Reviews from

in the past

maybe it would get the remaining half a star if the first nelo angelo fight didnt make me want to kill myself

Choose Ifrit > L1 > hold R1 + forward + triangle > profit

An influential game, and one that's most definitely of its time, but the odd marriage of fixed camera angles and frustrating moments ultimately hold it back.

A foundational game for an entire genre. Some of the best action games in the industry wouldn't exist without the influence of the DMC franchise. I cannot overstate how important Devil May Cry was for the history of gaming as a whole.

That being said, Devil May Cry 1 was a janky experimental game born from a Resident Evil 4 prototype and it shows. Camera angles change as you walk through the mansion, the mood is dark and gothic until the combat brings in the BANGER soundtrack, and much of the fluidity and fast style of character action games simply wasn't present yet. Targeting is inconsistent, especially on certain minibosses, and avoiding damage often boils down to either popping DT and getting your heal/free damage in, or hopping like a very red kangaroo all over the place to reposition. This game LOVES throwing dogshit fixed camera platforming sections at you too.

Despite the showings of its age, I still thoroughly enjoyed the grandaddy of one of my favorite genres. (Most of) the bosses are fun and challenging, exploration is rewarding, the swordplay is solid, and there is certainly some cooking to be done. Devil May Cry just wants some feedback on the seasoning and a little more time in the kitchen.

É um jogo extremamente antigo e datado que não e velheceu bem, e não é da minha época.
Talvez pra época poderia ser um jogo incrível, mas pros padrões de hoje é uma tortura.

Tem coisas no jogo que são realmente indefensáveis e me pergunto como alguém achou que seria bacana colocar no jogo mesmo pra época, gameplay em 1° pessoa de baixo da água (???) e TODAS, TODAS as lutas com bosses são ruins. Tem uma que é mediana, de resto são bastante chatas e algumas até torturantes.

Mas no geral o combate do jogo, apesar dos controles estranhos, não é tão ruim assim, os inimigos do mapa com exceção de alguns que não fazem sentido, até que são bem equilibrados e dá pra se divertir um pouco, na medida do possível.

A historia só cumpre o papel, mas as cutscenes até que são legais

O verdadeiro inimigo do jogo é a câmera e as mecânicas, tem horas que você luta mais contra o jogo do que contra o próprio inimigo, e é aí que se encontra a dificuldade

i liked it, some of the areas were really cool like the knight guy fight, some of the bosses gave me irl cancer 3000 tho, final boss was meh

While the presentation has become a little dated, the revolutionary gameplay more than makes up for it.

شعرت أنها عادية في أول تختيمة لي لأني لعبت الجزء الثالث قبل
و بعد ما عدتها صرت احبها اكثر
مهيب المفضلة لي لكنها بداية موفقة جدًا

ومراحل الموية خياس

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i should've been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiight

Holy old game, combat is fun, but god damn starting a level over from the beginning just from dying is ridiculously backwards, I pray to god they remake this game, cause not having to restart from the start of a mission + no more finger breaking E & I + the game might actually look good it'd be an overall plus.

That being said, I played on easy, or easy auto same shit, still had a good time, wish I could have actually played on normal but restarting the level from the start is a ridiculous amount of tedium I don't want to invest myself into.

Give it a go, game was pretty fun, would recommend to others.

Worth finishing once if you like DMC or Resident Evil and then probably never playing again, especially since you probably got it when just trying to play DMC 3. Its fun to contrast this Dante with what he ended up being post DMC 3.

Very good start to the series. The cheesiness really adds to the experience.

Still sooo good on the 2nd and 3rd playthroughs! It's so simple yet utterly addicting to play when you get the combos and kills just right.

nostalgia review

awesome stylish combat game, but i'd recommend the 3rd one

really respect and admire it but dunno if i liked it
funny that it ends the same way as resident evil 4

Com toda a certeza um dos jogos já feitos.

DMC 1 tem uma importância tão grande que se não fosse por ele, com certeza jogos como Darksiders, God Of War, Dante's Inferno e muitos outros hack n' slash não teriam sido feitos, porque afinal, ele é o pai desse gênero.

Deixando a importância de lado, o jogo tem uma história muito boa, mas que perde um certo valor dela por conta da péssima dublagem do jogo, além disso, a gameplay é bem datada, a jogabilidade é meio lenta e isso pode incomodar certas pessoas.

Outro ponto negativo é a reutilização excessiva de bosses, fazendo você lutar contra o mesmo boss diversas vezes, mas tirando isso de lado, um ótimo jogo que iniciou uma das melhores franquias de todos os tempo e se ignorar um pouco isso, ele vai se tornar bem divertidinho.

I liked the part where he said that he should've been the one to fill her dark soul with LIIIIIIIIGHT!!

(Played though the HD Collection on PS3)

An absolute classic and pioneer of the character action game but playing it now, it really shows it's age, especially when compared to the successors (hence why it has a low rating).

Juro por Deus q se eu tiver q lutar contra essa aranha denovo eu vou comer um tijolo

For such a cult classic this was a very humble beginning. The move-set is limited but that's alright, there's not much story here and the level design was inconsistent and messy.

Fatal issues like horrible bosses, abysmal camera angles - that also affect the combos because of direction - and inverted y axis tear down what was being conceived.

“yeah like resident evil,” i say, having never played and barely seen resident evil.

“oh so true. like bayonetta,” i say, having played and obsessed over bayonetta earlier in the year.

“i wish i was playing bayonetta,” i think, playing the first devil may cry

Perdóname por todo Devil May Cry 1 de Switch!!!

Devil May Cry 1 é um jogo com uma atmosfera gótica cativante, história envolvente e gráficos nostálgicos. A jogabilidade é bastante fluída, com combos fáceis de encaixar. Não é um jogo que toma muito tempo do jogador, durando entre 8 a 9 horas.
Devil May Cry tem uma história muito simples, mas muito boa. O jogo se destaca pela personalidade cômica e despreocupada de Dante; A única crítica é a repetição dos chefes do jogo.
This is cinema

I have a much stronger appreciation for it on replay; for being one of the first games of its kind, it's amazing how much this game gets right, but also it's one of those games that has so much depth I'm still learning more about it years after my initial playthrough. The camera still sucks unfortunately, but I think anyone who likes action games needs to play this.

now this game has not aged the best, but it has SOUL! so its alright in my book.

Bom jogo, impressionante que tenha sido lançado em 2001. O que mais incomoda mesmo é a câmera fixa ,principalmente nos chefes.