Reviews from

in the past

Essentially "baby's first Metroidvania," but all things considered, it's a cute and fun little platformer with the added Disney charm to it.

It's also probably the closest thing I'm getting to a new Rayman game anytime soon since Ubisoft barely wants to acknowledge him unless it's for Mario + Rabbids DLC, so...I'll take this.

This was quite an enjoyable game. Between the fluid movement, the sense of humor, and the scale of the world that's not too big nor too small, it's easily one of my favorite recent experiences.

I do have a few gripes however. The only collectible really worth getting are the Glimts, the floating energy spheres all around which can increase your maximum health and ultimately unlock the Iron Mouse mode (where you get one life to beat the game). The other collectibles being the Memorabilia and the Hidden Mickeys? No reward. They are there just for percentage and naught else. I would've liked a bit more reward for getting them but they were still fun to track down and figure out how to get.

Those nitpicks are really worth the full star. Still really solid gameplay, really fun to go through, doesn't wear out its welcome. It's quite great and highly encouraged. It's ideal for those experienced with Metroidvanias and also those who aren't as familiar and want to dip their toes in without too much challenge.

I only played in single-player but I hear multiplayer is where the game really shines. I eagerly look forward to seeing speedruns of this game.

Divertido, historia simples, bom pra quem nunca jogou metroidvania e quer algo mais introdutório e numa dificuldade mais acessível

The decision to remove all elements of combat is a noble one, but the game desperately needs something in replacement of it - and that replacement never comes.

Endlessly charming but very much designed for a younger audience in mind.

Un Metroidvania pour les plus jeunes, tout chill, à éviter les obstacles sans violence (de la part des héros), accompagné d'une musique typique de Disneyland très sympa.
Aucune révolution dans les idées ou le gameplay, mais une bonne application du genre pour 6-7h de voyage (10-12 pour le 100%)

I don't rate this higher not because it does anything necessarily wrong, but because the game is going for a "My first platformer-metroidvania" kind of experience. If you have young kids this is a great option to play together. It's a cute game.

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For a baby's first Metroidvania, it's pretty good. Your current objective is catalouged in a quest log, most quests have a marker on your map telling you exactly where you need to go, abilities are never too far from where you need to use them, and there's even an "everything's falling apart" escape sequence at the very end. Also, DISNEY KNOWS WHAT AMONG US IS!

Mickey Mouse comes home to a cheating wife

If you're a lil kid playing with your friends, you might give this 4+ stars. If not then the nice music, great cutscenes, and funny dialogue will carry you through a lame story (that has a similar plot twist as Frozen) and pretty fully Metroidvania platforming. Some of the gameplay feels nice but traversing a ginormous map without fast travel (which is unlocked towards the end) feels like a slog

gameplay is serviceable, a bit too formulaic and flat but it just works. the animated cutscenes and fun! i played all of it with my siblings and had a good time.

Extremely charming, the cutscenes are beautiful and often actually quite funny. However once you're into the gameplay it unfortunately wares thin rather quickly.

Very surprised by how good this game was we need more disney games like this

Buenísimo el arte y las animaciones pero, el gameplay es bastante simple para aquellos que estén acostumbrados al género. Ta bueno para introducir a alguien a los jueguitos de plataforma.

FIN! Started playing this with the kids co-op, but they lost interest. Started a new save and got hooked, beat it in two sessions. Its an easy "metroidvania", would have really liked some combat. Production value is great, esp art.

Um bom metroidvania para quem está a começar a entrar neste género. Para veteranos, há quem possa achar este jogo um bocado superficial.

Tried this out on a rental, and it's a smooth easy time for anyone, with a good amount of difficulty settings. Looks really nice, too.

This is a great platformer but it's also a metroidvania game (which made it my first ever in the genre). Loved the art style and character designs. Lots of fun running through the areas and a bit of a collectathon if you enjoy those. It's also a multiplayer game (up to 4 player) so it'll be fun for the whole family.

Pleasant enough little platformer, with a simple enough story and inclusion of the Fab Four. Loses marks for not including Daisy and Pluto and for the difficulty spike essentially going from easy free flowing platformer to a sit and wait festival while the enemies move in a nice enough line for you miss. Not tempted right now to 100% it but might revisit it at some point to complete it as I think it’s easy enough to pick up and play.

Got this for the two kids to play with us, but it's a bit too soon for my Daughter, my bad on that one. Will come back to it for sure, as it seems neat.

Jogo extremamente fácil. Claramente feito para crianças aprenderem a jogar plataforma, entendo que não sou o publico alvo. Joguei COOP com uma amiga e sinceramente, deu sono na gente kkkkk. Jogue se tiver um filhinho ou sobrinho para introduzi-lo. A arte do logo é linda e tem cutscnes bem legais. Me diverti mais vendo os filminhos que jogando mesmo.