3 of them max and each combination has their own unique moveset.

There is also a good learning curve, you can't just mash buttons to go through the levels. You gotta use the enviroment, learn how to counter and break grabs. Especially in the late game, you'll need to figure out the timings of your opponents because your mindless agression will be punished by their counters. You gotta know how to be defensive too.

Hardest part is the early game because you start with only one fighting style and your stats are very low compared to your opponents. So, expect to lose majority of the early fights 2 to 3 times but you'll pick it up eventually.

Anyway, this is a manly as fuck game with its brutal combat, gangsta as hell characters and stylish visuals. Also, the soundtrack is absolutely fire. I found myself hyping myself up before the fights while listening to the awesome tracks of the game lol. Totally worth playing.

why this doesnt hve a sequel in some way is BEYOND me

Fight for NY takes the groundwork laid by Def Jam Vendetta and builds on it in interesting ways. While there is still wrestling in the game, Fight for NY is more of a fighting game, which feels like a more natural fit for the series.

The gameplay still has its flaws, but it's fun enough, and the art direction and presentation elevate the game to make it a memorable experience.

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Uma história simples e envolvente dão base pra porradaria mais prazerosa que podemos encontrar nos video games até hoje. Dar um shoryuken ou então acertar aquele combo impossível no KOF é muito bom, mas não supera cair na briga mais sincera e violenta contra o Snoop Dogg e vários outros rappers icônicos.

A história como eu disse, é simples, aquela coisa que já vimos em diversos jogos que se passam nos anos 90 e começo dos 2000 nos EUA, gangues, guerra de território, tráfico, conflito e outras coisas, em resumo, é igual GTA. Só que diferente de GTA, aqui estamos em um jogo de luta, e por incrível que pareça, a história encaixa perfeitamente com o estilo do game. Começamos sendo um ninguém que ganha mais uma chance de fazer seu nome, e a gente vai fazer ele na marra ( literalmente ). Os personagens que já são rostos conhecidos ficaram muito legais dentro do jogo, sempre que aparece alguém que você gosta já te arranca um sorriso e você fica empolgado pra ver qual vai ser a participação deles na história. Como eu disse, é simples, porém muito boa, tendo até algumas escolhas no meio do caminho deixando as coisas mais " imersivas ".

A dificuldade é até que boa, no início as lutas são bem fáceis, mas se você der mole é capaz de perder até essas, pq nossos status são horríveis no começo, então cada porrada do adversário coloca nosso personagem em um coma diferente. Algumas lutas são bem memoráveis até, como a contra o Fat Joe, que eu diria que é a melhor luta do jogo levando em conta o contexto dela, a dificuldade e tudo que tá em jogo no momento da história. Mas nem tudo são flores em relação a isso, pq depois dessa luta maravilhosa, nosso personagem já tá com bastante pontos distribuidos, estaremos com mais um estilo de luta provavelmente, e isso vai tornar as lutas pré boss extremamente fáceis, mas extremamente mesmo, e devo admitir que isso dá uma broxada já que a gente tá caminhando pro final do jogo, e então o esperado é que fique cada vez mais difícil, mas é o contrário. Não é nada que afete muito, mas não posso deixar de citar.

Como eu disse no começo, esse jogo tem a porradaria mais prazerosa que podemos encontrar, e isso não é um exagero graças ao cuidado e carinho que tiveram ao fazer o jogo. Temos 5 classes pra escolher, e cada uma com suas caracteristicas, golpes e pontos fortes diferentes entre si, mas o principal é que cada uma das 5 tem um jeito especial de nocautear o oponente. Se tu escolhe kickboxing tu pode meter um puta socão e cabou pro cara, tu pode pegar submission e ser um desgraçado que vai torturando o oponente até ele não conseguir fazer mais nada, martial arts com uns combos absurdos, e essa variedade torna a gameplay muito mas muito incrível, ainda mais quando você tem os pontos pra pegar um estilo secundário, ai as possibilidades durante a luta são infinitas.

O jogo é de 2004 mas ele envelheceu extremamente bem, ele é muito bonito, a dublagem com os rappers reais fazendo as vozes deles é sensacional, os rostos deles são expressivos, a trilha sonora é perfeita, tudo no jogo é maravilhoso, é de um cuidado absurdo pra um jogo de 2004 que não é tão famoso assim, por isso se possível joguem Def Jam: Fight for NY, vai valer a pena cada hora gasta dentro desse jogo mágnifico.

joguei igual um filhodaputa!!
"eu lembro q eu menti pros meus amigos falando q esse era um jogo novo de dragon ball que os personagens eram humanos reaiskkk" até hj tenho vergonha disso

É incrivel como a jogabilidade dele não envelheceu, tava muito a frente do ps2. Lembro que meu PS2 slim chorava pra esse jogo rodar. Era difícil achar no camelô uma cópia que não travasse.

A pretty good fighter! My only two gripes with it are the 4-player battles being incredibly janky and the AI is insanely frustrating. Takes a bit to get used to the fighting mechanics, but once you get the hang of it, you're in for one of the most fun fighters of the 6th gen.

