Reviews from

in the past

man the mid-2000s hit DK hard huh

Things are definitely polished up here compared to konga 1. The game now has 3D-rendered backgrounds that scroll around instead of the flat JPG-ass lookin backgrounds of the first game, and they removed the 3-frame elephant gif on the bottom of the screen. On one hand it certainly feels more polished but on the other it does mean that weird absurd flash-gamecore vibes aren't as strong here. The game also gives you a grade at the end of each song, something very taiko-core. This game also finally answered my question of "why the heck doesn't taiko reward you for entirely filling up the tamashii gauge?" because this game does do that and it's a horrible idea since it basically makes unlocking things that require it unnecessarily strict. The coin payout is also kinda pathetic here which will require grinding songs a lot, which is a bit unfortunate.

The US Konga 2 setlist is absolutely wack through and through. Chaotic as hell. Konga 1 definitely had like a kids-core element to it with its use of nursery rhyme ass music and more music that kids would be into, 2 goes full in on the trendy music not so much for kids. However the trends of 2005 were like, hip hop and butt rock and neither of those really suit the mood for donkey kong playing the bongos yanno? This game is rated mfin T for lyrics, they did not give a shit when it came to song selection, it's unfitting as all hell, and that kinda makes it kinda funny too. You even got the funny haha songs like all star in here, and all the songs in here are konga-quality covers. they do got good charlotte pop punk in here which hell yea, i fw despite the fact that it clearly does not suit the bongos. The beatmaps for the US songs suck ass though and it really does feel like they tampered with the balance as it really feels like some songs offer little to no room for error if you want to fill up the tamashii gauge all the way to get the gold DK medal for each song. Overall, its an unfitting and strange game and your mileage relies on how amusing you would personally find it.

The weird setlist definitely put me off from getting this game as I thought 1s US setlist was more my style, but I am glad I have finally played through this absurdity.

played this alongside the original many years ago...

(Re-logging this because I originally logged the Japanese version when I played the NTSC version)

Yeah, I love this series. 2 was even better for me, especially because the soundtrack included a lot of tracks I would go on to love (even if yes, they were covers).

Great fun rhythm game with another random mix of songs that are mostly early 2000s pop songs, so funny to go back to in the year of our lord 2023.

Shrek is cannon to the Mario universe thanks to this game

Rating on here is waaaay too low. To this day I always regretted never getting the bongos.

I never appreciated this game until I got older. It has such a random and weird collection of tunes, but in terms of mechanics and content it is such a pleasant experience anyways. And also come on, how can a game like this that has All Star not be good? It is a match made in heaven!

I would love to play the first game some day to compare, but this is a great game on its own right. Def try it with bongos if possible.