Reviews from

in the past

I appreciate that they went for a different idea here, but this gets old FAST. I saw everything this game had to offer in a shorter amount of time than the original Donkey Kong, and that only had four levels!

The fuck?

So this is barely even a Donkey Kong game, there’s no platforming or Mario whatsoever, you just play as this kid just spraying DK a bunch, it’s like pathetically easy as well.

Well that was shit……….but at least now I get to play Donkey Kong Country, an actual game that’ll last longer than ten minutes.

This was my least favorite out of the Donkey Kong games.

Now I liked this one more than the first two games. Idk how they went from basic platforming to a full on shoot em up but it's more fun than I expected. There are also a decent amount of enemy variants so there's actually incentive to push into later rounds beyond getting a high score.

quando eu era criança ficava rindo da caras q os inimigos faziam e me questionava pq o cara ta borrifando água gelada no cu do macaco

This is unfortunately the worst of the DK original series. While the idea is good with the spray gun so that he goes in a bee hive, you will spend your time only mashing the spray gun button. I think they only put Donkry Kong in it because it would sell more copies.

Game #9 of my challenge

I liked the music in this game, but it's extremely repetitive and loses novelty instantly.

I think we all remember Stanley the Bugman fondly.

you shoot him in the butt lol

My first exposure to DONKEY KONG, I was definitely never really good at this game. I actually think as a kid I thought I was playing as Donkey Kong.

This game is truly fantastic

man fuck dis zesty ass game

I feel like this is the weakest of the original arcade trilogy, although it's definitely a different game. It's a weird platforming-shooter that actually gets pretty brutal later on.

It's impressive to me that each sequel to the original Donkey Kong is not only weaker than the original, but also incredibly dull. There is a reason why you don't hear much about Stanley and his fight with Donkey Kong, and that's because the game just isn't interesting to any degree.

While I appreciate the change of genre for the series, from platformer to shoot'em up; largely the game just has no creative level direction to it. Each level is nearly identical in look and feel, and the only real change is the top part making it harder to hit Donkey Kong. The game's premise also being shooting Donkey Kong up the butt in order to knock him into a beehive is also surprisingly unsatisfying. This mainly comes from two problems, the amount of effort you have to put into knocking DK into a beehive, and the repetitive nature the gameplay has. You also have the option to defend your flowers from the various bees and bugs DK is sending you, but you mostly just lose points if they get them. This means that if you care about points you'll engage in defending your flowers, but for the rest of us, this simply isn't worth it. See, the other crux to this game is that it's set on a pretty small timer, and the longer you take to knock DK in the beehive, the more time and points you waste. Adding this in with how hard DK is to knock up, makes for the main concentration of the game on a narrow platform right below DK. There is nothing to really incentive the player to protect the plants or engage with the rest of the level aside from avoiding death. Even a simple change of pressing a button to activate something or the plants giving you power ups if you save them all would have been enough. Sadly, DK3 just doesn't think past it's one idea and never expands on how it could have been better.

This is a rather weird diversion from the previous two DK games but it's a little fun in short bursts. It does get a bit too frantic later on

Its not the worst thing ever, but not only is it repetitive, its also really goddamn short! I finished all the levels the game has to offer in less than 2 minutes, and didn't get a game over till loop 5, where the difficultly randomly increases. Pretty weak game.

Absurdly easy and a massive gameplay departure from the previous entries. But also still fun with a weird charm. Stanley for Smash, he needs to fumigate Lylat Cruise.

Unsurprisingly changing a series' core gameplay isn't the best idea, as in this case it's no longer a Donkey Kong game and is now just a platform shooter which happens to have Donkey Kong in it.

More repetitive than its predecessors. Poor gameplay, suffering from the vagueness of weapon-generated knockback. Not very interesting, as the best strategy is always to ignore the adds and focus on Donkey Kong to finish the round as quickly as possible.

Too bad it gets too much hard and a bit ripetitive after a really low amount of round, potentially one of the most addictive videogames on the NES

A big departure to be sure but I think it's pretty fun

you shoot donkey kong with bug spray and get him attacked by bees

Game where you shoot up an ape's rear end.

Another great Donkey Kong game

You shoot DK in the ass with bug repellent.

Probably a worse game than the original DK, but more addicting for sure.

ughhh its boring i hate high score games. whatever. Its a game.