Reviews from

in the past

Well fuck me I think I may have destroyed an entire ecosystem

A very simple game that's also incredible iconic, at least in the States. It was one of my favorite games as a kid simply because it was the only game that all of my grown up family members would actually want to play with me.

My younger self was so amazed by this technology

El primer videojuego que jugué en mi vida. Aún lo de la pistola me parece magia, me hacía reír las reacciones del perro y los patos. Los sonidos y la música aún son increíbles.

Aos brasileiros lendo isso... Eu sei que você jogou isso no polystation que nem eu <3

It´s a simple, funny game, i imagine how would be cool shoot duck with your hi-tech zapper in 1984.

This is one of the first games that amazed as a child, mainly because of the technology behind it. It showed me what gaming could be. The gameplay is quite simple, but very fun. It's one of those classic games we can still play nowadays and have fun, but its arcady nature makes it so it's hard to play for more than a dozen minutes.

Smash Bros character is cute but outside of the cool visuals for Game C this is easily the worst black box light gun game. Very boring and without the challenge you'd see in a Hogan's Alley let alone a Gumshoe.

This is what old people think of when they think of 'Video Game'

Game was a fun, gimmicky distraction back in the day... but even back then, this game was frustrating (stares menacingly at the laughing dog as I continue to miss the ducks).

The goddamn NES Zapper peripheral just didn't work all that well. Nothing beats a gamepad/controller or keyboard+mouse when it comes to controlling a video game. This was the first motion-controlled game that I can think of, that proved that statement true.

i love duck hunt. i love shooting the ducks.

I do indeed have this, on original hardware, and can confirm, it's neat!

Does this happen before or after Super Mario Bros.?

Super fun with a real light gun! Makes me want to get more zapper games

Mindless fun. Played the arcade version. You shoot ducks and clay pigeons till you get bored. Neat

Barely functional as it was, it was also revolutionary. I'm still gonna put that dog in a blender though.

Interesting minigame. Makes great use of the NES Zapper.

the dog taught me about the inevitability of haters


[Wii-U VC Update]
Works really well with the Wii-mote controls (if a little easy). Simple but fun, though it does get repetitive.

É legalzinho até, divertido atirar nos patos.

im so glad they released this on wii u cause it's so cool to be able to play it in a more convenient way. but let's be real, the nes zapper being less convenient than the wii u is REALLY saying something

It's fun and inspired the wild game duck season.