Reviews from

in the past

(sega mega drive & genesis classics 50/58)
played as Jetta Maxx

It's a bad Mortal Kombat clone, and early MKs in single player are already not fun at all to begin with. AI isn't quite as dreadful here, but there are no difficulty settings and losing sends you back a round for some reason. Good fucking luck if you're on a three button controller.

That said, there's a lot going for it in other departments. It looks good, the roster is actually not that bad, and each character has a surprising amount of backstory. If you care about fatalities, those are here, and in the Sega CD version they're considerably more gruesome than anything to come out of the 2D Mortal Kombat era.

I dunno, I wish this was better. I'm far from competent at fighting games and not exactly to be trusted with opinions on them, but I think if Sega decided to hop off Mortal Kombat's already mediocre dick whilst developing this than it could have had more of an identity of its own, and maybe there could be further, more polished entries as well. But alas, as is it sits in the same pile as games like Time Killers and Tattoo Assassins.

it's... literally just a fighting game. has some cool concepts like the cooldown on special moves, a few of the stage kills are cool (especially in the sequel i've heard) and the general story is really interesting and has a boat load of potential, it's just kinda sad to see it go down with clunky controls and grating sound. it's worth looking into for sure, but it's far from a good fighting game, it's just okay


A horrible and clunky fighting game. The art direction and lore is top-notch, but the important part which is playing the game is weaker than a toddler's handshake.
The fact that this piece of crap keeps showing up in lists of "Overlooked gems" is beyond me, it is BAAAAD.

Theres an idea here I would LOVE to see done right.

You got stage kills, you got a water man and a vampire, you got cover art by friggin Julie Bell, lemme tell ya this is a pretty good soup here.

this just sucks not much to say. Characters are boing and don’t feel fleshed out. The gameplay is clunky and bad. It’s really not that charming or fun just really freaking boring.

EWWWWWW. Idk why people think this game is good or even passable. This game is ugly as sin, sounds awful and plays like a slush puppy. Thankfully this series died in the mid 90's. No one please ever revive this turd.

i'm not all that into most fighters to begin with, but i think this one has perhaps the nicest color palette and dithering of any genesis game. too bad it's not very good.

Fighting Masters was a bad fighting game and I still had more fun with it than this. I'm surprised at how hyped Eternal Champions was back in the day (the X-Y-Z button controller had me so excited for this) and it just ended up being mediocre-to-bad in its execution.

I feel like this game is under rated. Sure it has problems. Glaring ones at times. Losing a fight should not send you back a stage WTF. As a fighting game on paper though it's a very cool one. I'm not here to argue over the gameplay mechanics or the specifics. The concept of the story is really cool. A godlike being brings forth strong warrior throughout time to give them a second chance at life before there untimely deaths in a tournament of the time. The character designs were really cool and the moves and sound where great. The endgame boss was cool and it had the violence of MK which was awesome at the time. I remember the training stage was a really cool danger room with customizations. At the end of the day me and my friends loved playing this and we loved the characters. Weather that's enough to make it a good game is up to you to decided, but I for one would love to see this franchise make a comeback.

Before Sega was able to secure its own port of Street Fighter II they tried to create their own fighting franchise with this piece of garbage by ripping off what was successful elsewhere, and let us just say that this ain't no masterpiece.