É desse tipo de jogo de luta que eu gosto, daqueles que não tem que ficar perdendo tempo aprendo um milhão de combos e essas frescuras todas. É só sair apertando qualquer botão, defender os ataques de vez em quando e dane-se. Porradaria bruta do jeito que tem que ser.

A fighting/wrestling game hybrid with a roster of rap artists. The game has some of the most brutally over the top violent moves which compliment the dark adult tone perfectly. It's a fun time against friends or solo in story mode where you take a character of your own creation through the ranks. The game has so much personality with so many memorable characters.
Anyone who didn't play this was missing out.

Bruh imagine if they made a new Def Jam game with JPEGMAFIA, Danny Brown, Denzel Curry, Travis Scott, JID, Kendrick Lamar, Playboi Carti, Drain Gang, Tyler the creator, MC Ride, and Kanye West as a neo-nazi, and that's just SOME of the roster. Shit would be insane.

I think this is genuinely the best campaign ever made for a fighting game. Does it have the best story? No. Does it have a lot of content and is fun and gets such a solid laugh due to the nature of the game? Yes. This game truly encapsulates the era it comes from before everybody realizing that they could license themselves for a shitton of money. With the amount of clothing brands, the lists of artists, and the plethora of music coming from said artists. The humor in this game is something else truly with me getting a lot of genuine laughs out of it. The depth of the combat is not something to downplay either with being able to mix 3 separate fight styles together and with an okay character creator to boot, there is a lot for you to explore. I truly think at the minimum this game is worth to play for the story alone. I'll reiterate truly the most fun I've ever had playing a campaign for any fighting game. You're not getting NRS story telling but you're getting a great game to play

Dang my mom would've frickin killed me if she knew I was playing this rated-M game where rappers swear and curb-stomp each other over at my friend Jacob's house.

"Take A Look At My Life" is one of the greatest boss themes ever composed.

This game has that Aki engine goodness but fuck is it padded out. You have to fight the same people over and over and WIN to progress and the combat system wears really thin after extended periods of play time. Still, it is undeniably cool beating the shit out of rappers to Bling-era music.

A game like this couldn't even be made today because of licensing and decentralization of celebrity. Just mimic the Aki engine in Unreal, give more depth to the combat, have people be able to create wrestlers that look like real life rappers and call the game Jef Dam: Brawl For Balitmore or something.

The only game you get to throw Snoop Dogg out of a window.

Is it a fighting game? No. Am I adding it anyway? Of course.

Great roster, fun to play, funny voice lines, aesthetically amazing, and the sound design as expected of a Def Jam game is great

Peak 6th gen. I fucking love Def Jam, man.

FFNY was a product of astral alignment. Shittons of licenses, AKI at the height of their powers, EA willing to throw a ton of money at a single project in a pre-DLC world, and consoles that were just powerful enough to pull everything they wanted off. You will never see this game or anything like it again. Thank god it only took their second try to nail it.

You couldn't ask for better presentation. Everyone is either a truck-sized mountain of muscle, a shredded Bruce Lee-like, a model who moves like Catwoman, or Flava Flav. Blazin' moves are more "oooooh"-worthy than any Mortal Kombat fatality. Music is constantly blasting and it's good shit. The game looks great, especially on Xbox, with particular standouts being the fire ring and power plant. It's an insane look top to bottom but it never winks or nudges, this is 100% sincere 2000's cheese and it rules.

The game's systems are perfect fighting game rock paper scissors while leaving room for AKI's wrestling background to shine, resulting in a hybrid unlike anything else before or since, even when compared to Vendetta. The fact that it holds up competitively (admittedly with a banlist but there are like 70 characters here, chill) blows my mind. The KO system is a standout, as you can only land one when an opponent is weak and you either use the environment, a weapon, hit your finisher, or do a style-specific finisher (eg: wrestlers hitting a big grapple). It creates heaps of tension whenever health meters are in the red and means matches never, ever end boring.

I only ding this game half a star because the camera is a bit shit, though this is more true in 4p than in 1v1. You can still end up with a character positioned behind another and not really be able to see what they're doing sometimes. It doesn't matter often, but when it does it does.

For this last playthrough I intentionally didn't take wrestling or submission, which I'd never done, and I regretted it. Strikes in this game are effective, don't get me wrong, but turning someone's brain into jello and getting a KO for the privilege is my favorite feeling on this bitch of an earth. Still had a great time all the way up to throwing Snoop out a window yet again.

Shoutout to my fellow Bonecrusher Gamers.

unironically the best fighting game and one of the best games ever made

Um dos melhores gráficos e física do PS2. É impressionante até os dias atuais a sensação de impacto e feeling de "briga" apresentado em Def Jam. Uma grande variedade de ataques, combos e personagens, além de um modo história muito divertido e com uma história decente. Só não recebe 5/5 porque a campanha é deveras curta (cerca de 5/6 horas).

One of my favorite fighting games of all time.

Um dos melhores jogos feitos no PS2 e quem discorda está louco.

Se tu perder uma luta vc é obrigado a namorar feia realmente põem um peso na luta fudido

Zerado pela milésima vez, esse jogo nunca fica chato é com certeza um dos melhores jogos do ps2 e de luta já feito.